So. much. cheese.



  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    I like the way you think! I was going to give up cheese. Okay, I will hit the gym tomorrow!

    Cardio equals cheddar....I love cardio!

    Yes! That's exactly the way to think - cardio = cheese = <3
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I lift, but I do some cardio to pad my deficit and allow me to eat a cheeseburger and fries or something once a week.

    hm... if you don't mind my asking... how much cardio/lifting do you do a week?

    I know we're all different and gotta find our own thang that works (which is why i haven't asked), but I've been wanting some real life examples for a while =(

    No problem. I lift 4 times a week for an hour, and I'd say I get about...70-80 minutes of cardio in. One day I go in and get a good 30 min. (45 if I do a class), otherwise it's 10-20 minutes after I lift, and often steady state just to pad my deficit a bit. Sometimes I'll do intervals if I know I need to burn a few more calories.

    But today I walked in, did my OHP, pull ups, chins, side raises, bicep curls...and walked out.

    Great. Thanks. I'm pleased to realize I'm speaking the same language as you, cuz all you said made a lot of sense to me. I do a lot of that too... just on my own.

    The only difference is I do my cardio before lifting (I probably got to that conclusion via online reading-- I don't know if it makes much of a difference? Probably not?) and a tad bit more of it.

    I've been strongly suspecting that I need to kick it up a notch on the lifting ordeal xD. Weight wise and length wise. I'll try to figure this out =) Thanks again, I appreciate it!

    (Sorry for hogging up your cheese thread OP, but I'm sure all info is appreciated :mrgreen:)

    I lift first because I don't want to be too tired with 175 lbs on my back or whatever I'm doing that day. Lifting is my focus.

    Back to the cheese board :)

    omg, permission for one more non cheese related comment-- 175 lbs?!?! Not to sound like such an impressible noob.... but damn!!!!! I knew I wasn't lifting heavy enough! Not even close. I mean... not at all, haha. My heaviest dumbells are 9 lbs ffs =/. But yeah, even though I huff and puff, I can't say it's a real challenge. It'll be tricky going up without supervision D: I'm thinking slow, but steady increases.

    And yes, cheese. Goat cheese I'm particularly fond of ♥

    That's my squat. I started with the bar, don't worry :)

    I love goat cheese as well. Unfortunately haven't had it in awhile. I love quality cheese, but have to admit I've been doing laughing cow a know...trying to keep that deficit :/

    lol at the laughing cow, that is one funny name. And hey, I'm pretty sure I've seen them here (I live far, far away). Those are good for the deficit? Huh, I'll give them a read next time I see them. I thought they were, like, very calorie packed sinful snacky stuff, ha.

    jrbeck99 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I lift, but I do some cardio to pad my deficit and allow me to eat a cheeseburger and fries or something once a week.

    hm... if you don't mind my asking... how much cardio/lifting do you do a week?

    I know we're all different and gotta find our own thang that works (which is why i haven't asked), but I've been wanting some real life examples for a while =(

    No problem. I lift 4 times a week for an hour, and I'd say I get about...70-80 minutes of cardio in. One day I go in and get a good 30 min. (45 if I do a class), otherwise it's 10-20 minutes after I lift, and often steady state just to pad my deficit a bit. Sometimes I'll do intervals if I know I need to burn a few more calories.

    But today I walked in, did my OHP, pull ups, chins, side raises, bicep curls...and walked out.

    Great. Thanks. I'm pleased to realize I'm speaking the same language as you, cuz all you said made a lot of sense to me. I do a lot of that too... just on my own.

    The only difference is I do my cardio before lifting (I probably got to that conclusion via online reading-- I don't know if it makes much of a difference? Probably not?) and a tad bit more of it.

    I've been strongly suspecting that I need to kick it up a notch on the lifting ordeal xD. Weight wise and length wise. I'll try to figure this out =) Thanks again, I appreciate it!

    (Sorry for hogging up your cheese thread OP, but I'm sure all info is appreciated :mrgreen:)

    I lift first because I don't want to be too tired with 175 lbs on my back or whatever I'm doing that day. Lifting is my focus.

    Back to the cheese board :)

    omg, permission for one more non cheese related comment-- 175 lbs?!?! Not to sound like such an impressible noob.... but damn!!!!! I knew I wasn't lifting heavy enough! Not even close. I mean... not at all, haha. My heaviest dumbells are 9 lbs ffs =/. But yeah, even though I huff and puff, I can't say it's a real challenge. It'll be tricky going up without supervision D: I'm thinking slow, but steady increases.

    And yes, cheese. Goat cheese I'm particularly fond of ♥

    If you haven't tried Sartori Bellavitano Gold or raspberry, you should - it's DELICIOUS! Especially drizzled with a little honey :)

    Those, on the other hand, I don't think I can find here =/
  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    Darn! I'm sure you have many other delicious cheeses available to you. :)

    Laughing cow is OK. ..I never got to much into it, but did like Alouette, which is similar
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    jrbeck99 wrote: »
    Darn! I'm sure you have many other delicious cheeses available to you. :)

    Laughing cow is OK. ..I never got to much into it, but did like Alouette, which is similar

    I know :( I used to date a cheese monger. Those were the days of cheeses.
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    jrbeck99 wrote: »
    Darn! I'm sure you have many other delicious cheeses available to you. :)

    Laughing cow is OK. ..I never got to much into it, but did like Alouette, which is similar

    I know :( I used to date a cheese monger. Those were the days of cheeses.

    Aww! He was a keeper! Lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    jrbeck99 wrote: »
    Darn! I'm sure you have many other delicious cheeses available to you. :)

    Laughing cow is OK. ..I never got to much into it, but did like Alouette, which is similar

    I know :( I used to date a cheese monger. Those were the days of cheeses.

    Aww! He was a keeper! Lol

    Apparently not! But he was fun. He always had chocolate in his pocket or a delicious meat and cheese sandwich in his bag. He also provided a lot of restaurants with their cheeses so we could go in and get discounts on wine and cheese boards...ahh...
  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    jrbeck99 wrote: »
    Darn! I'm sure you have many other delicious cheeses available to you. :)

    Laughing cow is OK. ..I never got to much into it, but did like Alouette, which is similar

    I know :( I used to date a cheese monger. Those were the days of cheeses.

    Aww! He was a keeper! Lol

    Apparently not! But he was fun. He always had chocolate in his pocket or a delicious meat and cheese sandwich in his bag. He also provided a lot of restaurants with their cheeses so we could go in and get discounts on wine and cheese boards...ahh...
    Whoa! Good thing you were able you take advantage of that :)
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    jrbeck99 wrote: »
    Darn! I'm sure you have many other delicious cheeses available to you. :)

    Laughing cow is OK. ..I never got to much into it, but did like Alouette, which is similar

    I know :( I used to date a cheese monger. Those were the days of cheeses.

    Aww! He was a keeper! Lol

    Apparently not! But he was fun. He always had chocolate in his pocket or a delicious meat and cheese sandwich in his bag. He also provided a lot of restaurants with their cheeses so we could go in and get discounts on wine and cheese boards...ahh...

    Haha, I know that feel, bro. Damn feelings... hate 'em >=(. And there's chocolate and cheese and wine involved here! Haha :'(
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I try to incorporate some cheese in my diet at least 3 times per week. Lately eating pepperjack but have recently eaten port salut and double cream brie. What are your favorites?
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Options butter...
    This is why I'm squishy
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    ESVABelle wrote: » butter...
    This is why I'm squishy

    ahahahaha :'D

    Man, some of you people have made me laugh today! = )
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    I love cheese in just about every form it takes. My regular go to indulgences are tasty cheddar, Edam, Gouda, Camembert, Brie, Swiss, cream cheese and Feta. Cottage cheese is a new thing for me (I wasn't sold on the texture) and I wasn't a huge fan of blue cheese at first but, I'm learning to appreciate it.
    I wasn't a keen exerciser either but, I've come around to the idea because I can have more cheese.
  • cleaver1
    cleaver1 Posts: 37 Member
    I can't believe that there's some who claims to love cheese more than me haha! Every singe food/meal is better when there is cheese involved! CHEESE!!!
  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    I try to incorporate some cheese in my diet at least 3 times per week. Lately eating pepperjack but have recently eaten port salut and double cream brie. What are your favorites?

    I love Sartori bellavitano gold and rasberry! Drizzle honey over it for a sweet treat! I also love brie with fruit, but haven't tried double cream. Ooh-smoked gouda and American grana are also recent go-to cheeses for me
  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    ESVABelle wrote: » butter...
    This is why I'm squishy

    Hahahaha! Yes! That's also why I am squishy :)
  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    I love cheese in just about every form it takes. My regular go to indulgences are tasty cheddar, Edam, Gouda, Camembert, Brie, Swiss, cream cheese and Feta. Cottage cheese is a new thing for me (I wasn't sold on the texture) and I wasn't a huge fan of blue cheese at first but, I'm learning to appreciate it.
    I wasn't a keen exerciser either but, I've come around to the idea because I can have more cheese.

    That's exactly what brought me around to the idea :) That's a good list of cheeses! I recently switched from using feta in salads to using Gorgonzola. ..delicious!
  • jrbeck99
    jrbeck99 Posts: 22 Member
    cleaver1 wrote: »
    I can't believe that there's some who claims to love cheese more than me haha! Every singe food/meal is better when there is cheese involved! CHEESE!!!

    Exactly! It's not easy living in the land of cheap cheese (WI)...