is it impossible to do this?

So is it really impossible to lose weight without surgery? That's what my doctor tells me they say because the stomach sends out hormones that make u stay fat over a extended amount of time of being heavy I just don't see why it's impossible all doctors I've gone to say well u can try as hard as you like but you will need the surgery anyway so might as well do it now it's very discouraging


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited April 2015
    Seriously? There are plenty of people on this site who have proved people can lose hundreds of pounds without surgery. Do you have some type of medical condition that the doctors are using as the basis for that diagnosis?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Check out the success board
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    No surgery, no pills, no crash diet for me. I just logged food and work out daily. I have lost 90lbs and 40inches. It can be done! Good luck!
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    I lost 135 pounds without surgery. Why don't you prove them wrong
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What? What on earth kind of doctors are you going to?

  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    So your doctor said that no one in the history of the world has ever lost weight without surgery?

    Ok then.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm going to assume you have a lot of weight to lose and the doctor is concerned for the impact this is having on your immediate health so wants you to have surgery as a relief from the strain your body is suffering. No disrespect intended. But whatever the doctor insist upon, you can still do your bit here and change your diet. No reason why the two cannot go hand in hand.
  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What? What on earth kind of doctors are you going to?

    If all you have is a scalpel, everything looks like a surgery.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    I would say most people lose weight without surgery. Eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight.
    Even people who have surgery for weight loss still have to work at it and watch their calorie intake.
    Are you sure you are understanding your doctors correctly?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm really hoping that you misunderstood your doctor.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    kodijhill wrote: »
    So is it really impossible to lose weight without surgery? That's what my doctor tells me they say because the stomach sends out hormones that make u stay fat over a extended amount of time of being heavy I just don't see why it's impossible all doctors I've gone to say well u can try as hard as you like but you will need the surgery anyway so might as well do it now it's very discouraging

    Find a new doctor.

    Or, at the very least, make sure you understood them right. If you did, find a new doctor.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member

    Check out the success board

    Seconded. Please check out the success stories board. There are a ton of people who've lost weight without surgery. Even people who've lost 300lbs without surgery. Very inspiring stuff.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited April 2015
    What kind of doctor are you seeing? If its one who specializes in weight loss surgery, well, that's your answer. Its their specialty and how they make a living. If you were a used car salesman, and a potential customer approached you - would you tell them 'Get a bike or travel on foot; you don't need a car to get around town'. Of course not! They're going to try and sell you a car!
    kodijhill wrote: »
    So is it really impossible to lose weight without surgery? That's what my doctor tells me they say because the stomach sends out hormones that make u stay fat over a extended amount of time of being heavy I just don't see why it's impossible all doctors I've gone to say well u can try as hard as you like but you will need the surgery anyway so might as well do it now it's very discouraging

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    were u talking to your general dr or someone who performs weight loss surgery? because if it was ur everyday dr ya get a new dr. if it was someone who specializes in well surgery... can't really be surprised then they need to keep having customers!
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    Let's be candid here. It is indeed possible to lose and sustain weight loss without surgery if you are morbidly obese. It is however very difficult. About 5% of people suceed. Behavioral changes, not just diet and exercise are part of most people's success plan.

    That said, I believe it is possible. If I didn't I wouldn't be making the effort myself.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    Let's be candid here. It is indeed possible to lose and sustain weight loss without surgery if you are morbidly obese. It is however very difficult. About 5% of people suceed. Behavioral changes, not just diet and exercise are part of most people's success plan.

    That said, I believe it is possible. If I didn't I wouldn't be making the effort myself.

    People who do get surgery face the same failure rate, maybe even higher.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I have lost over 150 lbs without surgery. More than my mother, who had WLS done 2 years before I started losing weight. Of course it's possible.
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    Let's be candid here. It is indeed possible to lose and sustain weight loss without surgery if you are morbidly obese. It is however very difficult. About 5% of people suceed. Behavioral changes, not just diet and exercise are part of most people's success plan.

    That said, I believe it is possible. If I didn't I wouldn't be making the effort myself.

    People who do get surgery face the same failure rate, maybe even higher.

    Not even close to true. About 20% of patients regain significant weight. 80% do not. Believe me, I am not a fan of weight loss surgery or planning on having it myself even though I am a candidate but these are the numbers, and probably the reason why this Dr is providing advice of this nature.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    Let's be candid here. It is indeed possible to lose and sustain weight loss without surgery if you are morbidly obese. It is however very difficult. About 5% of people suceed. Behavioral changes, not just diet and exercise are part of most people's success plan.

    That said, I believe it is possible. If I didn't I wouldn't be making the effort myself.

    People who do get surgery face the same failure rate, maybe even higher.

    Not even close to true. About 20% of patients regain significant weight. 80% do not. Believe me, I am not a fan of weight loss surgery or planning on having it myself even though I am a candidate but these are the numbers, and probably the reason why this Dr is providing advice of this nature.
    this totally depends on the study. i have seen some where the percentage who regain the weight is 90%. 20% is the most positive i have ever heard!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    kodijhill wrote: »
    So is it really impossible to lose weight without surgery? That's what my doctor tells me they say because the stomach sends out hormones that make u stay fat over a extended amount of time of being heavy I just don't see why it's impossible all doctors I've gone to say well u can try as hard as you like but you will need the surgery anyway so might as well do it now it's very discouraging

    It's not impossible, but it does take a lot of focus and dedication. Most people who lose weight and keep it off make major changes to their lifestyles, including long term tracking of their intake and weight and becoming very active (an hour or more of exercise per day). There do seem to be some physiology and psychology that combine to make it common to regain weight that is lost. I like reading the success board for inspiration. Choose to be exceptional :)

    stevencloser - you are wrong about the success rates of surgery.