not enough calories... good or bad?



  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks missy i cant exercise right now for medical reasons but i need to loss the weight

    You may not be able to do calistenics, but can you walk? Or do arm lifts with a heavy can of tomatoes? Or simple leg lifts with only your own body weight for resistance? Any movement you make is exercise and every little bit counts!

    Yes i can walk a little , im hoping to increase the distance to more than 30 paces without seizing up like i need spraying with wd40 :) everytime i try to excercise im stuck on my back for a week or so in pain again.. maybe im doing too much to start off with ???? another reason im here :) ill look into calistenics, never heard of it before thanks :)

    It doesn't matter how small you start - start with whatever you are comfortable with and work from there. Anything is better than nothing. I started off walking at a pace of 2mph and not being able to talk properly as I was out of breath/aching/tired and could only do a mile. Now I can do 5+ miles at 3mph (or more) - it's taken a while, and it's not easy but the most important thing is you take it easy to start off with - I know a lot of people will say "Push yourself" but when you are disabled, ill or new to exercise, you need to ease in gently otherwise you'll either hurt yourself (meaning you'll stop to recover) or hate it (and stop because you hate it).

    Calistenics - I'd really avoid this for now; it's quite high impact (well, at least the ones I do - there may be easier ones) and tough and if you are just starting out, I'd steer clear until you feel stronger.
  • TinaLRoman
    TinaLRoman Posts: 41 Member
    1200 is to few

    lower than 1200 is really too few


    I'm going to respectfully disagree with this. At my height, and lifting heavy 4 days a week, I gain weight at 1200. Everyone has to find what works for them. For me, an average of 1000 calories/day works for me to drop weight. But again that's me.

    Also I look at my calories on a weekly basis rather than daily. I use 7000 as my goal for the weekly calories. So some days I eat 600, some days I eat 1400. What matters is for the week I average around 1000/day. If I eat more today, I know to cut back tomorrow.