im trying to lose 80lbs and husband isnt helping!



  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    So much good advice has been given here and so much encouragement! One thing I will add, you may have days that you don't keep in your calorie count. Don't beat yourself up over it, it happens to all of us. Start again the next meal/day. You can change your lifestyle but it takes time.
  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    So much good advice has been given here and so much encouragement! One thing I will add, you may have days that you don't keep in your calorie count. Don't beat yourself up over it, it happens to all of us. Start again the next meal/day. You can change your lifestyle but it takes time.
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    I cook for both me and my husband and he has a naturally much higher metabolism. One of the things I did is switch from rice to cauliflower rice for dinner (when we're having rice) and weighing out my portions.
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    You can't control what other people do. Accept that and move on. You however can control what you do, what you eat, if your workout....and your mindset. Love your husband for who he is a person that you choose as your life partner. He is not you and maybe at this point in his life doesn't want to lose weight or eat healthy. You do. Make good choices for you and your future together. My husband was not supportive like some other spouses on MFP however he wasn't as bad as some on here as well. I wasn't going to force him to eat like me but I took control of myself and I'm not going to rely on him for something that is just for me. I started 8 months ago and in the last month he has started talking about wanting to go on walks with me and maybe start eating better. You be the support you need and maybe you will be the change your husband needs to see to be more supportive. Its always a 2 way street in marriage.
  • amybethshelby
    amybethshelby Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm on the same boat! My husband and I have always been foodies. It was hard to learn to make healthy substitutions. When we go for pizza I always get spinach and tomato instead of pepperoni. If it's a burger place, I lose the cheese and catsup and mustard (extra sugar there ) and only have lettuce and tomato on it. If I can, I choose a whole wheat bun. I try to swap all the starchy choices with something green or with protien. If i fall off the wagon, i just add a 30 minute cardio session. He prefers me chunky. I prefer me healthy. I'm just starting out on this journey again after losing 50 lbs 2 yrs ago and eventually gaining 20 back. I had a mini heart attack last November at 50 yrs old and it opened my eyes. I have 50 more lbs to lose. Good luck to us both!