Do you feel more hungry when you're tired?



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I went through several years of getting 4-6 hours of sleep instead of the 8 I really need to feel rested. I would think I was hungry and eat more trying to get more energy when I really just needed more sleep. So I wouldn't say I was hungry for food but hungry for the energy that I should have gotten from sleep.
    If I have eaten enough calories and seem hungry then I look at things like sleep or thirst and take care of those if I can instead of automatically eating more.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Nope, but when I don't work out, I'm more hungry for some reason. Otherwise I'd be eating constantly, because I'm ALWAYS tired. :)
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I always, always, ALWAYS want to eat more when I'm incredibly tired.

    Depending on how that tiredness makes me feel, though, I may just make myself walk and walk and walk and earn some extra calories so I can go ahead and indulge in that ice cream cone from the shop downtown without the "well damn there goes a nice dinner" feeling.

    If I don't have the energy for that, then coffee and diet soda are my BFFs.

  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    This explains current thinking behind sleep deficiency and increased hunger:
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Yes, I eat more when I'm tired. Sleep is always my priority because, for me, it has such a huge impact on everything health related.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,135 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've had less sleep than usual most nights over the past couple weeks, and I've also been so busy and a bit stressed for the past couple weeks.

    The last couple days I've noticed that I'm more hungry than usual. I'm almost always a little bit hungry since I started here almost 2 months ago. But the last couple days I've felt like I could pack away a large chocolate cake or two.

    I'm guessing that maybe the lack of sleep is contributing to my feelings of hunger. Have any of you experienced this ... feeling hungry when you're really tired?

    That said, I'm actually heading to bed a bit earlier than I have in a while tonight ... in just a few minutes. Maybe it will help. :)
    Yes, fatigue can sometimes make me feel hungry. So can dehydration. Stress changes your body, too. It's best to break into that cycle not with food, but with a better cycle....drink some water, try to go to sleep or de-stress or take a short nap. Take a walk. Plan and eat a balance meal or snack at a better time. Be directive (yet gentle) with your body.

    I have been drinking more water ... because it does help. :)

    But the walking is part of why I'm so tired. Right in the midst 1001 other things I'm dealing with right now ... I've also ramped up my exercise quantity because I'm training for an event at the end of April or early May. I was so sore on Monday, I could hardly move!!

    Anyway, I actually got more than 7 hours sleep last night and today should be a slightly more normal day, so hopefully visions of chocolate cake will vanish. :)

  • crys_todd
    crys_todd Posts: 41 Member
    Yes! So much yes.
    I gained more weight in the 6 months after my son was born than I did during my pregnancy. He was a terrible sleeper as a newborn and I couldn't nap during the day with my 3 year old at home too. Chronic sleep deprivation and nursing hunger are no joke.
    Once he started sleeping, I started losing.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    Am I the only no? I lose interest in food when tired. But maybe that's because the effort to get up and prep food is not worth it. But i've left food on my plate with no interest in finishing it when tired. Never happens normally.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,135 Member
    DKG28 wrote: »
    Am I the only no? I lose interest in food when tired. But maybe that's because the effort to get up and prep food is not worth it. But i've left food on my plate with no interest in finishing it when tired. Never happens normally.

    I have had days like that too ... but it seems like when I know I need to keep awake and keep my energy level up, I'm hungry.

  • elleelise
    elleelise Posts: 33 Member
    YES. It's no surprise that on 6 hours of sleep today I found myself eating a bar of chocolate, a TJ's Bar None ice cream bar, 1/4 c. ice cream, and wanting bread on bread on bread.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes when I am tired I want to eat more sugary/carby things.

    Try a do some things that will relax you if you have been pretty stressed lately. Go for a nice swim, book a nice body massage, sit in the park with a book, switch your phone off and clock off for an hour, have some you time this will really help. Going to bed earlier and switching the tv & phone off. Playing some relaxing music.

    Even a long soak in a really hot bath helps me.

    With regards to your diet try and eat more protein as this will fill you up more, and if you crave sugar pick fruit as its sweet :smile: