Cheat days are important!



  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Cheat days are actually important when dieting because it increases your leptin which is

    270 days with 1-1.2kg lost per week with I guess 2 cheat days in that period says there aren't very important at all.

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Leptin levels take a long time to change. Unfortunately one day of surplus doesn't change leptin. I know carb cycle folks re-feed, and I've heard the leptin bit, but it's not true. A refeed will replenish glycogen, though.

    If you need a break from deficit eating, eat at maintenance for a day or a week or more. As BF% goes down, so too should the deficit to preserve LBM. Especially with a small deficit, it's too easy to erase a week of discipline and hard work with one cheat day for me. It's individual, though. Some people have success with them.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Jagerin wrote: »
    Cheating implies you are doing something 'wrong'. Why cheat yourself? If you want something, have it and fit it into your calorie limit or do some more exercise. Don't cheat.

    This is my thought and what I do. "Cheat days" are a huge pet peeve of mine, but to each their own I guess. The way I look at it, if you are depriving yourself to the point where you need a cheat day then you may want to reevaluate your eating plan to determine if it's sustainable for you in the long term.

  • clhenderson2
    clhenderson2 Posts: 107 Member
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?

    Sure! Here's one of the links I found. It's a video: ad
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?

    Sure! Here's one of the links I found. It's a video:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    There's really no need to "cheat" if you're correctly counting calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



    And, what I often do is lower my calories during the week so I have some calories left to play with on the weekend. It's the weekly average, or even a two week average, that counts.

    Cheat days are just a mindset.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If you're cheating, you're doing it wrong.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I went Over by at least 2700 today. Kid had a tournament out of state, we had lunch and team meal at Texas Roadhouse. I am now eating cheesecake and drinking a daquiri,

    I'll just divide that 2700 by 10 days and eat at a deficit. ( I'm in maintenace) it's all good. And it was all good!!

    That's maintenance, for sure. Glad you enjoyed your outing. :)
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I have F*** ups because I binge eat on ocassion. If I want something that is high in calories and super delicious with tons of yummy toppings, I fit it in my day whether it means exercising more or skipping a meal or two (which is perfectly acceptable). I have lost 65lbs and am now having my self control really tested.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Oh, geez. Can you stop ascribing value judgements and personality traits to food and food actions?
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?

    Sure! Here's one of the links I found. It's a video: ad
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?

    Sure! Here's one of the links I found. It's a video:

    I'm sorry, but any page headed up with "30-second Daily Trick Flattens Your Belly" I instantly think "scam" and close the page. That is not "research", and I'm not wasting my time.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?

    Sure! Here's one of the links I found. It's a video: ad
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    Cheat days are can eat anything you want daily as long as you don't go over your limit. It's all about portion control.

    That's true too. But people like to reduce their caloric intake perhaps for psychological reasons. It's the comfort of knowing if consume less calories, we'll weigh less. However, if you insists of calorie reduction it's good to plan those "cheat days" where you consume more calories. Weight loss experts suggests up to 1,000 more calories than your suggested intake. I personally do exactly as you mentioned so I can control my weight and still enjoy my favorite foods.

    Which "weight loss experts"? Have you got research you can link us to?

    Sure! Here's one of the links I found. It's a video:

    I'm sorry, but any page headed up with "30-second Daily Trick Flattens Your Belly" I instantly think "scam" and close the page. That is not "research", and I'm not wasting my time.

    Agreed. I won't even click the link because the URL has "fat burning hormone" in it. Who knows what is on that site.
    OP, we're looking for clinical research, and case studies.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Re-feed days are for bodybuilders getting competition ready

    Leptin restoration takes a couple of weeks at maintenance if I recall a paper I read once, will try to find it

    Neither are a Carte Blanche get out clause for gluttony

    If you feel the need to cheat you're doing it wrong
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    Cheat days are only important to the individual that it is important to. Whatever works for you.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    well I read it and all it was is a long advertisement for LeptiBurn supplement. It's my own fault, but I will never get that 5 minutes back! :'(
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Oh, geez. Can you stop ascribing value judgements and personality traits to food and food actions?

    Who are you replying to? Can you please explain what you mean?
  • Dejirei
    Dejirei Posts: 24 Member
    It definitely may not work for everyone, but it works for me. I'm someone that weighs myself every morning at the exact same time and I find that usually it's the morning immediately after my "cheat" day that I end up losing the most weight, even if I didn't end up exercising that day. But hey - most of us have come to know through personal trial/error what methods are most effective for our lifestyles.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Cheat days are how I got here in the first place. :lol:

    1) I eat good food within my calorie limits so I don't need to cheat. By good, I not only mean low cal and yet nutritious, I also mean food with lots of variety and flavour.

    2) I exercise a lot. When I cycle 90 km, like I did yesterday, I have lots of extra calories to play with. Yesterday, I had a cauliflower & cheese pie + a large apricot custard tart for lunch. Then I had a chocolate ice cream bar from the nearby convenience store after the ride ... good recovery food. I also had quite a large dinner. But I worked for it all.

    None of that is cheating. No need to cheat!

  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I've lost 70lbs and I have cheat days. I'd go crazy otherwise because I love DQ Blizzards and pizza. They are the only 2 foods I actually look forward to and even wish to eat.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Oh, geez. Can you stop ascribing value judgements and personality traits to food and food actions?

    Who are you replying to? Can you please explain what you mean?

    My question as well.