
  • gvanleer
    gvanleer Posts: 6 Member
    Just wondered what you were doing exercise wise to help you achieve your weightloss goals? Agree with most of the posts here. Drinking meals is not the best way forward. Use myfitnesspal religiously. Track your calories in and calories burnt. If you burn more calories than you consume then you will lose weight. However, make sure you include resistance training as well as cardio to maximise weight loss. Ensure you eat a good balanced diet and if that includes pizza then go for it! It's all to do with mindset. Not sure where in the world you are, but join a gym, make it part of your lifestyle and enjoy it!
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    ellivort wrote: »
    Drinking meals rarely works. Shakes are great for a pre/post workout as a way to rev the morning engine or boost protein, but (for me anyways) drinking calories isn't the same as chomping down on a tasty breakfast or snack. When i have tried just a smoothie for breakfast I always find I want more because I feel like all i did was 'have a drink'. Now if i pair my shake with some cottage cheese or some fruit or a piece of toast then I get the best of both worlds.

    In terms of pizza. We never stop craving pizza. At least i haven't! :P Part of this goes back to what i mentioned above, if you're satisfied with your meal the pizza craving will pass. If it doesn't, have a slice with some salad as mentioned by others.

    Like others have said and will continue to say there really aren't any bad foods. Just last night i finished my dinner of beef chop suey with chow mein and felt like some candy. so i had some. Why? Because i had calories left over for the day and I wanted it. did i eat the whole bag of starbust or pb cups. Nope. I had 1 mini cup and 4 starburst and didn't feel deprived.

    The foods people label as "bad" are merely less calorie dense. So while yes you can eat half a commerical pizza, if that's all you eat for the day :P Which doesn't sound like much fun. A whole lot more nutrient dense food can fit into the same space that pizza will fill.

    If a craving hits, find a distraction. If that goesn't work, drink some water. If that doesn't work and it's been 10-15 mins, grab a slice. There are thin crust/veggie/whole wheat options available at some pizzeria's. You can also make your own and freeze portions to grab when you feel. Homemade always taste betters, is easier to log and less calories!

    Phew, sorry I'm so wordy, but one last point. Make sure you are getting adequate fats and protein in each meal. It really helps with feeling full!

    In terms of "looking big" sometimes taller or larger boned people don't look as heavy as they actually weigh in while smaller boned people can seem much larger than they weigh. It also depends on distribution of excess weight. My sister is 5'10 and large boned, but weighs about 250, she doesn't look it and can still fit into L or XL clothing in "regular stores". I'm 5'3 280 lbs and small boned and i wear 2x-3x and size 22-24 pants in plus size stores. No one would ever in a million years guess we were within 30lbs of one another.

    That final word being said, lose wight for you. If you feel uncomfortable at your weight or with your health status, change it. You can't do it for or because of anyone else!!!

    Good luck on your journey to being the best you!

    That's been a very helpful read so thank you! I do think it's important. Everyone will be pleased to know I had a healthy chicken salad sandwich and I feel much happier (full, but happy) for actually eating solid food and not basically starving myself! I'm unsure of what to do with protein shakes although these are supposed to aid weight loss, when to incorporate them into my day is hard as I work 9-5 then once I'm home around 6:30pm I work out, shower, eat and basically go to bed and sleep so it's all a bit confusing. I will defo look into making a healthier pizza :-) I don't even eat awfully to be honest yet still seem to notice my weight creep up. I think I'll be one of those people who can only lose weight really through hard exercising which is a shame because although I do work out, I don't enjoy it ha ha.
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    gvanleer wrote: »
    Just wondered what you were doing exercise wise to help you achieve your weightloss goals? Agree with most of the posts here. Drinking meals is not the best way forward. Use myfitnesspal religiously. Track your calories in and calories burnt. If you burn more calories than you consume then you will lose weight. However, make sure you include resistance training as well as cardio to maximise weight loss. Ensure you eat a good balanced diet and if that includes pizza then go for it! It's all to do with mindset. Not sure where in the world you are, but join a gym, make it part of your lifestyle and enjoy it!

    I did join the gym last year and didn't mind it but then cancelled this year as I was spending money and found no real need to visit the gym after buying a work out dvd by Charlotte Crosby which incorporates HIIT, resistance, cardio, boxing etc. it's basically made up of 12 hard 3 minute workouts, I'm not a fan of exercising but the way I look at it is - it's an hour out of my day and that's it! Thanks for the support :-)
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    Try healthy ways of making pizza. What you crave will change with time. Maybe try smaller portions of pizza, on whole wheat thin crust, LOTS of veggies, just a little but of low fat cheese, and a health meat, for example.

    I got a Fitbit 5 weeks ago as a present and it changed everything for me. I focus more on working out (trying to get all my steps in) and competing with other people. THAT is my focus more than food now. It has really helped me a lot and I lost 7 lbs in the first 4 weeks so far.

    Congrats on the loss, that's awesome! :-) thanks for the tips. This homemade pizza is becoming v appealing!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Eat yummy, healthy, nutrient dense foods.
    Shakes etc. don't satisfy as a meal.
    You can make/eat healthier pizzas. Just definitely eat real food.
    Flatout Wraps make a nice pizza crust and won't break the calorie bank (and aren't horribly high carb)
    There's nothing magical about protein shakes. I don't use them. I tried briefly, but then realized I'd rather eat food.

    Because you have PCOS: consider joining this group:

    lots of very knowledgable women there, who have great advice for women with PCOS. Some are following lower carb diets, some are following SLOWer carb diets. Many are having success.

    Many would say it's not as simple as "eat the pizza within your calories" when you have PCOS. You need to figure out what works for your body.
    Good luck!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'm in a constant state of wanting to order pizza
  • DrHDLM
    DrHDLM Posts: 43 Member
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    Eat yummy, healthy, nutrient dense foods.
    Shakes etc. don't satisfy as a meal.
    You can make/eat healthier pizzas. Just definitely eat real food.
    Flatout Wraps make a nice pizza crust and won't break the calorie bank (and aren't horribly high carb)
    There's nothing magical about protein shakes. I don't use them. I tried briefly, but then realized I'd rather eat food.

    Because you have PCOS: consider joining this group:

    lots of very knowledgable women there, who have great advice for women with PCOS. Some are following lower carb diets, some are following SLOWer carb diets. Many are having success.

    Many would say it's not as simple as "eat the pizza within your calories" when you have PCOS. You need to figure out what works for your body.
    Good luck!

    I literally feel like you have made my life sharing that group with me! Thanks so much. Thank you for understanding I can't just eat within calories like everyone else :-(
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    i'm in a constant state of wanting to order pizza

    Life is unfair :-(
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    I don't have access to the limes as I am at work, I will bare that in mind though, thank you!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Flatout light and high fiber pita bread are the easiest ways to make personal sized pizza. I'll easily throw together a 10 minute pizza for myself or my little one with whatever toppings I have on hand, and it's often 300 calories or less.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lrwxo wrote: »
    Thank you all for the advice so far. I feel like I'm being so strict because I am just starting out and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I suffer with PCOS and I'm not sure if that makes it harder to lose weight, there's not a lot of help for it out there overall, being overweight is a side effect of polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovaries could've been bought on from being overweight? I'm unsure but I do feel guilty even thinking about enjoying food, I feel like I won't lose weight if I eat normally.

    There are plenty of people on here with PCOS that have lost weight and kept it off. They do have to be a little stricter about intake, but from seeing their comments they still enjoy foods that they like and can eat...

    Honestly, if you are feeling guilty about enjoying food then you really need to reexamine your relationship with food, as in all honesty, that is border line disordered eating…

    Hey OP! I'm one of those fabulous people suffering from PCOS. While I've absolutely reduced my carb intake from what I used to consume, I still fit pizza, burgers, fries, and all things carb into my diet. I try to get a lot of my calories from protein, good fats, and veggies (I love veggies), but if I want pizza... I eat pizza. I just don't fill up on pizza. I'll eat pizza and a salad. Or steamed broccoli. Or something else besides pizza. When I allow myself to have cravings and enjoy the things I crave, I find myself being more successful and I have much less of a chance of saying "eff it" and throwing myself into a giant stuffed crust pizza or vat of donuts.

    You mentioned your concern of being able to keep this up for "1-2 years". It may be covered already, so I should go back and read... but why the protein shakes? Why not eat real food you enjoy?

    Have you spoken with an endocrinologist or nutritionist to help you with your weight loss and PCOS? That might be helpful.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :)

    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    Also... wut?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    Utter nonsense.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lrwxo wrote: »
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    I don't have access to the limes as I am at work, I will bare that in mind though, thank you!

    OP - I would suggest 100% ignoring that advice.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

  • DrHDLM
    DrHDLM Posts: 43 Member
    squeeze your lime juice at home and bring it with you to work... easy solution
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lrwxo wrote: »
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    I don't have access to the limes as I am at work, I will bare that in mind though, thank you!

    OP - I would suggest 100% ignoring that advice.

    Hahah! I was trying to be polite
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    squeeze your lime juice at home and bring it with you to work... easy solution

    Or she could not listen to you because it's nonsense.
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lrwxo wrote: »
    Thank you all for the advice so far. I feel like I'm being so strict because I am just starting out and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I suffer with PCOS and I'm not sure if that makes it harder to lose weight, there's not a lot of help for it out there overall, being overweight is a side effect of polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovaries could've been bought on from being overweight? I'm unsure but I do feel guilty even thinking about enjoying food, I feel like I won't lose weight if I eat normally.

    There are plenty of people on here with PCOS that have lost weight and kept it off. They do have to be a little stricter about intake, but from seeing their comments they still enjoy foods that they like and can eat...

    Honestly, if you are feeling guilty about enjoying food then you really need to reexamine your relationship with food, as in all honesty, that is border line disordered eating…

    Hey OP! I'm one of those fabulous people suffering from PCOS. While I've absolutely reduced my carb intake from what I used to consume, I still fit pizza, burgers, fries, and all things carb into my diet. I try to get a lot of my calories from protein, good fats, and veggies (I love veggies), but if I want pizza... I eat pizza. I just don't fill up on pizza. I'll eat pizza and a salad. Or steamed broccoli. Or something else besides pizza. When I allow myself to have cravings and enjoy the things I crave, I find myself being more successful and I have much less of a chance of saying "eff it" and throwing myself into a giant stuffed crust pizza or vat of donuts.

    You mentioned your concern of being able to keep this up for "1-2 years". It may be covered already, so I should go back and read... but why the protein shakes? Why not eat real food you enjoy?

    Have you spoken with an endocrinologist or nutritionist to help you with your weight loss and PCOS? That might be helpful.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :)

    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    Also... wut?
    Thanks so much, that's really kind of you to offer the advice!! :-) I have added you x
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lrwxo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lrwxo wrote: »
    DrHDLM wrote: »
    For now i would recommend for you to drink a liter of water with 2 fresh limes squeezed in to it and drink as much as you can every time you have a craving. Besides, the craving for carbohydrates is a imbalance of hormones in your brain because of the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. I hope this would help you.

    I don't have access to the limes as I am at work, I will bare that in mind though, thank you!

    OP - I would suggest 100% ignoring that advice.

    Hahah! I was trying to be polite

    :) got ya ..

    I just did not want you to fall victim to a bunch of nonsense