Not losing weight? 6 weeks?



  • Texas_boi
    Texas_boi Posts: 10 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Texas_boi wrote: »
    Texas_boi wrote: »

    Exactly so if you eating junk calories and stay under your count what do you think you are losing? I am saying this because everyone was saying it doesn’t matter and to a point that is correct, and truthfully if one ate just junk calories they’d probably lose more weight but is that really a good weight loses?

    Why would it be a bad weight loss? Please be specific as to what you think would happen.

    you will lose mostly muscle mass
    What if protein intake is at the level to keep us in a positive nitrogen balance and we have proper weight training incorporated?

    Second request.... Tell us how exactly they make a difference. If you don't mind explain to us how the metabolic process in the breaking down of the food differs, the storing of glycogen, the amino acid usage differs and the dietary fat usage differs. Can we get a side by side comparison please.

    What would be a good calorie and what would be a bad calorie?

    I am not about to go back and forth with you, so do your twinkie and chips and I will stick with my chicken and fish...fatjon73 you are correct the samething is being said in 2 different ways
  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    @fatjon73 I really like that idea of weighing my food ahead of time and then using it later. I think that wouldn't mess with me all so much since I would still get the feeling of grabbing and eating rather than the potentially triggering decision making while standing in front of the scale right before I eat.

    @Mistyfied_MD I'm actually going to go get checked for insulin resistance. I fit all of the symptoms especially the thirst and insatiable hunger. Also all of my fat is in my midsection. If I took a picture and blocked out the stomach I would look pretty damn good. I just can't seem to lose weight. I always hover right here. The lowest I've ever been able to get was 210 and my highest has been 250. The only reason I reached 210 was because of extremely unhealthy practices for almost a year and my highest was after recovery when I didn't focus on dieting and instead on acceptance and healthy choices, portion sizes, etc.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    Texas_boi wrote: »
    Everyone will agree that you should make choices that allow you to stay within your caloric limit. I think that the biggest argument is whether anything is off limits because it is "dirty food" and that inherently there is something special about "clean food". I suspect that if "clean food" was presented as "it fills me up more for longer" food, people would have less of an objection. But, hey, I've been known to be wrong before :-)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Texas_boi wrote: »

    This is true for nutrition, but in terms of weight loss, a calorie is a calorie
  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member

    Nope, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. What is clean eating anyway? Is Herbalife clean eating? There are plenty of people that train for marathons or run a lot. You can't just randomly say it's bad for your body because that's false.

    "Clean eating"
    I do this before every yummy meal :smiley:

  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    There is just so much to weight loss and its gonna be different for everyone. I also add herbalife shakes in my diet. Normally breakfast (because I hate eating that early and having to make anything) and sometimes in mid afternoon.

    For me I add weight training to my workout. I hate cardio and unless your training for a marathon it isn't the best for your body. I looked back a few more days and as long as its clean eating and not much processed food I think your doing what you can. I never got into the scale so I can't comment on that part of it.
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Texas_boi wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Texas_boi wrote: »
    There is a lot of guess work going on, on this post. Clean eating is healthier I don’t see how anyone can argue that, but that is why the term "skinny fat" exist. Come on when your body burn calories you all don’t think "bad" calories and "clean" calories make a difference?

    For nutrition, absolutely (though it's still not "bad"), but not for weight loss.

    And skinny fat comes from losing more muscle than fat.

    Exactly so if you eating junk calories and stay under your count what do you think you are losing? I am saying this because everyone was saying it doesn’t matter and to a point that is correct, and truthfully if one ate just junk calories they’d probably lose more weight but is that really a good weight loses?

    That's why people who follow IIFYM and eating in moderation stress to focus on nutrition, then add treats in. Nobody on here says "eat 1500 calories of just chips, pizza, McDonalds, and chocolate chip cookies".

    When you're skinny fat, you usually aren't adding in strength/resistance training or adequate protein to retain your muscle. Even someone who eats "clean" can end up skinny fat.


  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    uvi5 wrote: »

    Nope, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. What is clean eating anyway? Is Herbalife clean eating? There are plenty of people that train for marathons or run a lot. You can't just randomly say it's bad for your body because that's false.

    "Clean eating"
    I do this before every yummy meal :smiley:

    No No No ....that's just wrong......not washing hands adds flavour....;)