Zumba or not to Zumba.. that is the question...



  • andreafischer1982
    andreafischer1982 Posts: 36 Member
    I started with zumba too when i startet with MFP it was an easy way to start excercising i went to a class and used the dvds. at the moment i am not doing zumba because i am now on outdoorsports as soon as the summer is here with lots of running and cyling but i am sure in the winter time i will start zumba again. it is fun and as long you don't stop moving you can not do anything wrong.
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    ZUMBA ZUMBA ZUMBA ZUMBA ZUMBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZZZZZUUUUMMMBBBAAAA!!! AS much as you can, as often as you can, you wont regret it!
  • SidsMom80
    SidsMom80 Posts: 97 Member
    I have Zumba for the Kinect. I enjoy it, and the time really flies by. I'd like to go take a real class at a gym, but I'm trying to work my confidence up to that first :smile:
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba, but I have a few tips.

    1. If you can't figure out a move, do anything just keep moving. In the words of my favorite instructor: just march it out!

    2. It's all about the footwear. Good support can mean the difference between a fun class and limping around for the rest of the day. the only exception is if you're working out at home on carpet. Kick off the kicks and go barefoot, your sneakers don't do you any favors on the carpet.

    3. Lastly it's the Zumba rule of 3 (and sometimes 4).Try it three times before you decide you hate it. Everyone hates their first Zumba class (you don't know the moves, it's awkward, it's kind of overall weird). The second class, things start to make a little more sense, but it's still a little strange. The third class, is the deciding factor, but if you still hate it, take a fourth class with a different instructor, the instructor really can make all the difference.

    4. Have fun. Smile, laugh at yourself, and don't be self conscious. Remember, no one in the class is watching you, they are too busy worrying about themselves.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    LOVE zumba! Getting the steps aren't easy at first and there is a lot of jumping depending on your instructor...my zumba instructor is also one of my spin instructors and my pilates instructor and she doesn't joke around. My husband shared this with me and i think it's a great inspiration:

  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    I absolutely love it! I have it for XBox, so it tracks all my movements and gives me a score at the end! But I agree, it's not for everyone, but you never know until you try! Give it a go and see how you feel!
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I hate when people say Zumba isn't a work out.

    I consider myself a pretty fit person. I can squat 145, run a 26 minute 5k, comfortably run about 5 miles at a time at a 9:30 pace, and the Zumba class I go to kicks my *kitten*! Not even kidding. I come out of that class drenched every. single. time. I agree whole-heartedly that it depends on your instructor.

    I took a Zumba class in college and despised it. I felt like I wasted an hour of my time and I'm not sure if I even had a drop of sweat by the end of the hour. The class I go to now is more hip-hop and aerobics based and it really skyrockets my heart-rate. I love using it for my cardio.

    People who say it isn't a workout are ignorant and are implying their workout is better than someone else's. As long as you're sweating and burning calories, who cares what you're doing!? Unless it's stripping......... then I may suggest another avenue. But to each its own.
  • MySignaturecolour
    MySignaturecolour Posts: 48 Member
    I hate when people say Zumba isn't a work out.

    I consider myself a pretty fit person. I can squat 145, run a 26 minute 5k, comfortably run about 5 miles at a time at a 9:30 pace, and the Zumba class I go to kicks my *kitten*! Not even kidding. I come out of that class drenched every. single. time. I agree whole-heartedly that it depends on your instructor.

    I took a Zumba class in college and despised it. I felt like I wasted an hour of my time and I'm not sure if I even had a drop of sweat by the end of the hour. The class I go to now is more hip-hop and aerobics based and it really skyrockets my heart-rate. I love using it for my cardio.

    People who say it isn't a workout are ignorant and are implying their workout is better than someone else's. As long as you're sweating and burning calories, who cares what you're doing!? Unless it's stripping......... then I may suggest another avenue. But to each its own.

    I go to Zuma-Hip Hop, it is a workout. I got to boot camp twice a week and I cannot decide which kicks my but more. It does depend on the instructor. They have a free class where I work and I went a couple of times and barely broke a sweat. My Goddaughter kept asking me to come with her and I went to a 1.5 hr Zumba event where she goes and I'm hooked. It's a bit af a drive for me so I decided on only once a week but it's Tuesday and looks like I'm moving up to twice a week. I will be so drenched when I walk out. This class is so popular people stand in line 30 minutes before it starts in the hot TX sun. Crazy right? Well call me cray-cray i'll be in line tonight!.
  • boobeey
    boobeey Posts: 78 Member
    I love Zumba because i love to dance so to me when you Zumba it's like your not even working out. Plus it's so much fun. I lost 10 poundsin a matter of 3 weeks and i wasn't dieting or counting calories.