Making myself get up early to exercise



  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    My alarm goes off at...*gulp*...3:15am M-F. :sad:

    Besides being flat-out insane, I was just sick and tired of being fat and unhealthy and I knew that I HAD to do this.

    I won't lie...I can't do it EVERY day. Some days, I just snooze right through my workout time. But those days are getting fewer and farther between. And when they do happen, I feel like crap and I'm dragging through the day. I miss the extra energy that stupid early workout gives me.

    You do get used to it.

    And bonus: when my 3 year old wakes me up at 6am on weekends, it's like sleeping in! :smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I sugest you guys try out one of the systems offered on [spam snipped] or at [spam snipped]'s youtube page. They have simple easy to follow systems that will encourage you to get up and workout quickly and effectively. These systems have worked for my friends and now I am in the process of trying the Customized Weight loss system and have already lost 8 pounds in two weeks!!

    I suggest you read the Community Guidelines (all hail) and follow them. I even sent a note to one of the keepers of the CG asking that they send you a friendly reminder.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    You can't *make* yourself get up and work your *kitten* off.

    You have to **want** to get up, and bust a move.

    ^^^ THIS!!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Sounds like you probably need the sleep? Lack of it can stall weight loss, btw, and raise cortisol, which makes life unpleasant and you prone to illness. Alternatives to stupid o'clock pain:

    1) Do 1 properly heavy weightlifting session on the weekend, and budget time for another some evening midweek. Get a babysitter for that hour. Or, buy weights and lift at home - put the KIDS to bed earlier, or get another pair of eyes on them just for that bit.

    AND, plan walking into your commute. Or fit your kids into your cardio on other days, if you can - go for a walk with them, swim if they're old enough, just horse around for a bit. I see people on bikes with their kids in wagons that are attached to the bike. Don't know if that appeals. Good for you, good for the family. (Though I get that it might not be practical for a range of reasons.)

    2) Are lunchtimes a definite no? If you're lucky & have a company gym in or right near the building, maybe you could try a short, bodybuilder-style workout, where you just do shoulders one day, arms the next, etc. If you're not sweating from tons of cardio (you will a bit but not as much), you can just take care of essentials and go back to work without showering. Kids have gym class at school and don't shower, right? They're fine.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I don't know how you early morning people do it. I like to GET UP early, but work out...? It's so not even a possibility before noon.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one having this issue! :) ugh!
  • TammTammS
    TammTammS Posts: 55 Member
    So i did it
    I slept in my workout clothes and move the alarm clock across the room
    Once i was up i got the water out of the fridge that i made last night and did the insanity workout
    Now i feel up and energized and ready to tackle my day.....

    To the op i hope u find a way to do it
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Go to sleep earlier at night. Be in bed at 9:00 instead of 10:00 so you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep. When you can't wake up, it means your body needs more rest.

    I set my alarm on my phone for whatever time I want to get up, with a second alarm two minutes later. Just enough of a "snooze button" to start to shake off the sleep fog without enough time to actually go back to sleep.
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    Hi :happy:

    To be able to get up early you need to go to bed early - early to bed, early to rise. In addition you have to want to change and make early morning exercise an habit ... slowly slowly you will see the benefit of such a change then it gains its own momentum and becomes easier.

    Ask yourself what you would like to achieve (weight loss, health & fitness) an what steps you need to do to reach your goals.

    Prepare everything you need the night before so your not hunting for stuff :)


    Take Care

  • nfpswife
    nfpswife Posts: 63 Member
    So many awesome suggestions!! My alarm goes off at 3:45 and I'm on the road/treadmill by 4. It took awhile to build up the discipline, but I always feel so much better about it. DO set your alarm (or multiple alarms) and put it across the room or in another room so you have to get up to shut it off. I set my alarm clock for 3:45 and my phone for 4. I put my phone in my running shoes so I have to physically touch my shoes to hit the snooze...the guilt sets in if I do.

    Set small goals - 1 day a week at first, then 2, then 3 or however many you want. Plan your "sleep in" mornings according to your life schedule. I let myself sleep in on Mondays and Fridays and every other morning I'm up early enough to get a run in before life kicks in.

    I promise you, you will thank yourself when 4 PM hits and you have no more energy to do anything besides eat supper and watch The Big Bang Theory.
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    Well, the "I can't wake up" alarm app was a success this morning. I woke up 1/2 hour earlier than I have in weeks. I used the "order" and "shake" options. If I would have had time last night to use the "barcode" feature, I'm sure I would have made it up another 10-15 min earlier. I am definitely going to have to get to bed before 10pm, though. I'm tired this morning. It's hard getting to bed by 9pm when one of the kids doesn't go down until 8:30, though! Usually after they go to bed is the time when I get everything done around the house.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Have EVERYTHING ready the night before. Clothes picked out, gym bag, lunch packed. Do NOT push snooze! Just get out of bed before you have any time to think and wash your face. Get dressed, and I like to listen to my ipod as I get everything together out the door. I brew coffee the night before for a quick iced coffee as well, and out the door. I am up at 5 and out the door by 5:30...

    It's not always easy, but that is why I literally don't think about it until I'm out the door. It's like, what if I had to be at work? This is my job, I have no choice. I don't think of it as an option. And once I'm done and on my way to work I feel amazing, accomplished, and ready to take on the day. I wouldn't have it any other way.
    this, exactly.

    I do take a LITTLE more time to get going in the AM (I like to ... ahem... go before i leave the house, and it takes time for the coffee to kick in), plus i like to shower before the gym, but otherwise - yes, EVERYTHING is prepared the night before, gym clothing set out, bag with work clothing, towel, toiletries is ready. food for lunch is ready. coffee is brewed and i scarf it down cold. breakfast is a banana that i eat on my way out the door. so that's getting up.

    It takes time to really get into the habit but it does become habit. I used to get up at 5.30 and sometimes would convince myself that i'm too tired and go back to sleep. now i force myself to get up, and i actually started (this past week) to get up at 5.15 becuase otherwise i get to the gym too late.

    as nike says JUST DO IT.

    LOL so you guys jinxed me yesterday, after i wrote that it really does become habit yada yada so the alarm rang at 5.15 and i promptly went back to sleep and skipped the gym..

    oh well, i did walk to work (60 minutes) and i'm going to try to walk home (another 60 minutes). so that should make me feel better about myself...:blushing:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    If you are prone to hitting snooze for 45 min then set your alarm 45 min earlier. That way you can hit snooze and still get up at the time you need to to hit the gym. Once you get used to getting up at a certain time it will become easier.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've attempted exercising in the evenings before. With my full time work schedule and two small children at home, it doesn't work. I need to wake up by 4:45 or 5am before work to get it done. EVERY morning I set my alarm. EVERY morning I hit the snooze...for 45 minutes at least! What is wrong with me!

    No discipline.

    You just have to do it, and commit to getting up. You'll do it when you finally want to make a change.
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    Haha - bad news is I've officially given up on trying to make it happen in the mornings. I'm too tired and can't get myself going. Good news - I've made myself find time in the evenings. thank goodness for long summer nights.