How did you feel when you reached your goal?



  • Babykeys32
    Babykeys32 Posts: 36 Member
    I realised my goal isn't actually that great. Sure, its 42lb less than my original weight, but its still on the edge of healthy/overweight BMI and actually i want better for myself.

    So yeah...i guess for me it was a bit of an anti-climax!
  • blossom015
    blossom015 Posts: 27 Member
    First of Congrats! You deserve it....

    For me it was a long journey through very stressful life events. Now that I have reached my goal and focused on the maintenance and reflecting on the emotional aspect of it all. I realize and fully acknowledge how freaking awesome it is.

    I strongly encourage u to put on something form fitting and take pictures of yourself once u reach ur goal. Having kids is an awesome experience inwhich u give of yourself in so many ways. Sometimes we r so busy with life we don't take time to fully process our accomplishments.

    check out the thread under Success Stories about Things u didnt expect once u lost weight.
    :) You may not feel a glowing halo once u reach ur goal, but the compliments, the way ur clothes fit or dont fit any more, sliding in between placing will be simple reminders of a job well done....

  • legengary73
    legengary73 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow there are some amazing achievements in this thread. Kudos to you all. You're all an inspiration. I have simple goals but I want them to be part of my bigger plan which is to just be active. I have an inner drive to be lazy. Each day is a new goal - get out there. :)
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    I started at 6 ft, 255 lbs; my initial goal was to lose 20 lbs -- then 30, then 60, then 75. I reached my GOAL goal weight of 180 lbs just a few weeks ago. Now, on to the next goal: body recomposition!
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm also a 36 yr old mom of three kids (5ft, 6in), and when I hit my original goal weight it was pretty anti-climatic and I actually got a bit angry. I remember clearly stepping on the scale, seeing 135lbs show up for the first time and was doing a happy dance...until I looked in the bathroom mirror and realized I hadn't magically turned into a Victoria's Secret model :s After I had a bit of a pity party for myself, I got back at it and ended up losing another 15lbs, to get to my current maintenance range.

    I've been in maintenance for a while now and I've actually found it more challenging than the weight loss phase. Losing the weight only took a few months. Maintenance is for the rest of my life, which will hopefully be 40+ years. It's overwhelming to think of having to stay on top of this for that long, but I know the consequences if I don't (I was a pre-diabetic before the weight loss), so I keep at it day after day and so far I'm making it work :)
  • emmsem2015
    emmsem2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I am 4 lbs shy of my goal weight and if I'm honest I am excited but nervous. I have lost weight in the past but never managed to maintain so that scares me a little. Saying that though I have found this app to be invaluable and have realised the diet doesn't stop when you reach the weight you want to be, it is for life. So I will continue to use MFP and stay positive :)
  • blossom015
    blossom015 Posts: 27 Member
    emmsem2015 wrote: »
    Hi there, I am 4 lbs shy of my goal weight and if I'm honest I am excited but nervous. I have lost weight in the past but never managed to maintain so that scares me a little. Saying that though I have found this app to be invaluable and have realised the diet doesn't stop when you reach the weight you want to be, it is for life. So I will continue to use MFP and stay positive :)

    Exactly, we have to remain accountable for our food intake and physical activity.

    Congratulations! Don't forget to celebrate your accomplishment ;)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    It is pretty exciting and it can be hard to understand. It still takes a bit of using the same tools to maintain as it did to lose the weight. It's not like you get to one spot and stay there like a statue. :)
  • kpodaru
    kpodaru Posts: 133 Member
    edited May 2015
    this is how i felt when i hit my goal:


  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    I felt great...but set new goals...achieved them...and set new goals....continuous self improvement will keep you motivated. Always have something that is next...
  • lindzmo30
    lindzmo30 Posts: 17 Member
    Some days it doesn't quite sink in that I've hit my goal weight after all these years until I compare pics of myself or wash myself in the shower (it doesn't take gymnastics to wash everywhere like it did) or when I iron my smaller clothes. I feel happy but not emotional like I thought I would. However I did cry at my dress fitting and the lady thought I didn't like my dress till I explained I'd lost nearly two stone. You need to take the feeling and hang onto it xx
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    So many posts that I totally agree with.

    I changed my target 3 x as when I reached, didn't feel I have done. Now 70lb down and My bmi is bang in the middle of normal, and have been maintaining since December, yet still feel I need to defend myself when almost accused of losing more. Just because successful, does not make me anorexic! I'd actually like to lose a few more lbs but it's not worth the arguments about my face being thin etc...

    Still feel like dancing, every day is fantastic, can't believe I wear UK size 8 tops and 10 bottoms. Feel so smug when buying. My general confidence is so much better and I feel like the old me is back.

    The battle is maintaining, I really fear being fat again as been through this before.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Just to add, I've created new goals. So currently running, with a constant push for faster, further etc. Did my first 10k race in April and hm booked for September.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My goal was never a specific number...this whole thing was more about reversing some pretty bad blood work more so than weight loss...losing about 40 Lbs was a nice bi-product of getting my *kitten* together and cleaning up my act.

    Once I had reversed all of that bad blood work I really through myself into fitness goals...these seem to be ever changing and I continue to challenge myself to be better, go faster, go further, the goal posts are always moving basically.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I reached my goal weight a few years ago and have maintained it. I can't tell you how great it felt!
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited May 2015
    I never had a # goal. I dont think I'll ever feel 'satisfied'. There's always something I wanna work on whether its a fitness goal, weight goal, fine tuning what I eat etc. I'm always kinda changing up what I do, and even tho I'm not trying to get to a lower number on the scale anymore, I still would like to lower my body fat a little, so theres a chance that number changes with it. I dunno. I'll never be 'done' lol
  • mamatothelils
    mamatothelils Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for the well wishes and replies! It's so encouraging to hear different perspectives. Kudos to you all!