Pre-workout recommendations?



  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    This thread has made me realize that I will not ever be trying a pre workout. "Tingling all over" "Itching" WTF! LOL! Not for me! Yikes!

    Yea it's the Beta Alanine. Some people have no reaction to it whatever. Others have different degrees. I get a slight itch from it, my brother on the other hand gets an unbearable itch from it so he uses a preworkout that doesn't have it. For me once I start sweating the itch goes away.

  • Dezfit702
    Dezfit702 Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same problem. & always taking naps all the time. I found moringa oleifera, the miracle tree. The discovery channel did an interesting documentary on the tree you can find on you tube. I've been taking it since Aug '14 & have honestly never felt better. My fiance also has fibromyalgia & it has changed his life. he can actually work out now. It's helped 3 people i know with fibromyalgia. It's helped us lose weight, we don't get migraines as often, with 36 anti inflammatory families it helps with pain & for after workouts. Zija is name of the company,based out of Utah. They also have pre workout, protein, detox teas... I was taking the product awhile before i became a distributor. I was skeptical of course but it wasn't long before i knew this stuff was amazing & could help the people i love. I believe in it 100%! Read about moringa on web md & check out Zijas site If you have any questions, please email me
  • Metruis
    Metruis Posts: 60 Member
    All I do pre-workout is try to not eat, because if my stomach is full I feel like crap when lifting. And I take a creatine pill before and after, and after, try to suffer through a protein drink.

    Anything expensive is a waste of money. Now, taking supps like Vitamin D, fish oil, Theanine, Korean ginseng... they can help out with fatigue and mental exhaustion, so it's not a bad idea to mess around. I use the Korean Ginseng myself, it's helped a lot with my energy levels, more than coffee.
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    NLA for her. The cherry limeade is delicious! I also add Xtend (BCAAS/glutamine). I do mad strength training most days, though.
  • kjac1992
    kjac1992 Posts: 16 Member
    I love the cellucor C4. It gets the itch going that's pretty weird the first time but I've found it actually helps motivate me now! I'm a full time college student, not matter what time I get up to work out it's going to take an extra kick to keep me there longer than a half hour. I genuinely love my pre-workout.
  • sst036
    sst036 Posts: 58 Member
    My PT recommends using Hydralyte or something similar before I do an afternoon/evening workout. The extra electrolytes seem to help, or at least placebo effect type of help and I'm not up half the night feeling wired. Maybe you could try that?

    The first time I took a preworkout, I felt like I was running through spider webs (which since it was damn and I'm in Australia...plausible and scary). Now I look forward to it because it makes me laugh. Although, has anyone noticed that you feel it in your "weak" areas? I get the spider web sensation only in my ankles and knees where I've had repeative sprains and surgeries.
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    I would agree strong coffee and give your system a break from pre-workout supplements as it sounds like your tolerance has built up. cant go wrong with a banana ether. failing that i was a Fan driven sports Craze theyv just released a new version which

    The old Craze was awesome because it was full of banned stuff :) I didnt see that they had a new one (I just looked again)...but I use Pre-OG. yes, its a you-tuber fitness pre-workout but its great and best part is that there is no "proprietary blend"
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    This thread has made me realize that I will not ever be trying a pre workout. "Tingling all over" "Itching" WTF! LOL! Not for me! Yikes!

    They dont all do it...only the Beta Alanine does it and many have different levels or none at all. Also, your body gets used to it and that does go away (but the Pre Workout still works).
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member

    Works for me too
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    I'm not necessarily saying you should do this. but when i wake up in the morning i have a wrap with two eggs
    also a shake with half a banana, kale, almond milk, beta alinine, creatine and two tsps of instant coffee
    before i used to dread workouts but this for me helps.
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    Coffe -- water
  • riveragirl15
    riveragirl15 Posts: 48 Member
  • _mr_b
    _mr_b Posts: 302 Member
    a pre-workout snack is too close to your workout to make a difference, you should fuel accordingly via your usual eating. Your muscles should have enough glycogen in them for 90 mins of exercise so if you're not managing that, it suggests a wider issue than the wrong pre-workout routine.

    Caffeine works by lowering your perception of effort, it's been proven, so a strong pre-workout coffee will help.