

  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    Hi. I am also a scale addict. I weigh every single morning and after every single workout.
  • allyxnatara11
    allyxnatara11 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi. I am also a scale addict. I weigh every single morning and after every single workout.
    yeah i always want to know how im doing
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi. I am also a scale addict. I weigh every single morning and after every single workout.
    yeah i always want to know how im doing

    So even when you do things correctly the scale will not always show that. So can you honestly say you don't change anything when the scale does not reflect the correct things you are doing?
  • AzTriathlete
    AzTriathlete Posts: 7 Member
    If your a serous athlete that is monitoring weight for training and race weight. Then once a week is ok. Always on the same day and same time each week. Mine is Friday mornings right after I get up and use the restroom. If you are dieting to loose weight once a month. Same deal, same day same time each month. First thing in the morning is best because our weight fluctuates durning the day.
  • allyxnatara11
    allyxnatara11 Posts: 74 Member

    So even when you do things correctly the scale will not always show that. So can you honestly say you don't change anything when the scale does not reflect the correct things you are doing? [/quote]

    honestly is just the numbers i like to see if my workout changed anything as far as they go.
    I'm always changing my workouts but i don't get destroyed if the numbers arent what I want.
  • allyxnatara11
    allyxnatara11 Posts: 74 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    So even when you do things correctly the scale will not always show that. So can you honestly say you don't change anything when the scale does not reflect the correct things you are doing?

    honestly is just the numbers i like to see if my workout changed anything as far as they go.
    I'm always changing my workouts but i don't get destroyed if the numbers arent what I want.[/quote]

    So differences in water retention is what you want to see? That takes everyday weighins?

  • allyxnatara11
    allyxnatara11 Posts: 74 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    So even when you do things correctly the scale will not always show that. So can you honestly say you don't change anything when the scale does not reflect the correct things you are doing?

    honestly is just the numbers i like to see if my workout changed anything as far as they go.
    I'm always changing my workouts but i don't get destroyed if the numbers arent what I want.

    So differences in water retention is what you want to see? That takes everyday weighins?


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited April 2015
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    So even when you do things correctly the scale will not always show that. So can you honestly say you don't change anything when the scale does not reflect the correct things you are doing?

    honestly is just the numbers i like to see if my workout changed anything as far as they go.
    I'm always changing my workouts but i don't get destroyed if the numbers arent what I want.

    So differences in water retention is what you want to see? That takes everyday weighins?


    fixate on scale weight is a bad habit.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    91octain wrote: »
    If your a serous athlete that is monitoring weight for training and race weight. Then once a week is ok. Always on the same day and same time each week. Mine is Friday mornings right after I get up and use the restroom. If you are dieting to loose weight once a month. Same deal, same day same time each month. First thing in the morning is best because our weight fluctuates durning the day.

    Why once a month? Why cant she weigh as often as she likes as long as she is consistent, she undestands fluctuations and it helps motivate her?
  • allyxnatara11
    allyxnatara11 Posts: 74 Member
    @yopeeps025 thats why this post was created to talk about it
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I weigh everytime I wake up for my "day" (I work nights so my day starts at 6pm lol). I record every morning because I like to be able to see the effect things like sodium and water intake have only weight so that I can not get discouraged if I see a spike after a high sodium day.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    @yopeeps025 thats why this post was created to talk about it

    Glad to see that we both agree its a little issue. Well for me weigh loss is a goal but it comes after like
    List of top my priority goals:
    1)fat loss ( if needed single digit body fat% to rid as much chest fat as I can)
    2)get as strong as possible until bulk phase (refer to 1. for muscle definition that I want)
    3) have more sex and health
    4) There pants I brought during my last weight loss attempt that I never got down into.
    5) Scale weight

    Surprised that scale weight is last and there are things more important to me? Scale weight really does not tell too much of anything.
  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    I weigh myself every morning before getting dressed for work. It's become a routine for me. I don't really have an emotional reaction at all to the number on the scale I just use it as another means of measurement along the way. (well that's not completely true if it goes down I do get excited, but not nearly as excited as when I get to wear a size lower in jeans!) I also only log my losses but only if I've had that loss for 2 days.
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    I weigh throughout the day because I think it's interesting to see what affects it. I log it into Happy Scale every morning, and log into MFP on Fridays. I also like to weigh before bed because I like seeing how much I "lose" overnight. The number on the scale isn't as important as how I feel and look, but I like having the information. It keeps me honest.
  • Aaron257
    Aaron257 Posts: 6 Member
    I also weigh every single morning, but only after I have used the restroom. If i was you though, don't adjust too dramatically if you gain a lil weight even if you worked out and were strict on the diet. I only use the daily weight as motivation and try not to change up my routine based on it! Good luck to you!!
  • KBurkhardt08
    KBurkhardt08 Posts: 141 Member
    If weighing all of the time isnt upsetting you then I dont see a problem with it. I only weigh myself once a week because if I dont see results I get upset. Its all up to the person. If it ever starts to bother you, then maybe you can start trying to do it less often. For now, dont worry about it :)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    joeboland wrote: »
    I got rid of my scale a while back - best decision I ever made. I rarely even bother weighing myself anymore, now that I'm about where I want to be. I agree that weighing yourself daily is an unhealthy habit that is going to bear false promise on some days, and completely discourage you on others (your body weight is going to fluctuate every day). Are you seeing muscle definition? Going down in clothing sizes? Weight is just a number that has very little bearing on how healthy, in shape, or attractive you actually are.

    I definitely agree that the scale only tells a small part of the story. However it can be difficult to find any other good gauge for progress. Right now, I seem to be losing in places you don't measure--like just above the chest, under the arms. Or at a certain place on my hips, or my arm or wrist, etc. unfortunately for me, the waist, which is where I measure, and where I would like most to reduce, doesn't change much.

    It is hard to be consistent with fat calipers.

    And clothing--I can convince myself that I can squeeze into pants a size too small! (Just because you CAN put it on doesnt mean you SHOULD wear it in public!). Especially now that so many pants have lyrca! And low waists! The fat just squeezes out over the top. But surely I have not gained any weight, because I can still button them, right?

    So if anyone could give me a better measure of progress than the scale, well I would love that.

    I also agree that more data is better. But it definitely takes the right mindset!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I supplement it with performance data from the gym where i log everything , times, speed intensity, weights etc. Im just as interested in getting faster, fitter, stronger.
  • JLCrunch
    JLCrunch Posts: 46 Member
    edited April 2015
    I weigh daily, first thing in the morning after bathroom, before shower and log it into a physical calendar. I find it keeps me accountable. I also keep my scale in a separate bathroom that I only use in the mornings for showers. Out of sight, out of mind. Any time I go out of my way to use that restroom, I weigh and get yelled at by my DH. He keeps my obsessive behavior in check.