running/walking outside in AM



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Not much else to add to the suggestions above, they're all good ones. One additional thought is to see if there's a running group in your area that goes in the early morning. If you go in a crowd, you'll be as safe as can be managed.
  • VeggieStef
    VeggieStef Posts: 54 Member
    Could you move the treadmill? I use my elliptical in the mornings and it was in the bedroom waking my boyfriend up. I moved it to another part of the house and now I can listen to music with all the lights on and not bother anyone. I am really scared of running at dark times. I have tried a few times but spend so much time nervous or looking back over my shoulder. Maybe that is a little paranoid but I had a very scary road rage incident a few months ago and I would really rather be safe than sorry. I have mace now in my car and have carried it with me sometimes running in a new place I am not sure of. Now with the time change I can usually get my outdoor runs in before the sun goes down and I love that. In the winter it is harder to get in an outdoor weekday run. Another option would be any area where there are a lot of other runners/walkers or bike riders. Sometimes in the summer I go to a popular running & biking trail in our area very early in the morning and even though it is a little dark out, there are so many people around I feel safe.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited April 2015
    RGv2 wrote: »
    I bet a lot more people do this than you think.
    I am sure that is true.... but it does not make it any less disturbing. The last thing I need is to inadvertently run up on a skittish runner with a handgun.... or anyone with a handgun for that matter. I guess its a good thing I don't like people and run in places where I am not likely to find any... lol

  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    i live in a pretty safe place. I am sure there are parts of the town that our night. I live in a subdivision a really small one. I cant move the treadmill because there is no were to put it. Like tom morning i wanted to run because i have friends coming from out of town and i will miss my workout if i dont. He is supportive and he is dieting and doing it with me. but now i am scared because of him. he said to just to work out at night well sometimes if i have an appt. after work that takes up the hour i put aside to work by the time i get home and do stuff with the kids and stuff by 8pm i am way to tired to get on the treadmill. I work 8am to 4:30pm monday thru friday and i work out monday thru friday 530-630. i would just like to be able to get up early on days of the week that i know i have stuff to do that night that wont allow me to workout at my normal time.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I run in the middle of the day on a trail that, for a short period of time, had a bad reputation. A few people were mugged and a couple women were assaulted. Most of the attackers were caught. I still run. The thing is that anything could happen at any time of day. Nearly every one of the crimes were committed between 1pm and 5pm. I personally choose to not live my life in fear. With that being said, if you do decide to run in the dark, exercise common sense. If it is dark, wear reflective gear and maybe even a light of some kind. If animal attacks are likely in your area then carry bear spray, and know how to use it first. If someone gives you a bad feeling, trust your instincts. Get as much distance from them as you can. Be aware of your surroundings. Look people in the face. Even if you don't make eye contact let people know you are aware they are there. Also, let your husband know your route before you go and what time you expect to be back. Good luck to you.
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    One thing not mentioned is having a Road ID and running the Road ID app on your phone. With the app, if you remain stationary for more than 5 minutes - it sends a text out to your emergency contacts (you can choose 5) to let them know you're in trouble. Also, you can put in contact info into the Road ID, allergy info, and medical info - all good stuff for first responders. It's a free app (for now) and I never run or ride without it. (no I don't work for the company, but I've used their products for years) I run/ride with a reflective vest, headlamp, blinking rear light on my bike, and carry pepper spray (it can be used on both humans and aggressive dogs). Try to always be aware of your surroundings and don't have your music up so loud that it decreases your awareness.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    edited April 2015
    Live in an old "established" neighborhood and used to go out running every morning at around a.m. Had to stop. Why? IT'S DARK OUT THERE! Sidewalks heaved up and uneven made running on the sidewalk dangerous so every body uses the street. So I ran in the street.

    Unfortunately, there are holes in the street. Some of them are fairly small but still big enough to do damage. I started taking a lot of undesired nosedives. And, when I stepped into a pothole about 15" long by four wide... foot went in, did not come out. Ripped up my foot, ankle, knee, AND hip. (And my elbows and shoulders weren't too happy either!)

    Three months' of recovery later is when I invested in a high quality, high efficiency treadmill. (Then came the rest of the equipment and a third of my basement is now a home gym.) I still run, but now it is at 4:30a.m. and it can turn on the fan while I run. I also watch movies online, read books online, and write (laptops are SO versatile!) while I do my morning miles.

    So, personally, I would not commend to anyone to run outside in the morning. But, as you can see, I have a built-in bias. Have you considered a gym? Some have very reasonable month-to-month rates and are open very early (some even 24/7). Or you could always draft hubby to run with you!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I have walked alone for many years in the early morning until there was a rape of a runner in my neighborhood at that time, so I decided to use gyms in the morning or in dark winter months and go outside in the evening if it's light.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    I bet a lot more people do this than you think.
    I am sure that is true.... but it does make it any less disturbing. The last thing I need is to inadvertently run up on a skittish runner with a handgun.... or anyone with a handgun for that matter. I guess its a good thing I don't like people and run in places where I am not likely to find any... lol

    I guess I just don't find it disturbing. I'm actually more apt to carry if I'm running someplace I have a better chance of running into "nature" vs a person.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    head lamp and a rape whistle.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Live in an old "established" neighborhood and used to go out running every morning at around a.m. Had to stop. Why? IT'S DARK OUT THERE! Sidewalks heaved up and uneven made running on the sidewalk dangerous so every body uses the street. So I ran in the street.
    Unfortunately, there are holes in the street. Some of them are fairly small but still big enough to do damage. I started taking a lot of undesired nosedives. And, when I stepped into a pothole about 15" long by four wide... foot went in, did not come out. Ripped up my foot, ankle, knee, AND hip. (And my elbows and shoulders weren't too happy either!)

    Three months' of recovery later is when I invested in a high quality, high efficiency treadmill. (Then came the rest of the equipment and a third of my basement is now a home gym.)

    So, personally, I would not commend to anyone to run outside in the morning. But, as you can see, I have a built-in bias. Have you considered a gym? Some have very reasonable month-and are open very early (some even 24/7). Or you could always draft hubby to run with you!

    with three kids under 7 someone always has to be home with them or i would ask him to plus he is not a runner and he will slow me down lol. I am just getting into running i went from 291 to 257 and i want to continue it. I think i will try it in the am. i think ill wake up at 530 that way i am back by the time i normally wake up for work which is 630. I will also tried the runid app a pervious poster talked about. I would just like another opinion than skiping a workout bc of appointments at night. also the gym thing i cant afford we both work but things are tight. wish i could though bc id def get up and go.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I've seen several women who walk during the early morning. A few of them probably walk past the house of a friend of mine who had a man who waited for her to come out her front door before pushing her inside to do his thing. The fact that she had a dog didn't change anything.

    I tend to think that crimes against women are more likely to be premeditated rather than crimes of opportunity. A purse snatching is one thing, but the type of person who would attack a woman at five o'clock in the morning isn't looking for cash. It would be best to change your route everyday.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Maybe go to a park or something instead of just in the neighborhood! And invest in some pepper spray!

    I'd feel safer in my own neighborhood than a park. People expect joggers in a park.

    I like to run on very isolated trails. I feel perfectly safe there because there's never anyone around, and I don't run on any predictable schedule. No crazy person is going to hang out behind a tree with chloroform and rope on the off-chance that today might be the day that someone runs by.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    I've seen several women who walk during the early morning. A few of them probably walk past the house of a friend of mine who had a man who waited for her to come out her front door before pushing her inside to do his thing. The fact that she had a dog didn't change anything.

    I tend to think that crimes against women are more likely to be premeditated rather than crimes of opportunity. A purse snatching is one thing, but the type of person who would attack a woman at five o'clock in the morning isn't looking for cash. It would be best to change your route everyday.

    ok great i would def do this and i also wouldnt do it everyone morning just friday mornings or mornings that i have something planned after that i cant get out of.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Depends on where you live. I'm scared to go run/walk in the morning, in the dark because a bear or mountain lion might think I'm prey. I don't have a dog that I could offer up as an alternative either.
  • Bouteloua1234
    Bouteloua1234 Posts: 13 Member
    I second the option of looking for a running group that goes in the early morning. An added advantage is that if there are others waiting for you (or at least expecting you), you're less likely to just roll over and go back to sleep!
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    thanks everyone. I will take all this into account and im going to try it in the morning. I also do not have a dog i have a cat but i doubt she will run with me lol.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I've seen several women who walk during the early morning. A few of them probably walk past the house of a friend of mine who had a man who waited for her to come out her front door before pushing her inside to do his thing. The fact that she had a dog didn't change anything.

    I tend to think that crimes against women are more likely to be premeditated rather than crimes of opportunity. A purse snatching is one thing, but the type of person who would attack a woman at five o'clock in the morning isn't looking for cash. It would be best to change your route everyday.

    I have actually read several articles containing insights from interviews with rapist/murders. Many of them relate that their crimes were crimes of opportunity -- that is, they were determined to commit their crimes, but would often take advantage of "opportunities" that arose when they saw a woman who looked vulnerable. There are criminals who stalk specific women, there are criminals who take advantage of unexpected opportunities.

    Changing your route daily is a great strategy to take to prevent someone from lying in wait for you specifically. It will not prevent the type of crime that takes place when someone notices you and realizes they have an opportunity.
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    3athlt wrote: »
    One thing not mentioned is having a Road ID and running the Road ID app on your phone. With the app, if you remain stationary for more than 5 minutes - it sends a text out to your emergency contacts (you can choose 5) to let them know you're in trouble. Also, you can put in contact info into the Road ID, allergy info, and medical info - all good stuff for first responders. It's a free app (for now) and I never run or ride without it. (no I don't work for the company, but I've used their products for years) I run/ride with a reflective vest, headlamp, blinking rear light on my bike, and carry pepper spray (it can be used on both humans and aggressive dogs). Try to always be aware of your surroundings and don't have your music up so loud that it decreases your awareness.

    I use Road ID as well, even when I take the dogs I don't always feels safe but it works quite well if you go off your normal track someone will know
  • bingo_jenn
    bingo_jenn Posts: 63 Member
    I agree with looking for a running group or buddy. If you are in the states, there are tons of "Moms Run This Town" chapters to find a running buddy. Bigger cities have Meet-up groups. Also check out the local running stores.

    Otherwise, light yourself up like a Christmas tree and carry a phone with you.