Anyone with 100+ lbs to lose?



  • dusjujr
    dusjujr Posts: 160 Member
    idokaj wrote: »
    dusjujr wrote: »
    I got 104 lbs to go ... since the new year I lost 25 lbs

    Congrats! I am just starting again.

    we can do this!!!
  • idokaj
    idokaj Posts: 15 Member
    I recommitted to MFP last august and have lost between 25 to 30 lbs (right now I am struggling) I have 100 lbs to go. I am concentrating on getting past that 30 lb mark and breaking my barrier.
    I LOVE THIS APP!! the barcode scanner is a life saver. I know i have over 100 lbs to lose, but this time around i am not going to focus on the scale or numbers. I will get weighed every three months when i go see my doctor and thats it. This time i am only trying to get healthy and feel better. I want to walk to class without being winded climb stairs without my chest hurting. Lol I want to be able to put on my shoes comfortably. Those are my goals. I dont care about the numbers...
  • Losing2Fast2Furious
    Losing2Fast2Furious Posts: 45 Member
    Started a strict diet on Ash Wednesday, lost 114lb so far. After Easter, re-evaluated the plan, and added some exercise (I was injured and couldn't). I have about 85lb to go.
  • idokaj
    idokaj Posts: 15 Member
    rcl1221 wrote: »
    Started a strict diet on Ash Wednesday, lost 114lb so far. After Easter, re-evaluated the plan, and added some exercise (I was injured and couldn't). I have about 85lb to go.

    Just be careful with strict diets, they are hard to stick to and even harder to maintain long term. That was part of my downfall last time. Either way good luck with your journey I am rooting for you!
  • I need to lose 170 lbs I'm still in denial that I'm gaining weight and my husband is oblivious to my weight gain, in the 4 years we've been married I've gained 200 lbs while he's lost weight. I need some motivation.
  • I most definitely do. I've lost about 72 so far. Need to lose a total of 133 (give or take). I'm also looking for dedicated friends so anyone is free to add me. :)
  • TeresaMarie2015
    TeresaMarie2015 Posts: 61 Member
    This year I turned a new leaf and committed to making healthy choices - I needed to lose over 120ish pounds. So far this year I've lost 40 pounds. Logging food and exercise every single day.
    Great community here to help with accountability and support!
    Happy to connect!
    Teresa Marie
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I have lost 17lbs in the past 32 days... Have 85 more to go.... that's a life time of changes for me right there!! I am welcomed to new friends to share this journey with! Feel free to add me!
  • poeticgemini
    poeticgemini Posts: 8 Member
    I have lost 130 woth another 100 to go. The struggle is real, but grateful for the support and encouragement on this journey. Current weight is 336 and all I can do is focus on each day at a time. Please add me as a friend.
  • brussell2sprout
    brussell2sprout Posts: 7 Member
    I started the journey back in Feb 2014. I lost about 50 lbs and then during the fall and winter months I this gained back about 18 of it. This Feb I started doing cardio kickboxing and eating better. Then in early March I started really restricting my sugar intake and at the same time started using MFP. Now I'm back to the 50 lb loss and I feel great. I still have somewhere around 110 - 125 lbs to go. I know I can do it and so can you!! The cardio kickboxing has been great, as I have never, ever pushed myself physically before. I am almost 48 with 2 grown kids and 2 teenagers. I walked in that gym at 300 lbs and it was the best thing I have ever done!! There is alot I still can't do, but there is alot I can do that I couldn't do when I started! It sounds like you are dedicated this time around. You can do it!! We all can!!
  • idokaj
    idokaj Posts: 15 Member
    I need to lose 170 lbs I'm still in denial that I'm gaining weight and my husband is oblivious to my weight gain, in the 4 years we've been married I've gained 200 lbs while he's lost weight. I need some motivation.

    I would be honored to help try to motivate you! Denial is normal, i have been in your place.
  • idokaj
    idokaj Posts: 15 Member
    I am trying to respond to everyone lol i honestly didnt know i would get this many responses!! If you have over 100 pounds to lose then send me a friend request. I would love to share this experience with all of you who understand!!
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    My starting weight was 310lbs in 2012.
    Now, I'm down to 283.0 (as of this morning)
    It's a long ways away (113 pounds to be exact) to my goal weight of 170.
    Please, anyone, feel free to add me if you'd like another friend! I'm in this for the long haul, 100 pounds+ can be so ridiculously intimidating!! But we're all here, trying to make an effort to change our lives day by day for the better! Let's make 2015 OURS! :drinker:
    -Oh and just a note, I'm no longer doing keto, (a low carb high fat diet) Just that mfp doesn't let me change the screen name a 3rd time. I'm trying the actual iifym lifestyle now and working out daily. And it's going pretty well!
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    You guys are doing great! Be sure to check out the Success Stories - I found a ton of positive people there with great stories to tell.....
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I can TOTALLY relate to you.Last year, I lost 53 pounds and gained all but 4 pounds. So ashamed of myself, but I know that the journey continues. I would LOVE for more friends to keep me accountable. Happy losing all. :)
  • idokaj
    idokaj Posts: 15 Member
    100 pounds+ can be so ridiculously intimidating!!

    There's a quote I like:

    I cant lose 100 pounds, but i can lose 10 pounds ten times.
  • trisha_842
    trisha_842 Posts: 2 Member
    I have 200lbs I need to lose I just can't seem to keep motivated my year goal is to lose at least 75lbs by march 2016
  • idokaj
    idokaj Posts: 15 Member
    trisha_842 wrote: »
    I have 200lbs I need to lose I just can't seem to keep motivated my year goal is to lose at least 75lbs by march 2016

    If im being honest i probably need to lose closer to 200 than 100. But it can be done! one mean at a time.
  • Mesha330
    Mesha330 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on this journey since mid March. I started out at 364lbs. I have lost only 8lbs. I say only, bc I have been working out so hard and I feel like it should be dropping off. Especially since I went from only drinking soda to only drinking water. Maybe bc I am doing some weightlifting. Idk but I will keep at it.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    edited April 2015
    100 to lose. I'm down 55 pounds. I've been maintaining that loss since the winter. time to get back in weightloss mode!

    glad your approach has shifted so you can lose the weight for good. the most weight i ever lost was 25lbs one time for like 5 minutes. lol
    this time around my approach is much more realistic, long term sustainable and healthy. and most of all not self-deprivation. i think thats why I'm finding success for the first time in my life.

    good luck to you!