Diet coke



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Diet Coke is not good for you. Diet Dr. Pepper/Coke Zero FTW.

    Seriously, I drink a can with dinner or a glass when I'm out to eat, and I have a bottle chilling in the refrigerator to drink when I go to work at 3 in the morning (I don't do coffee, so that's how I wake up, and whether I'm finished with it or not I buy a 1-liter bottle of water on my lunch break at 7:30).
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    If you want to stop drinking it for whatever personal reason, it helps to figure out why you might be addicted to it. For me, it was about the carbonation. So I switched to carbonated water (la croix) and I've only had very occasional cravings for diet soda..and I just drink it when I get the craving.
  • zeinmr
    zeinmr Posts: 79 Member
    Have you ever seen a person on diet coke and lived forever :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    Y'all can drink aspartame all you want but the stuff is crap. Period. I don't understand how people think it's okay. I don't know. I was there, I loved my diet dew and no one could take it from me without experiencing my wrath. I wouldn't touch the stuff ever again, but that's just me.

    Yes it's just you.

    I think it is okay ( in sensible moderation like everything else) so I will continue drinking a few cans a week, like I always have.

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    waldronsix wrote: »
    same here. I am addicted. I drink it everyday. When I try to stop I get a headache... I have cut down quite a bit tho. One step at a time.

    That is probably the caffeine if you are drinking a cola version, most of them do have caffeine.

    Sudden withdrawal of caffeine is known to bring on temporary headaches in people who consumed it regularly.
  • Jesslan_Rose
    Jesslan_Rose Posts: 137 Member
    edited April 2015
    I lived on Diet Coke and Crystal Light Iced Tea for 3/4 of my life. It was all I ever drank. Through trial and error I realized the aspartame in both were severely aggravating my fibromyalgia. I still need a D Coke on occasion because nothing else can replace the taste for me, but since I (mostly) removed aspartame my fibro flares have significantly lowered in amount and intensity.
  • csb66
    csb66 Posts: 32 Member
    Well Im not addicted to Diet Coke, but once in a while i love filling a glass with lots of ice, and Diet Coke, it takes the sweet edge off. Mmm…wish I had one now. hahahaa. Oh it does have salt, so you have to watch out for that, but as long as you're not drinking it morning, noon and night, you're okay.
  • Jimsterintexas
    Jimsterintexas Posts: 53 Member
    There are many negative side effects. I used to drink two 44oz Diet Cokes a day, but one day I just stopped cold turkey in January 2012, and haven't had any since. Here is a list of reasons not to drink diet soda:,,20739512,00.html
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Have you ever seen a person on diet coke and lived forever :)

    lolzz indeed

    btw water is bad too. All people who drink or drank water, died or will die also sooner or later.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited April 2015
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    Y'all can drink aspartame all you want but the stuff is crap. Period. I don't understand how people think it's okay. I don't know. I was there, I loved my diet dew and no one could take it from me without experiencing my wrath. I wouldn't touch the stuff ever again, but that's just me.

    LOL. That anti-aspartame psyche-out conspiracy crap is still doing the rounds isn't it?

    It's beautifully crafted, eminently believable and just not scientifically valid

    An easier read that actually links to the article above
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    I use diet coke as a treat when I'm really going strong, it's one of those things I'll have when I've eaten and I need a sweet kick without resorting to chocolate.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    Y'all can drink aspartame all you want but the stuff is crap. Period. I don't understand how people think it's okay. I don't know. I was there, I loved my diet dew and no one could take it from me without experiencing my wrath. I wouldn't touch the stuff ever again, but that's just me.

    LOL. That anti-aspartame psyche-out conspiracy crap is still doing the rounds isn't it?

    It's beautifully crafted, eminently believable and just not scientifically valid

    An easier read that actually links to the article above

    Its kinda like that "class action suit" about yaz birth control being linked to gallbladder disease. Some women (probably overweight, smokers, and in their thirties, which is when birth control can become iffy in regards to dangers) had an attack. I was on that pill and had an attack. I was overweight, ate a ton of greasy food, I smoke and have a family history. But hey let's blame that pill!

    That was a good read. Glad to see that everyone doesn't believe an email that starts with FWD:FWD:fw. Or as someone mentioned, her random uncle lol
  • marcianne98
    marcianne98 Posts: 20 Member
    Geez...I would hate to see the day Diet Coke would be WWIII
    I'll stick with Stevia. Thank you.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Diet Coke will absolutely kill you because it doesn't taste as good as Coke Zero. Also, every person who has ever drank water will die.

    No not true only people who drink dihydrogen minoxide die...
  • Diet Coke will absolutely kill you because it doesn't taste as good as Coke Zero. Also, every person who has ever drank water will die.

    Coke zero for the win!!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I used to LOVE diet coke, and then my husband's uncle explained to me all I was doing was pumping embalming fluid into my body slowing poisoning myself.

    I woke up with a horrific headache. As it started to abate, I thought I'd check in and see what was going on over here. I read the words "embalming fluid" and laughed so loudly my head felt like it was going to split open. So thanks for that.

    All the alarmist bs about diet soda....I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  • minkky
    minkky Posts: 73 Member
    To all the diet coke diehard lovers...
    You are my people.
    Feel free to add me. I'm relatively new and I log daily.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I love when people use scare tactics like that's the same as pumping embalming fluid in your body or scary chemical names to convince someone to give something up, ala the Food Babe.

    My other favorite is when someone posts on Facebook every few years that they use diet coke to hose out the coke trucks because it's basically a cleaning fluid. Yeah. Ok.

    I love Diet Coke and have been drinking it for 20+ years. If you don't enjoy it, then by all means, switch to something else. But it makes me sad when people enjoy something that is not harmful to them, and a random non scientific source read something online and convinces you with fear mongering tactics that you should give it up.
  • quintoespada
    quintoespada Posts: 58 Member
    edited April 2015
    that's why i stopped talking to my stepfather, but it's not the only reason. some people will believe anything they hear. for a long time he tried to tell me coke was full of paint thinner etc. the fact is the FDA would never approve of something so large in amount it would kill us. the amounts of these chemicals, present are not, are so trace they can do no harm.

    i like coke zero.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    With the increasing number of people such as food babe, dr is, and the banana diet girl, we're all going to die from overconsumption of lettuce, since it seems that's the only healthy thing for us.