running/walking outside in AM

ok so i have been wanting to run/walk outside in the am before work some mornings of the week. but my husband things its a bad idea to go run or walk outside in the dark alone. so now it has me a little scared of doing it. anyone else scared of doing this in the dark to or is my husband just over reacting. he said i bought u a treadmill so you can run at home and be safe and i understand that and i use it everyday but some days when im busy at night with the kdis or have appointments id like to get up early and get my run or walk in before i start my day and my treadmill is in our bedroom were he is asleep so that is out of the question.


  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I take my dogs with me (pit bull and a doberman) and my MiL is STILL nervous about it. That being said, the murder rate in my town is 4/year, and I moved from a city that was over 400/year... I kind of giggle to myself about this... It's all relative. Think about what your level of acceptable risk is, and go with that.
  • susansmoaks
    susansmoaks Posts: 77 Member
    It really depends on where you are and how isolated it is. I walk early am but I take my dog and my family is up and would realize if i didn't get back at the usual time. the dog would alert me to anyone else out there.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    This depends on where you live. You and your husband know your environment more than we do. I like going out in the dark morning but I tend to take one of our dogs with me. My neighborhood is generally safe but in the off chance danger arises, my dogs are a pretty good deterrent.

    Can you move the treadmill out of the bedroom?
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    I prefer running at night, less people on the sidewalks and less cars on the roads. Its just so peaceful running in the dark and the silence... But yeah like everyone else said, it depends on how sketchy your area is. There was a murder less than a mile from my house two weeks ago and I'd still run alone at night.
  • Dave55412
    Dave55412 Posts: 88 Member
    Get a reflective vest to let drivers know your there and get a can of bear spray (super charged pepper spray with long reach) for anything that threatens you.
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 344 Member
    I like to go out at night and in the morning when it is dark. I live in Florida so during the day is wayyyyyyy hot! I can't really tolerate that. I just make sure my phone is in my hand and pray I will be safe :) I also live in a good neighborhood but I have the attitude that if it is your time to go it will happen whether you are in the house or not. (I am usually more worried a car might not see me and I would get hit more than I worry someone would try to attack me)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ok so i have been wanting to run/walk outside in the am before work some mornings of the week. but my husband things its a bad idea to go run or walk outside in the dark alone. so now it has me a little scared of doing it. anyone else scared of doing this in the dark to or is my husband just over reacting. he said i bought u a treadmill so you can run at home and be safe and i understand that and i use it everyday but some days when im busy at night with the kdis or have appointments id like to get up early and get my run or walk in before i start my day and my treadmill is in our bedroom were he is asleep so that is out of the question.

    We don't know your neighborhood -- you and your husband do.

    Is his concern based on statistics in your area or events? Do you live in an area where you carrying an emergency siren (the kind you press if you run into trouble) would address his fears? Is there another area where you can store the treadmill?

  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    as dave55412 said, wear a reflective vest. Also, if you go fabricate a way to wear some sort of lighting, so you can be seen from a distance. My husband always tells me I should wear a headlamp! I don't think so! But, if it could be worn around my waist, it wouldn't be a bad idea.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Tell him you will be walking/running in the AM, and if the treadmill wakes him up, that's not YOUR problem. If he's that worried about your safety, being woken up by the treadmill should be comforting to him. He can express concern for your safety, but he cannot give you zero viable alternatives.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    It all just depends on how comfortable you are with the area you'll be running/walking in. I live in a pretty nice area, but we have a bit of a transient population around, so I only run in the early mornings in the summer when it is sunny out. My sister lives in a much safer area and has been running around at 4:30am without any issues.

    If you do decide to go out, wear bright colors or reflective clothing, a light, and probably carry some pepper spray.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Get a headlamp or flashlight and reflective gear.
    Don't get the Rayovac headlamp ( because it goes through batteries like no other.

    I tanked it in the dark last week and ending up breaking my fibula.
    When I'm able to walk and run again, I won't be using that headlamp unless I'm on a maintained trail and probably won't run on the road again in the dark.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    Maybe go to a park or something instead of just in the neighborhood! And invest in some pepper spray!
  • malinalarson
    malinalarson Posts: 1 Member
    I generally go on runs at about 5am. I take precautions like wearing a reflective vest and LED lights, carrying ID, letting my husband know of my route and when I plan on being back, carrying my phone, not wearing headphones and being aware of my surroundings. A few years ago when I started running I carried pepper spray, but I don't anymore. In my experience you are more at risk of being hit by a careless driver than you are of being assaulted. I also took a self defense course and learned ways to help myself stay safe in the event somebody did attack me. I also run along routes that aren't completely abandoned. Generally I pass several other runners and cyclists, and homes all around where many people are up getting ready for work. Something could still happen to me, but I feel comfortable with my choices.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I have done alot of early morning runs ( I do have my dog so thats an added safety level there)
    1. Be wise about where you are doing it. I wouldn't do it in downtown baltimore, but in my neighborhood I feel perfectly safe.
    2. Make sure you have reflective grear, blinky lights, or whatever you need to be seen by cars if you are on the road.
    3. It never hurts to take your phone, make sure someone knows what your route should be and when to expect you home.

    I will say if you feel comfortale doing it, my 4:30 runs were incredibly peaceful and enjoyable, very little traffic and outside noise :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I rate "attacked in the early hours by a stranger" to be very low on the risk scale. I am much more terrified of ice. A local boxer was killed by a speeding car here.

    I got myself one of these:
    pl731534-17_18cm_customerized_logo_led_bangle_bracelets_flashing_custom_silicone_rubber_wrist_bands.jpg And I have cleats for ice.

    You can register on something like Endomondo and he can "watch" your run if he likes.

    When I tell my hubby I am off for a run, he rolls over, LOL.
  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    Buy a gun and get a concealed carry license. That might ease his mind a bit.

    At least, that's what I'd do.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    All depends on what his fear is.

    My husband was afraid I would get hit by the paper guy, so he bought me a reflective vest.
    He feared I would trip on a pot hole, so he bought me a head lamp,
    He feared someone would attack me, so he bought me my running partner.
    He feared a coyote would get us both, so he bought me a gun.

    Really, if you prepare yourself properly, running is as safe in the morning as it is any other time of the day. I wouldn't say start running in the dark if you live in a crime infested city of course.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited April 2015
    wwstewart wrote: »
    Buy a gun and get a concealed carry license. That might ease his mind a bit.

    At least, that's what I'd do.
    Run with a gun? That's a bit nuts... You are the guy that makes husbands ask their wives to stay on treadmills...

    I always run at 4:30 in the morning and have never had any bad encounters other than a few close encounters with cars... but then again, being old and ugly I have no natural predators to fear....

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I wear a reflective vest and a headlamp. Don't go out in black on black and expect cars to see you. If it's a sketchy neighborhood, or very rural, you may want to carry pepper spray. I always bring my phone too.

    I've always been of the mindset that I can't live my life in fear of everything. If I had to run on a treadmill, I wouldn't run.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    wwstewart wrote: »
    Buy a gun and get a concealed carry license. That might ease his mind a bit.

    At least, that's what I'd do.
    Run with a gun? That's a bit nuts... You are the guy that makes husbands ask their wives to stay on treadmills...

    I always run at 4:30 in the morning and have never had any bad encounters other than a few close encounters with cars... but then again, being old and ugly I have no natural predators to fear....

    I bet a lot more people do this than you think.