I'm going to die if I don't get this done

I am a 400 lb morbidly obese woman. I've said to myself time and time again I'm going to lose weight when I'm ready and my husband loves me the way I am. But I'm not happy and if health issues don't kill me my depression will. I have been working out for over 2 months and have changed my eating habits but I have lost only 16 pounds. This isn't about looks. This is about me living long enough to have kids one day and actually being able to enjoy my life. I want to walk around Disneyland, or get on a roller coaster. I want to be a person who goes to the grocery store during the day and not at night because I am too embarrassed to be seen in public on an automatic cart because I can't walk through the store. I want to live my life not just survive it. I am going to do this but I need help, support, and friends to see me through this journey. Any help, tips, tricks, motivational quotes, ANYTHING would be most appreciated! Thanks!


  • KingoftheLilies
    KingoftheLilies Posts: 71 Member
    First off, congratulations on making the decision to change. That's often the hardest step. Secondly, congratulations on losing 16lbs - that's a lot in 2 months, and don't let anyone tell you differently.

    2 months shows your commitment. 2 months shows your capability. 2 months shows your self-discipline. Each and every day is one more nail in the coffin of bad habits, excuses & delays. Each and every day proves that you can do the next one - you started so you can finish.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    edited April 2015
    16 pounds is a great start! You can do this and I will be here to help you! My advice is to set small goals to reach (i.e. My goals are in 10 pound incriments and how much weight I can lift, how long I can run before taking a break, etc). Just remember to take it one day at a time and don't get discouraged or give up if one day isn't 'perfect'. Also, read the sticky's at the top of each forum, they are filled with awesome advice. :smile:

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    Take responsibility for your life, yu are off to a good start. Its 100% in your own hands whether you do something about your weight situation or not. You are correct its affecting your mental and physical health for the worse, that you have put yourself at serious risk. On the good side you cna do soemthing about it by eating less and mobing more, its straightforward and you cna start getting benefits early on.

    Its no about working out (although that can help), but really about controlling what you eat in terms of amount and type. Focus on accurate logging and weighing so you know what you are eating and how much. You could consider trying a bit of walking each day or maybe some water aerobics.

    Make a plan, be consistent and dont be too aggressive or impatient. manage your expectations so you are realistic.


    You can pick up some good information on this link.

    Look at the success section to see people who have achieved the weight loss from your position. Good luck.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    16 pounds in two months is great and exactly what you should aim for! Congratulations on your loss and on your decision to get more healthy!

    My hottest tips for you is to make this journey - which will be for life - as pleasureable and easy as possible. Eat the things you like, but be careful with portion sizes. Experiment with new food, and aim for variety, but don't feel obliged to eat something just because it's deemed "healthy". Try to eat as much fresh and tasty nutritious food as possible within your calorie goal. Never try to eat too little. Get moving when you feel ready for it, and accept that exercise will make you sweaty, sore, and out of breath, but don't hurt yourself.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Only 16 lbs……..Wonderful news. Here is the way you have to look at it. ask yourself do I want to live or die young? Your choice, be thankful you have a choice.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have IRL friends who are morbidly obese. They have done nothing. Great job, 16lbs to a start of a healthier YOU! Keep it up :)
  • bluworld
    bluworld Posts: 135 Member
    Don't look at the end point. It gets frustrating to focus on something far away. Make your goals every 10lbs ( those mini goals will come quickly for the first while), and then party your pants off every 10% ( a goal that shrinks as you do). You will do this.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited April 2015
    16 lbs in 2 months?!?! Yeah, you're on the right track! That's a lot of weight you've lost.

    You've been exercising regularly for two months too? Ok, so now you've made it over the hurdle of turning exercise into a habit, and that's a huge step to have taken.

    The biggest thing to bear in mind: You will fall off the wagon sometime. You'll miss a day exercising, or one day you'll eat way too much. Don't sweat it, it happens to us all. Just pick yourself back up, and get back on the path.

    And, congrats on making the choice :)
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    I am a 400 lb morbidly obese woman. I've said to myself time and time again I'm going to lose weight when I'm ready and my husband loves me the way I am. But I'm not happy and if health issues don't kill me my depression will. I have been working out for over 2 months and have changed my eating habits but I have lost only 16 pounds. This isn't about looks. This is about me living long enough to have kids one day and actually being able to enjoy my life. I want to walk around Disneyland, or get on a roller coaster. I want to be a person who goes to the grocery store during the day and not at night because I am too embarrassed to be seen in public on an automatic cart because I can't walk through the store. I want to live my life not just survive it. I am going to do this but I need help, support, and friends to see me through this journey. Any help, tips, tricks, motivational quotes, ANYTHING would be most appreciated! Thanks!

    First of all, congratulations on taking the first step. It takes a lot of courage to own up to a problem we created for ourselves. Well done you. You are an amazing woman and you should be proud of yourself. You are on a journey now that you control, where it ends is completely up to you. As in how much weight you want to lose. Set yourself reachab!le goals along the way and don't hate yourself for cheating on you diet, trust me some of us do it. Its not about how you fail along the way. No! Its about how you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and finish the journey to become the woman you want to become. Good luck. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    Put 16lbs of groceries- tins, bottles of water etc- into a holdall. Use bathroom scales to get it the exact weight.
    It's about 20 cans of soda, if that helps.
    Carry this holdall up and down the stairs. Again and again until you feel you've had enough.
    Heavy, isn't it!
    Now put it down.
    Feel good, huh?
    That's what you've lost SO FAR!
    Imagine how great you'll look and feel if you keep this up and lose all you want to :)
    It's not impossible. It won't happen overnight.
    But each day, you'll lose a little. And those few grams and ounces add up to lbs, kgs,...hell, some people manage to lose 300lb!!!
    You can do it, girl!
    Add me as a friend and we'll do it together :)
  • YanskaNY
    YanskaNY Posts: 103 Member
    You can SO do this! One day at a time, beautiful. I have to go one hour at a time most days, and that is okay. You can commit to doing the right things for yourself today and decide again tomorrow. With each day of making good decisions under your belt it gets easier and becomes more of a habit . Sometims making a huge commitment is scary and sort of guarantees failure, but if you do it in baby steps you'll get where you need to be. You are awesome and powerful and no one can stop you but YOU. Take my hand and everyone else's here and let's do this, babe! :) You are not alone and you are NOT going to just survive - you are going to thrive!
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I think you are doing great with 16lbs lost so far! Sometimes I think the TV shows where they lose tons of weight really rapidly are misleading - the way to keep the change for life is to do is steadily and change your habits, rather than have a crash weight loss. You are on the right track!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    16lbs in two months is 2 pounds a week that is great. Take it one day at a time consistency is the key. Good Luck on your journey.

  • rossinator63
    rossinator63 Posts: 36 Member
    You're off to a great start. The most the human body can process off fat is 1-2 pounds per week. 16 lbs. in 8 weeks is fantastic. Keep doing whatever it is that you're doing. One of the hardest things for me was to understand that it is a lifestyle change: a journey not a sprint. None of us that put on weight did it fast, it has to come off the same way.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I am a 400 lb morbidly obese woman. I've said to myself time and time again I'm going to lose weight when I'm ready and my husband loves me the way I am. But I'm not happy and if health issues don't kill me my depression will. I have been working out for over 2 months and have changed my eating habits but I have lost only 16 pounds. This isn't about looks. This is about me living long enough to have kids one day and actually being able to enjoy my life. I want to walk around Disneyland, or get on a roller coaster. I want to be a person who goes to the grocery store during the day and not at night because I am too embarrassed to be seen in public on an automatic cart because I can't walk through the store. I want to live my life not just survive it. I am going to do this but I need help, support, and friends to see me through this journey. Any help, tips, tricks, motivational quotes, ANYTHING would be most appreciated! Thanks!

    Motivational quotes? How about "I'm going to die if I don't get this done"? You are your own motivation, take responsibility, you are capable of it.
  • sungoddess337
    sungoddess337 Posts: 62 Member
    16 lbs May not seem like much but it is. I started my journey at 458 and lost 93 lbs then got cocky. I proved that I can not eat like everyone else...I gained back 35 lbs. I got refocused and have lost 15 lbs. This site has been and is just what I needed. Some people are so honest it hurts but most of the time if you think about what is said and remember that people respond because they care. Follow up on suggested reading, etc. I have found that my day goes much better when I begin my day with a prayer of thanks for the success so far and ask that I make wish decisions that day. For those who do not choose to pray, simply taking the time to begin each day drawing on your inner strength and getting focused on the days adventure is so helpful. There's lot of people on here that have answered many questions that i have had; others post truly inspirational thoughts. I don't spend a great deal of time on the computer but I will respond. The best advice I have been given here is ...DON'T give up, live each day doing your best, hold yourself accountable but not mean and enjoy learning as you continue on your journey.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    You are definitely on the right track!! Remember, our bodies will adapt, so you'll have to change things up every so often. Add a new dietary change. Add in some new physical activity....walk a little farther, etc. Just know that you CAN do this. In fact you ARE doing it! Write your motivations down....kids, grocery w/out the motorized assist, ect and pin them up somewhere to remind yourself why you are doing the HARD things. Losing weight is not easy, but it's worth every moment of effort!!!
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    Thankfully you are facing this now while you are young and this can change the course of your life. I just lost my dad 2 weeks ago tomorrow) from a sudden heart attack due to his morbid obesity( whuch cuased his type 2 and hypertenstion). You are on the way just keep going and don't look back.
  • Chazsteers
    Chazsteers Posts: 18 Member
    You are doing amazing already 16lb in 2 months is a great achievement.

    Look at the forums there are loads of great recipes on here and exercise ideas, also try and create yourself goals with exercise even if its to use the stairs rather than the lift or 20 sit ups a day ....it's like self motivation, once you start achieving these things, you will know you can do it and push yourself more.

    Good luck with your weight loss.
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    YanskaNY wrote: »
    You can SO do this! One day at a time, beautiful. I have to go one hour at a time most days, and that is okay. You can commit to doing the right things for yourself today and decide again tomorrow. With each day of making good decisions under your belt it gets easier and becomes more of a habit . Sometims making a huge commitment is scary and sort of guarantees failure, but if you do it in baby steps you'll get where you need to be. You are awesome and powerful and no one can stop you but YOU. Take my hand and everyone else's here and let's do this, babe! :) You are not alone and you are NOT going to just survive - you are going to thrive!

    Very motivational words. Ever thing of becoming a life coach or motivational speaker, you'd be great at it. You inspired me.