Zumba or not to Zumba.. that is the question...



  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    If you find the right teacher for you, it can be amazing. Some are intense and have complicated routines, others are slower or less complicated. Some love to incorporate lots of jumping, others stick to slower dances like bachata. Try out a couple. And really, the more intensity you give it, the better your results...as with anything.

    It will also get you into other forms of exercise. I would never have run 5ks or tried pilates if it weren't for Zumba.
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    I am headed for my first class tonight. Don't know how many min's I will hold out but I am thinking I would hold out longer in a class then at home by myself. I have been trying out clips on youtube to get my courage up. I I hope class is as encouraging as everyone says, I went to several different WW meeting with different instructors and NEVER did find one the made me feel encouraged. people said meetings were better then on your own..............Not for me:frown:

    .....So I don't know...... gonna try it though
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    you might also like the 30 day shred.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    If you are not used to working out, take Zumba... at least you are moving.

    But if you want faster results, strength training, HIIT (insanity, PX90 etc), and weight train.

    I do a variety of exercises i.e. Zumba, Heavy Weights, TKB, Body Pump, Running, HIIT, etc.
    I workout 6-7 days a couple of hours each day.

    The fastest way to change my body was with Heavy Weights and HIIT.

    I do Zumba as "rest". (I'm not bashing Zumba because I can't do it. I can and can do it better than some of the instructors that I have seen.) It is also hard to measure your progression. For example, you know you are stronger when you dead lift weight moves from 100 to 125 to 150 etc. You know your endurance is better when you can sustain sprints and run a 5 min mile.

    It is really easy to cheat in Zumba. You can't cheat lifting weights. The amount is on the weights. Everyone can see the difference between curling 5lbs. and 50 lbs. You can't cheat in classes that do HIIT because the rest of the class will have to do push ups as they wait for you to complete your sets.

    It all depends on what is your goal... Lose weight change your body. then HITT and strength /weights.

    But do what you will stick to... if it Zumba.. Then take Zumba.
  • finkplamingoes
    finkplamingoes Posts: 16 Member
    to quote my boot camp instructor " if you want easy then go take zumba"

    Have you ever tried it? I burn more calories per hour at zumba then I do jogging on the treadmill. I use a polar hrm with chest strap to guage calories burned. Its not a lifting or "toning" class, so you still need to lift weights or do some body weight strength training, but as far as cardio workouts go, its hard to beat for calorie burn!

    Agreed! Give it a try! I have so much fun that I don't feel tortured like I do in some of those boot camp-type classes and I end up going for longer and working harder as a result. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for strength training and it's important to get it in along with all the cardio, but I can't think of a better way to get in my cardio. I also like to strap on some wrist and/or ankle weights to add to the workout.
  • tomile
    tomile Posts: 1 Member
    I just started walking before I did anything else. My weight and my health were too much to go to anything but walk. Then I found my coach at our CrossFit box. Saw how those on Extreem Weight Loss did it with their coach, and found me a coach. 130# weight loss later, I can jump rope even with my bad ankles. Now I have a goal of a handstand! WTH!

    Do something, even if it is Zumba. Good luck, and sending you blessing for your goal. It is a big one, but worth all the effort, I promise!
  • KirstenMarie18
    KirstenMarie18 Posts: 35 Member
    to quote my boot camp instructor " if you want easy then go take zumba"

    I do not agree with this. Zumba can be quite difficult. What makes it "easy" is the fact that you're dancing and having fun. I am completely out of breath when I finish my Zumba work out routine. That being said, I do think it's a good idea to throw in other types of work outs.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    to quote my boot camp instructor " if you want easy then go take zumba"

    My boot camp instructor is also my Zumba instructor. LOL Trust me, her classes are hard no matter what she's teaching.

    Zumba is not easy! lol
    Last Friday went to a Zumba Party Class that was 90 mins! We had like 10 instructors and each had 2 to 3 routines - there was no stopping! I burned those calories! I was moving around so much, my HRM strap stopped picking up my HR! lol

    My Zumba Teacher is also a Boot Camp Personal Trainer - Her FitCamp and Zumba classes are both intense!

    A trainer friend took over a Zumba class b/c the instructor was out and taught boot camp. He said that he never seen the Zumba people sweat so much before. Some walked out b/c it was to hard.
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    I enjoy zumba... it's really fun and you will burn calories... I think you should try it...
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Zumba is GREAT cardio for you.........
    and its fun....
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    Zumba is incredible if you find the right teacher... I was completely against it (not a fan of 'expressing myself' in public), and got dragged along kicking and screaming (quietly as not to express myself too publicly) to a class with a friend. Well, all I can say is thanks goodness someone made me do it. It is the most fun you can have with your clothes on! If the teacher has personality, and knows how to teach, i.e. to a complete novice, making sure you can follow the steps and not going overboard too quickly, then it is such a great workout and so enjoyable.

    The more you go, the better you know the moves, and therefore the better the workout. I can absolutely say I have the best fun at Zumba - I now go around 3 times a week and am planning to buy the DVDs...

    And yes, I'm still against being outwardly expressive, but I stand at the back and flail about like a complete idiot, putting my entire body into every move, and its actually not that embarrassing, when you know everyone else is doing the same ;)

    I would certainly recommend getting to a class, the live element gives you more of a buzz.

    I tend to burn around 500-600 calories per class, and I would say they are 'Moderate' to 'Intense'.

    Have fun!

    Exactly how I felt about it. I love it. And on most ocassions depending on the instructor, I burn about 1000 calories in an hours time doing moderate to intense. Our instructors are hardcore at 24 Hour Fitness.
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    I love Zumba..and really...HATE some of the songs sometimes. However, I AMP it up a lot...and after you get the basic moves down..you can too...; I think it's a great exercise period...but especially if you are just starting out! It's so much fun ...
    just relax - let loose and boogie! Remember to turn your foot when you turn your knees...and just go for it! If you hate it - try it a few more times...and if you still hate it - don't do it again! ;D
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Zumba is my absolute favorite way to burn through calories. Its sooooo fun. I have Zumba fitness 2 which I use alllllllllmost every day along with strength/weights 3x a week and maintaining an active lifestyle is making all the difference in this journey for me. Good luck in yours! :flowerforyou:
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    How much do I love Zumba?

    I seriously considered changing shift rotations at work (a rotation I love) just so that I wouldn't have to miss every other Friday Zumba class when my maternity leave finished. I go to Zumba 3 times a week, and love each class and instructor, though I certainly have my favourite (Deanna on Friday is so so high energy and crazy amazing!).

    I haven't done any of the DVDs, but really, anything that gets you sweating, your blood pumping, and brings a smile to your face is pretty ideal :smile:.
  • steffenk1
    steffenk1 Posts: 38 Member
    I joined zumba in my gym I love It am 53 and have bad feet but I just do what I can It is really fun It doesn't really feel like exercise it burns the calories I will tell you are instructor does kick you rear though. You should try it you will get hooked. steffenk1:smile:
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    Everyone who tries zumba loves it!

  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I tried a few videos on youtube and loved it. Now I want to try the classes that are offered nearby but they closed for the summer. Oh well I guess I get to pratice before.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I agree that it depends on the instructor as to the intensity and whether you like it. I gave up running a few years ago due to bad knees. When I picked up Zumba, I did notice some knee pain so I am very very careful now.

    I have never danced a song in my life. Not in a club, not at a wedding, not at my wedding etc... I'm also self-conscious and reserved(was much more so in the past...). Anyways, if you are those things, don't cross Zumba off the list with out trying it. I absolutely love it! I'm off during the summer(teacher) and am able to do Zumba 4+ times a week now and am loving it! During the school year, I only do it once a week.

    I have used some videos off of youtube and done some at home but really do prefer a class...
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    I've been taking classes for 2 months now and I totally suck at it! I would suggest really learni g the moves so you don't get discouraged ( like I'm getting) I really do hate it but the calorie burn is unreal so I go to class and cry when I'm done:cry:
  • Been to few zumba classes and loved it also I even bought the wii version , is ok but not as good so bought the dvd and I do it at hoe at least 2 times a week. I would say give it a try you have nothing to loose and its so much fun.