Your dirty little secret



  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Sometimes I jam out to Britney Spears, it totally kills my rocker chick cred.

    There's this really amazing 10 minute remix of Toxic that gets me GOING.

    Ashamed to say, but I know the one and it is awesome.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    edited April 2015
    I used to be soooo enamored with Ricky Martin. Thought he was so cute in Menudo, then he grew up and was HOT. Everyone told me he was gay (before he came out), I couldn't believe it though. Then, when he announced it....sigh.....crushed. What a waste for the women! LOL I still think he's a cutie pie though.
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    at work when every one goes to bed googie to disco :dizzy:
  • stephaniejsharp
    stephaniejsharp Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have the biggest crush on john stamos lol
  • Carpedieznutz
    Carpedieznutz Posts: 1,166 Member
    I think my neighbor is pretty hot
  • katnroyal87
    katnroyal87 Posts: 8,789 Member
    I play world of Warcraft!!! I can't help it!!!! :(
  • in_it_to_thin_it
    in_it_to_thin_it Posts: 432 Member
    I own more shoes than I could wear daily for 3 months!
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I listen to Backstreet Boys
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    Sometimes I jam out to Britney Spears, it totally kills my rocker chick cred.

    Britney was my dream girl when I was a teenager.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    I would but kid videos, such as Barney, The wiggles, backyardigans, Barbie,etc., "for my daughter" and watch them. The songs were just so darn catchy.
    She finally outted me to friends and family. But I did learn the Hebrew Alphabet (Alephbeth). So that's a bonus.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    I don't like bacon.
    or peanut butter.

    please don't hate me.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    I sometimes imagine me running into someone who bullied me from my youth and be able to be " nanner ya like me now?!"
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I still have thoughts about someone from 29 years ago!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore. I'll just keep them to myself. Yep, I have more than one.
  • Becka4Real
    Becka4Real Posts: 1,527 Member
    I would divorce my husband if I thought I had a chance with Tim Tebow :#
  • 9mike
    9mike Posts: 839 Member
    I like the movie frozen
  • RachaelBrook929
    RachaelBrook929 Posts: 894 Member
    I have a big thing for Jason derulo!! And me have had a lil play ;)
  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I have a big thing for Jason derulo!! And me have had a lil play ;)

    Lucky Mr Derulo lol

  • RachaelBrook929
    RachaelBrook929 Posts: 894 Member
    I have a big thing for Jason derulo!! And me have had a lil play ;)

    Lucky Mr Derulo lol

    Haha ;)