I'm new to weight loss, eating out is a calorie nightmare!



  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I eat out often and not always at the places you would think. Most places are actually easy to work with. Here are my rules for eating out.

    1. Stay away from fried foods for the most part.

    2. When having salads always tell them, no croutons, no cheese and no bacon and please, dressing on the side.

    3. Do not have salads in place of the meal, you will get hungry later and then blow whatever you achieved.

    4. Under no circumstance should you feel obligated to explain your food choices.

    5. On those days you choose to have something less than healthy (i.e. fries or sugary dessert) ... don't eat all of it. It is the taste and not the abundance you were craving a little goes a long way.

    6. Do not at anytime place foods on the off limits list. Deprivation breeds failure. I have lists ... there is the list of first choices, occasional choices, and once ever six months choices. But everything is allowed, just limit the amounts and how often.

    7. Log every bite.

    8. Log all exercise.

    9. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint.

    10. Enjoy life.
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    I know that it can be hard to tell people that you are trying to lose weight - but you may be surprised by their reaction.

    I started MFP about a month ago. About a week in my mother in law came to visit. I never specifically told her what I was doing but she was here for about a week so she saw me working out and eating healthier, etc. Last weekend we went to her house for my niece's birthday day. Usually this is hard - diet wise - as my mother in law is not the healthiest cook and will get offended when you turn down food but because she knew I was eating healthier she went out of her way to offer salads with dinner and let me know some healthy food options that she had outside of what she was serving for the other guests. Then when cake cutting starting I just got a cup of coffee and sat at the table with everyone and there was no awkward moment.

    People may surprise you. You are embarking on a new healthy lifestyle you should be proud not ashamed - Good Luck!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Some great suggestions here !

    I exercise each day, and if eating a lot of "carby stuff" then I exercise even more. Yesterday morning I did 10 miles at the gym ...... later had 2 slices of pizza for dinner ...... then went for a 3 mile walk with my daughter ....... so, I am feeling NO guilt about that pizza !

    Enjoy your adventure :drinker:
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    It is easier for me not to eat out and if I do, I just get a salad.
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Most decent restaurants have usually have some sort of grilled seafood that is a fairly decent choice healthwise. Order it with steamed veggies instead of potatoes and you have yourself a pretty good lower calorie meal.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have been really shocked at the number of calories in a wide range of foods that I wasn't aware of before...
    You're off to a good start. If you're not shocked when you start, you aren't doing it right! I was amazed at first and I've been on maintenance for a year.

    The hardest part in restaurants for me is putting up with comments from other people about what I order - or should I say what I don't order. I just had to develop thick skin.
  • tessiebear40
    tessiebear40 Posts: 39 Member
    I was invited to a BBQ last Tuesday as the sun finally arrived in Ireland (very rare) ha. I brought non alcoholic sangria to the BBQ and I ate a sheek kebab and a sausage with 1 potato and loaded my plate with salad which had no dressing and a tablespoon of homemade coleslaw. I was dreading it and I had a great time and I was full too. On the weekend I went for a burger, no bun with salad and gherkins. Very tasty. I still like my wine though :wink: Best of luck
  • ileitch
    ileitch Posts: 99
    Someone suggested eliminating anything white. But I would miss my wife! :smile:
    Adding some exercise every day solves a lot of problems. When I don't, I find it pretty tough to stay below my calorie goal. When I do, it's a snap. Mostly, just keep at it. Good luck.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    PLAN AHEAD - On a day that I know I'm going to go out, I have a really healthy breakfast and dinner and I make sure I workout.

    PLAN AHEAD SOME MORE - If I know where we're going (or will likely go), I look up some options on the online menu. Easier to stick with it if it's in my head all day.

    TAKE HALF OF IT TO GO - If I happen to order something big and delicious, I get a to-go box right away and split it up in two. Lunch for tomorrow, yo. :)

    HOW IT'S PREPARED - I try to choose items that are grilled, steamed, poached, broiled. Stay away from fried if you're worried about cooking oils. And watch out for sauces (i.e. Marinara vs Alfredo)

    SO MUCH SALT - Restaurants tend to serve dishes with a LOT of sodium. For breakfast and lunch, try to choose foods with plenty of potassium and drink plenty of water.

    WATER, WATER, WATER - Try to stick to water. Personally, I don't like to waste my calories on my drink unless it has alcohol in it.

    SPLIT A DESSERT - If you really want a dessert, try to find a buddy who's willing to go in on half.... or take the rest home.

    SALAD DANGER - If you're going to go for a fancy salad, watch out! Toppings and dressings can make a salad just as calorie and sodium filled as one of their regular entrees.

    DON'T WORRY - Even after all this, try to enjoy yourself. One meal won't ruin all of your progress.

    JUST SAY NO - If you're invited to go out often, feel free to say "no" once in a while. My husband works in an office and gets asked out to eat at least 3 times a week. As tempting as it is, he says no and sticks to his packed lunch.

    I think I'm gonna print out this post and put it on my refrigerator. It's all right there. The only thing I would add is a slight change in attitude. Learn to be happy with eating well, and wear like a badge of honor that grilled chicken ceasar (with dressing on the side) when you go out. If anybody asks why: It's because there is no food that feels as good as making weight.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Most chain restaurants have their menus and nutritional info on their website. I like to look it up ahead of time and add what I'm going to order to MFP so I'm already good to go. And once in a while, I just eat what I want because you have to relax some days. I ate In-N-Out for lunch yesterday and it was totally worth it :blushing: Just not every day LOL
  • MrsDanner78
    MrsDanner78 Posts: 107
    Don't be embarrassed to order food that you know is healthier and better for you! You don't have to say "I'm trying to lose weight" or declare your intention of ordering a salad, even! You can just go ahead and order what you know is the healthier option. If someone questions you about it, all you have to do is say, "I just felt like something a bit lighter today", or you can say that you are working on getting healthier and taking better care of your body. Weight loss doesn't even have to be mentioned at ALL. :)

    As for how to watch calories when you eat out - I've learned to eat a lot of grilled chicken, broccoli, fresh steamed veggies, etc. and to avoid lots of carby things. I have them hold the mashed potatoes and double the steamed broccoli, or when I'm at a burger joint I get the chicken burger instead of the fatty beef burgers. If you're at a pasta or pizza place, a light salad is a great option as long as you don't drench it in fatty, high calorie dressing. I've even gone ahead and gotten the pizza, but instead of a deep dish meat pizza, I've gotten a thin crust veggie pizza - it cut the calories IN HALF! Anyway, if you try, and PLAN AHEAD (total key!), you can eat healthy(ish) pretty much anywhere you are!

    Keep up the good work - and don't let anyone make you feel embarrassed by making your body healthier and happier!!! It's all in the attitude! :D
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    This is a support and motivational group. Over 180 members strong and growing everyday!
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    Join the fastest growing group now. :)
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    I have meals picked out for different places. Olive Garden- soup salad and a bread stick, IHOP -smart fit meal, Pizza 2 pieces of cheese, I tend not to eat at all you can eat places. I have eaten a McD's burger and sm fry. The chicken sandwich has more calories. I look up what a place has before I go. It is never a problem. Some days I will exercise more if I ate more than I should have.