Freaking Costco



  • sweetdixie92
    sweetdixie92 Posts: 655 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Don't forget the free samples and that amazing chicken bake ;)

    I solve that problem by just getting super annoyed at the traffic jams around the samples. They block the entire aisle and could care less about anything except shoving free food in their mouths. I see the samples and just try and walk the other way to avoid trying to deal with the crowd.

    Of course, I have rage shopping issues... :smile:

    Lol agreed! I always at least look to see if it's something worth fighting a crowd for. I also have a knack for showing up when they're in the middle of preparing the next batch!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Never shopping hungry helps. I always end up buying more food if I shop hungry.

    That kitchen safe reminds me of a local good-news story where a homeless piano man has found a new home at a center where he can have his drink every four hours. In a regulated environment, he can have a better life.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Don't forget the free samples and that amazing chicken bake ;)

    I solve that problem by just getting super annoyed at the traffic jams around the samples. They block the entire aisle and could care less about anything except shoving free food in their mouths. I see the samples and just try and walk the other way to avoid trying to deal with the crowd.

    Of course, I have rage shopping issues... :smile:

    Lol agreed! I always at least look to see if it's something worth fighting a crowd for. I also have a knack for showing up when they're in the middle of preparing the next batch!

    I'm not alone!!! <3

    I pretty much keep my membership just for the gas at this point - it's by far the closest station to me and a good .20-.30 cents cheaper than the others. I did however spend my rebate check on an endless supply of microwave popcorn which I believe is causing my stall. But it was free lol!
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Don't forget the free samples and that amazing chicken bake ;)

    I solve that problem by just getting super annoyed at the traffic jams around the samples. They block the entire aisle and could care less about anything except shoving free food in their mouths. I see the samples and just try and walk the other way to avoid trying to deal with the crowd.

    Of course, I have rage shopping issues... :smile:

    This drives me crazy. And then hubby takes over pushing the cart for a while to let me cool off before I start ramming people. lol

    Costco... always amazing how a trip for toilet paper and dog food turns into a $200 stop.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Don't forget the free samples and that amazing chicken bake ;)

    I don't "hate" many things but I hate the free samples. Can honestly say I've never once stopped.
    auddii wrote: »
    I solve that problem by just getting super annoyed at the traffic jams around the samples. They block the entire aisle and could care less about anything except shoving free food in their mouths. [...] Of course, I have rage shopping issues... :smile:


    The vast majority of those contributing to the free sample blockades have near empty carts no matter where they are located in the store. Meanwhile I'm trying to... quickly... get in and out with $200-300 worth of groceries for a family of four including my two, incredibly fit, voracious teenagers.

    I like to power shop at a good (but safe) clip. :smile:

    Re the OP... I take a list with me. Rarely do I bring home anything that isn't on it. Maybe that's partly because I'm flying through the store!
  • GetThatRunnersHigh
    GetThatRunnersHigh Posts: 112 Member
    Oh man, the crowd is why I avoid Costco on the weekends. I basically live across the street from one so I take my sweet time in there during weekdays. Once got 3 samples of Lindt truffles because no one else was around.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    what the heck is a kitchen safe?

    It's a locked container that only unlocks once a day (or however often you set it). Many people who are working through binging find them useful tools. I've never used one...

    This gif is getting used twice today! Just when I thought I'd heard it all!
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    edited April 2015
    They say to never go shopping on an empty stomach...

    I usually avoid Costco myself though. Too crowded and too many rude people
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    My Costco strategy is not to use a cart. It really keeps me in control of what I am actually buying. (I do admit, however, to waddling around with stupidly full arms on more than one occasion.)
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I find that I buy less when I shop at off times. There are fewer people around so I can get quickly from one aisle to another versus slowly making my way through the store and ending up with things I don't need.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Today BJ's had at least 5 free sample stands that I saw. I only tried the gummy bears & Pirate booty. There was a stand for 4 kinds of Asian chicken, a stand for Eggland's eggs (I think they were scrambled), and two drink stands. BJs was pouring it on today!
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Don't forget the free samples and that amazing chicken bake ;)

    Show up the moment Costco opens. he free samples aren't out yet.

  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    what the heck is a kitchen safe?

    It's a locked container that only unlocks once a day (or however often you set it). Many people who are working through binging find them useful tools. I've never used one...

    That's all well and good until your kid locks your car keys in it. Best laid plans...
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited April 2015
    i went into Costco for toilet paper and dog food. walked out with that plus cinnamon bread, a jar of dark chocolate sea salt chocolates and a smoothie. Damnit.
    True fact: The inverse of the health of your bank account is directly related to time spent inside at Costco.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I usually get my groceries delivered. It stops impulse buys and I also am like super pressed for time always. However, I do hit the BJs once every couple of months. I never get out of there without dropping $300
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    andympanda wrote: »
    Don't forget the free samples and that amazing chicken bake ;)

    Show up the moment Costco opens. he free samples aren't out yet.

    That's what I do as well - get in there as soon as the doors open, get what I need and get out. The only thing I ever see is the coffee guy, but I don't drink that so no issues.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    edited April 2015
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Today BJ's had at least 5 free sample stands that I saw. I only tried the gummy bears & Pirate booty. There was a stand for 4 kinds of Asian chicken, a stand for Eggland's eggs (I think they were scrambled), and two drink stands. BJs was pouring it on today!

    Somehow BJ free samples never appeals to me as much.

    *** YEAH ^^ that can go so wrong but true that I'm talking about the store. Seriously I am.***
  • bambione
    bambione Posts: 30 Member
    I love Costco. Have one piece of that cinnamon bread and freeze the rest. Are you sorry you bought the dark chocolate stuff? Take it back! You don't have to keep any of that stuff. I can certainly understand being tempted. Have one serving and put the rest away. My weakness is the pizza. I just love it but it has 700 calories for a slice of cheese pizza. So far I've been really good and haven't had any since I started doing MFP. I only take cash to Costco so I don't get tempted by a lot of stuff.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I usually get my groceries delivered. It stops impulse buys and I also am like super pressed for time always. However, I do hit the BJs once every couple of months. I never get out of there without dropping $300

    I do something similar: I order all of my toiletries and non-perishables and household items online (free delivery) then I go to the grocery store for fresh food items only. I try to stay out of the mass stores like Wal-Mart and Target. Wal-Mart makes me angry. Hate that place. Seems no one is showered, dressed, nor has ever been taught manners ever. When I go to Target clothes and household items seem to jump into my cart for some reason, then I'm shocked at how much I spent.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    I must be the only one who loves the free samples at Costco! Love trying different foods without having to buy them. I do log my calories from the samples. Plus the high cost of buying a huge bag of chocolate or whatever usually keeps my purchases in check. I usually only buy what I need there because the costs really add up.