What are your cheat day 'rules'?



  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    uvi5 wrote: »
    hsmith0930 wrote: »
    hsmith0930 wrote: »
    Why not just be conscious of what you're eating and making the choice to indulge in a treat and either fit it into your calorie budget or be fine with letting it push you over some? That makes way more sense to me than trying to deprive yourself of treats for most of the week and cramming all your cravings into one day.
    Because I don't want it to push me over some and if I have to give up three ounces of grilled chicken and an ice cream sandwich for four days so that I can have as much Mexican food as I want and not have it push me over some, that's a trade I'm willing to make now and again.

    But how is that a "cheat"? You are making a conscious decision to keep your calorie counts low because you know you want to eat a lot of Mexican food on a certain day. What are you cheating at? Like are you cheating on grilled chicken and ice cream sandwiches for Mexican food? Are you in a committed relationship to those foods? No, you're a human. You eat like a human, by being conscious of what you eat and how many calories you're willing to eat of any given food. Sometimes the Mexican is a priority, sometimes it's not.
    I think it's a great strategy to manage the binge urge. Calling it a "cheat" day is perfectly fine. If it's working awesome! The whole journey for me and food is a "mind" thing and I have come a long way myself from the dreaded binge guilt cycle, starving, and trying to be what I thought was normal. My worst was at 87 pounds in 2010. I would binge and starve. It was sad and lonely. I like that the OP is finding fun ways to enjoy and manage food. I am and have been developing a good relationship with food. I need it every day to live and I want to be in control of it, not it of me:) Good on ya OP and ribs are good.

    I actually started less than 3 years ago being very very underweight with trouble eating again after starving (came from secretive, ignorant dieting because when I asked for help at size 12 I was told it was big bones and brushed aside) and now know I'm capable of a uk 4 eek! I got used to eating sugar (literally rainbow dust which is flavoured granules) and gold milk and then slowly got an appetite. This winter I had SAD and went back to using sugar calories in chocolate and crisps to fill days that I didn't want to eat, but this time a 5-6 piece bar quickly became 200g and then 400g and a pack became a multipack, then sometimes two! That along with meals like "a whole rack of bbq ribs" and "10 fish fingers smothered in ketchup" on the days between where I felt famished led to well... I wear mostly jogging bottoms because I refuse to buy the next size of jeans...


    This time I'm doing things more thoroughly as I don't want to be on either side of the extremes with my weight!

    You've got a fantastic attitude and your gonna Rock this!

    I so relate. I have my jammy pants that I was living in. I have dropped 9 lbs that I know of since Feb 16 and know I lost more 'cause the way my clothes are falling off and how I feel, but don't want to be a slave to that scale. I got up to 163 from Nov to last feb and was so depressed, tired and felt I'd lost control over food and was not exercising... blah, but now I feel so much better and happy again. But also am not letting this "gotta get skinny" now attitude control me. It was exhausting. Back to "cheat" days, Hubby and I are planning one and I was uncertain, but I have been working out a lot and my Net cals have been pretty low, so tomorrow I will most likely eat most of my exercise cals back on something supper yummers:) and feel no guilt.

  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Always wear a condom
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    Boy, people do love to argue semantics! What you meant came across clearly enough.

    Norm, I think the way you're working this sounds great and if it's working for you then go right on ahead. I kind of like the idea of banking a few calories so I can treat myself once a week. I've been under by about 200 each day so far and I haven't touched the calories I burnt off through exercise. We usually eat out with the mother in law once a week so maybe I can bank some calories so I don't have to be quite so careful that night. Also my birthday is coming up so I have to plan around that. It would be miserable to have to watch every calorie even on your birthday. What you're doing sounds fine and if it works for you, more power to you!
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Why does it matter to anyone what is considered a cheat day for them? There are millions of weight loss journeys going on right now all of them different in their own way. Some eat "clean", some eat 80/20, some eat 90/10, some eat whatever as long as it fits their cals, some eat iifym, some save cals for "cheat or treat" days, some ppl prelog for weeks, some log while their eating. No one is wrong and no one is right when it comes to these methods. Everyone has to find what works for them. I don't get all the animosity over a word. Stop letting everything get to you. Calm yourself and go eat a cookie! Hangry ppl!
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    Once a month I have a day where I eat whatever I want. That said, I don't push myself to be"bad" or binge. I will get mexican food and eat all the chips I want or something and not worry for that one day if I tracked it well. I also weigh once a month so this day is my weigh in day. (Coincidentally that day is tomorrow. Woo Hoo!)
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Why does it matter to anyone what is considered a cheat day for them? There are millions of weight loss journeys going on right now all of them different in their own way. Some eat "clean", some eat 80/20, some eat 90/10, some eat whatever as long as it fits their cals, some eat iifym, some save cals for "cheat or treat" days, some ppl prelog for weeks, some log while their eating. No one is wrong and no one is right when it comes to these methods. Everyone has to find what works for them. I don't get all the animosity over a word. Stop letting everything get to you. Calm yourself and go eat a cookie! Hangry ppl!

  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    I got "banked" calories! CheatTreatDay tomorrow! woot woot. It made me work out even harder today than yesterday in anticipation *smiles*
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 243 Member
    edited April 2015
    I am so cookie monster on my cheese n crackers right now!

    ...but I did bank calories to allow for this this week :blush:
  • It just simple for me though. In a week span i can have 1 cheat meal which i can take not more than 1000 kcal in the meal. All other meals is around 300-400 kcal
  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys, you all have some great ways of making it work for you! I'm so glad to see people sharing what they do as it inspires me to possibly take the next step and make it a cheat/treat meal with a cap like @PongKriangsakWongwaimahasan363 has rather than a whole day!

    Personally my intake is too small (as am I) to cut back most days, but I may do so on days that I work my butt off!
  • tiffanyking1976
    tiffanyking1976 Posts: 24 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Rule #1: No cheat days.
    Rule #2: When in doubt, see rule #1.

    That's it. I don't have cheat days. If I eat more than my calorie goal, I log it, accept that life isn't perfect, and move on.

    @segacs I went out to dinner last night with the hubby... this morning? 149.4. Bye bye 146.2. Thank you for this post, it's what will get me through today
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    I have just one rule. Log it all! That way I can't act all surprised if things don't go according to plan at my next race!
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I don't cheat. If I want something, I work it into my calories. If I go over by going out to eat, I'll cut a bit off the next couple days. Cheating implies that I'm doing something I shouldn't.
    Does having goosebumps also imply that you're a goose? Or is it just a term used to describe a commonly understood phenomenon in a shorthand rather than literal way?

    If I want a burger, why should I tell myself "oh, no, you have to wait until cheat day" to have it? If I have the calories, I'll eat it. Granted, except fast food burgers, I rarely consume hamburgers anymore, but I'm not going to limit myself.
    I never claimed you should tell yourself that. Besides which, you beg the question with your "if I have the calories" caveat. I'd never have the calories for the kind of meals I'm talking about because that meal alone is more than my daily calorie total.

    However, since you bring it up, one reason I could think of would be that it would foster better planning of such meals and make it less likely to go careening off course with more spontaneous overeating. Another reason might be that planning and looking forward to a meal such as that might be part of the enjoyment of actually having it. Another might be that you determine that it just isn't worth the effort to try to fit in those extra calories, so you forego such meals.

    Just wanted to say I've agreed 100% with all your posts. People trying to act super self-righteous about "cheating" have clearly misunderstood the term.
  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Rule #1: No cheat days.
    Rule #2: When in doubt, see rule #1.

    That's it. I don't have cheat days. If I eat more than my calorie goal, I log it, accept that life isn't perfect, and move on.

    @segacs I went out to dinner last night with the hubby... this morning? 149.4. Bye bye 146.2. Thank you for this post, it's what will get me through today

    I'm actually 127lb this morning which is lighter than my last weigh in! Woohoo, I lost at least 1lb this week! :D Just keep working hard and drink lots of water if your meal was salty as you can retain lbs of water!
  • marcocrrnz
    marcocrrnz Posts: 14 Member
    Friday is my only cheat day and I eat whatever I want.

    I also eat as much as I want. No rules or limits. I've always been about breaking the rules-it's part of my rebellious personality.

    I believe working out and dieting 6 days will out weight any caloric intake from just 1 day. It's no big deal.

    The way I see it is: I take 1 step backwards but 3 steps forward. B)
  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    marcocrrnz wrote: »
    Friday is my only cheat day and I eat whatever I want.

    I also eat as much as I want. No rules or limits. I've always been about breaking the rules-it's part of my rebellious personality.

    I believe working out and dieting 6 days will out weight any caloric intake from just 1 day. It's no big deal.

    The way I see it is: I take 1 step backwards but 3 steps forward. B)

    6 steps forward ;) Does this work for you? I know if I really let go I can definitely undo a few days work, esp if I don't exercise! I suppose you maybe aren't a fan of some low density-high calorie things I am like choc!
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys, you all have some great ways of making it work for you! I'm so glad to see people sharing what they do as it inspires me to possibly take the next step and make it a cheat/treat meal with a cap like @PongKriangsakWongwaimahasan363 has rather than a whole day!

    Personally my intake is too small (as am I) to cut back most days, but I may do so on days that I work my butt off!

    Whether it is a cheat meal or cheat day only matters how you see it? If a cheat meal is 3000 cals or a whole day is. It will register the same. My cheat day is only called that because each meal by itself usually is able to fit but, not together. It is best to have "rules" regardless of what you do.

  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    I rarely have cheat days. Usually just cheat meals. Last weekend was an exception
    Though. I had a birthday party to go to for 3 friends (birthdays in a row.) So I knew I was going to have a few beers. I saved up all my exercise cals over the week.

    If it's a cheat meal I don't have any "rules" but I do go for better sides. For example, fruit instead of hashbrowns or salad instead of fries. It helps that I'm not a fan of those things in the first place. Then I'll make sure I eat more nutritious foods the rest of the day.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    @segacs I went out to dinner last night with the hubby... this morning? 149.4. Bye bye 146.2. Thank you for this post, it's what will get me through today

    You didn't eat 10,000+ calories over your goal, and besides, even if you had, the body simply isn't that efficient a machine where it would immediately show up on the scale the next day. It's probably just normal fluctuation or water weight or some combination thereof. Don't stress. Weight loss isn't linear, and one meal or one day here and there won't derail you.