Goal: Lose 29 pounds in 4 months



  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    edited April 2015
    Based on my own weight loss history, your 2#/1.75#/1.5# a week target is completely reasonable as far as it goes. But there are some things you don't tell us.

    Are you male or female? (Contrary to what some would have you believe, men do NOT have more muscles than women! But they do tend to have more developed muscle than women. This could make a difference in your goals.)

    So, are you looking to trim down to look awesome hot in a bikini for a cruise? Or are you looking to trim down and look awesome hot in your Speedos with your shirt off and flexing your muscles on that cruise?

    What you need to remember... what EVERYONE needs to remember, is that if you are working out, especially if it is an aggressive program, you are going to be building muscle as you eliminate fat. That diminishes the 'quality' of that weight loss focus.

    Your fitness program needs to be more about... well... about your fitness! You could well lose less than your target of thirty pounds but drop three clothing sizes, add muscle to your upper body and trimmed your waist by six inches. How does that work? (Very carefully, actually!) But, since fat is less dense, each pound of fat takes up more space in your body. The same amount of muscle by weight, can occupy about a third to a fourth less space.

    So, focus as much, if not more so, on the OTHER numbers - the "tale of the tape" as it were. Measure your chest, your pecs, your waist, your neck, your hips. And measure your weight, too. But don't focus too much on that last number. It can lie to you!

    And, good luck!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited April 2015
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Your 2#/1.75#/1.5# a week target is completely reasonable as far as it goes. What you need to remember... what EVERYONE needs to remember, is that if you are working out, especially if it is an aggressive program, you are going to be building muscle as you eliminate fat. That diminishes the 'quality' of that weight loss focus.

    Your fitness program needs to be more about... well... about your fitness! You could well lose less than your target of thirty pounds but drop three clothing sizes, add muscle to your upper body and trimmed your waist by six inches. How does that work? (Very carefully, actually!) But, since fat is less dense, each pound of fat takes up more space in your body. The same amount of muscle by weight, can occupy about a third to a fourth less space.

    So, focus as much, if not more so, on the OTHER numbers - the "tale of the tape". Measure your chest, your pecs, your waist, your hips. And measure your weight, too. But don't focus too much on that last number. It can lie to you!

    And, good luck!


    How is the OP going to build muscle while losing fat in the deficit required to lose that amount of weight that fast......doing bootcamp.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    ...i'm NOT counting calories but i'm making sure to burn 500 calories a day...

    So you ARE counting calories.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    29 pounds in 4 months if fairly aggressive given that OP doesn't have that much to lose.

    "...that much to lose" is a variable. You must consider percentages more than that one single number. You are talking about a fairly short person who may be quite a bit overweight. Perhaps if you are 5'10" and your base weight target is somewhere around 180#, losing thirty or forty pounds doesn't seem like much. But, if you are 5' 4" and your base weight target is more like 100# or 120# then that thirty or forty can be a substantial body of weight. At 120# forty pounds is one third of your total body mass. If that were on that aforementioned 5'10" guy, he would be weighing 270#!!!

    So everything about body health including that 'magic' number on the scale, MUST be considered in conjunction with all of the other numbers. Thirty pounds? Sixty pounds? Ninety pounds? How much is "just a little" and how much is... too much? It's all about proportion.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    The only calories i'm counting is the ones i burn, not the ones i eat.

    3 days of cardio, 2 days of lifting (bootcamp)

  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    And i'm not eating a house out at home i'm eating when i'm hungry and keeping it healthy.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Based on my own weight loss history, your 2#/1.75#/1.5# a week target is completely reasonable as far as it goes. But there are some things you don't tell us.

    Are you male or female? (Contrary to what some would have you believe, men do NOT have more muscles than women! But they do tend to have more developed muscle than women. This could make a difference in your goals.)

    So, are you looking to trim down to look awesome hot in a bikini for a cruise? Or are you looking to trim down and look awesome hot in your Speedos with your shirt off and flexing your muscles on that cruise?

    What you need to remember... what EVERYONE needs to remember, is that if you are working out, especially if it is an aggressive program, you are going to be building muscle as you eliminate fat. That diminishes the 'quality' of that weight loss focus.

    Your fitness program needs to be more about... well... about your fitness! You could well lose less than your target of thirty pounds but drop three clothing sizes, add muscle to your upper body and trimmed your waist by six inches. How does that work? (Very carefully, actually!) But, since fat is less dense, each pound of fat takes up more space in your body. The same amount of muscle by weight, can occupy about a third to a fourth less space.

    So, focus as much, if not more so, on the OTHER numbers - the "tale of the tape" as it were. Measure your chest, your pecs, your waist, your neck, your hips. And measure your weight, too. But don't focus too much on that last number. It can lie to you!

    And, good luck!

    I am a female, I am not looking to wear a bikini but to tone up a little bit, Mainly lose inches maybe i shouldnt have said weight as much

    I actually do have measuring tape that i can use.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited April 2015
    The only calories i'm counting is the ones i burn, not the ones i eat.

    3 days of cardio, 2 days of lifting (bootcamp)

    If you don't know how many calories are going in, how would you know if you're in a deficit or not. If you're looking to "tone up" and mainly lose inches, I'd recommend understanding where you are Cals In vs. Cals Out and look at a lifting program.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    We'll see what happens
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The only calories i'm counting is the ones i burn, not the ones i eat.

    3 days of cardio, 2 days of lifting (bootcamp)

    That won't work
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    And i'm not eating a house out at home i'm eating when i'm hungry and keeping it healthy.

    You can eat "healthy" without eating at a deficit.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    ...i'm NOT counting calories but i'm making sure to burn 500 calories a day...

    So you ARE counting calories.

    I think she means she's not counting calories eaten.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    The only calories i'm counting is the ones i burn, not the ones i eat.

    3 days of cardio, 2 days of lifting (bootcamp)

    Ok, you're not going to meet your goal. Sorry. Not going to happen.
    Pretty much, but to each there own. Give that a try OP and see how long it last.

    I'm 5'3 at 161 lbs now. 29 lbs in 4 months is just not realistic for me/us. At this rate we do not have much to lose and as our weight decreases weight loss will most likely slow down.

    In short: Not realistic
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I think it's possible for people to lose weight without counting calories, if they simply keep on eating the same as they were before and just increase their activity level. Some folks are successful with that, to a point.

    MFP's a calorie counting site and app, though. That's why most people are here. Many of us have enjoyed success with this method after failing with lots of others. So if we're suggesting it, it's because we know that it works.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I just did the math of maybe 2 pounds a month for the next 4 months which brings me to 24 pound goal in 4 months.. that may be more realistic.

    With less than 30 lbs to lose that's an extremely aggressive goal (assuming you mean per week) ...aim for 1lb max


    As you get smaller....so should your weekly weight loss goals. There is fast weight loss and then there healthy weight loss. The difference is the amount of body fat lost vs. lean muscle lost.

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i would say don't set yourself up for dissapointment. u man lose 8lb the first month. but u don't have much to lose really so it will slow down. its great to have goals but wouldn't u feel better if u happened to surpass a moderate goal than fail at an unrealistic one? even if u lose 4lb a month u will be able to tell a big difference in that amount of time
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    u may not u man! ugh i need spell check
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    u may not u man! ugh i need spell check

    Lol the way you typed that using 'u' ...irony?
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    We'll see what happens

    You're in a rush to lose a lot of weight for your figure but you want to test out not counting calories and prove us wrong? Good luck with that! Even with serious tracking I was spinning my wheels at your stats every so often. Following hunger signals will not help you btw. I can eat a huge amount of calories from carbs and be hungry or the same amount of calories from protein and not be hungry. I'd rather just get to my goal fast and track everything instead of guess and take forever. But each to his own!

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    too much texting in my life. i need to go back to high school and learn everything all over again!
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    u may not u man! ugh i need spell check

    Lol the way you typed that using 'u' ...irony?