Stressed and Depressed



  • lovefridays
    lovefridays Posts: 14 Member
    Hugs. Life can be difficult at times and some days all we can do is take it minute by minute.

    The advice about the calories is a good one - I had to go to another site to compute how many calories per day I should be eating based on my weight and weight loss goals.

    Another idea I have, that has helped me in the past, is to start a blog. You can make it either private or public and only people who want to will read it will. It helps to get your feelings out and reflect on what is going on in your life - by putting your feelings, thoughts, interactions with others into writing you are required to think to ensure you are conveying the right intention. Just a suggestion.

  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    This too shall pass. In the meantime - and there after - walk. walk walk.