Maintenance pitfalls

Once you've been in maintenance for a while, are there good habits you catch yourself sliding away from and/or bad habits you find yourself sliding towards? How to you stop the slide?


  • Jill904
    Jill904 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm developing the bad habit of testing the limits of my recommended caloric intake. Pushing my luck call it what you will, I'm almost overeating on purpose. I've lost 32 lbs over the last 14 months and at my lowest weight EVER (5-1-1/2" tall 105 lbs). Very pleased w/ way I look and feel, but self sabotaging from time to time. Feeling like, oh I deserve that grande caramel macchiato, I've lost so much weight. So that would be the bad habit. The good habits are that (1) I continue to be active and exercise as much as possible (2) I eat nutritionally dense food 80% of the time and (3) I continue to log on MFP, even on "bad" days. I started on maintenance a few weeks ago and still tweaking my calories and exercise. Sure I'm allowed the odd cheat day but I worry about going off the deep end and eventually gaining it all back! Its such a balancing act and every single day is fraught with decisions and pitfalls. But I gain perspective from looking at photos of myself when I was heavy. Then I realize I'm willing to do what it takes to maintain b/c I don't wanna go there again!! Good luck ahoy m8.

  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Keep tracking, and/or keep an eye on the scale regularly. If its important enough to you, you will find a way to get back on track after a small slip
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    Keep tracking, and/or keep an eye on the scale regularly. If its important enough to you, you will find a way to get back on track after a small slip

    There are so many good habits I occasionally slide away from, it's hard to list them all, but daily weighing is a big one. If I break from that for more than a week, I'm just less self-aware, and sooner or later I'll slack on something else. Exceeding my maintenance range is generally my wake-up call to get back on track. Failing that, not fitting into my red jeans is an undeniable red flag.

    I wish you good luck too, Jill904. Photos are a really good idea!
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Jill904 wrote: »
    I'm developing the bad habit of testing the limits of my recommended caloric intake. Pushing my luck call it what you will, I'm almost overeating on purpose. I've lost 32 lbs over the last 14 months and at my lowest weight EVER (5-1-1/2" tall 105 lbs). Very pleased w/ way I look and feel, but self sabotaging from time to time. Feeling like, oh I deserve that grande caramel macchiato, I've lost so much weight. So that would be the bad habit. The good habits are that (1) I continue to be active and exercise as much as possible (2) I eat nutritionally dense food 80% of the time and (3) I continue to log on MFP, even on "bad" days. I started on maintenance a few weeks ago and still tweaking my calories and exercise. Sure I'm allowed the odd cheat day but I worry about going off the deep end and eventually gaining it all back! Its such a balancing act and every single day is fraught with decisions and pitfalls. But I gain perspective from looking at photos of myself when I was heavy. Then I realize I'm willing to do what it takes to maintain b/c I don't wanna go there again!! Good luck ahoy m8.

    I wouldn't call this a bad habit; have you heard of reverse dieting? It's all about raising the intake of kcals to increase the maintenance kcals - if you've been able to maintain and increase your kcals it's perfect :smiley:

    To OP's question: I'm not maintaining just yet, but I'm not too far from my goal so I am mentally preparing. I've failed at maintaining before and this time I need a plan. My previous pitfalls have been letting go of controlling my weight and intake - resulting in a 20 lb ++ weight gain which I'm now painstakingly aware of. I've lost the weight and now just want to reduce a little more before I reverse diet to increase my maintenance kcals and I HAVE to keep logging here to find where I'm at. If I let go of my good control when I'm at my goal weight I'll just mess it up again, I know myself well enough to know that. But I guess bi-weekly weigh-ins and logging every so often will be enough in the end. But first I have to find out my maintenance level and that's not easily done..
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Jill904 wrote: »
    I'm developing the bad habit of testing the limits of my recommended caloric intake. Pushing my luck call it what you will, I'm almost overeating on purpose. I've lost 32 lbs over the last 14 months and at my lowest weight EVER (5-1-1/2" tall 105 lbs). Very pleased w/ way I look and feel, but self sabotaging from time to time. Feeling like, oh I deserve that grande caramel macchiato, I've lost so much weight. So that would be the bad habit. The good habits are that (1) I continue to be active and exercise as much as possible (2) I eat nutritionally dense food 80% of the time and (3) I continue to log on MFP, even on "bad" days. I started on maintenance a few weeks ago and still tweaking my calories and exercise. Sure I'm allowed the odd cheat day but I worry about going off the deep end and eventually gaining it all back! Its such a balancing act and every single day is fraught with decisions and pitfalls. But I gain perspective from looking at photos of myself when I was heavy. Then I realize I'm willing to do what it takes to maintain b/c I don't wanna go there again!! Good luck ahoy m8.


    I'm finding myself doing this a lot at the moment.

    "Well I've worked so hard and done so well, I can let myself have a second/third/fourth slice of cake"
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    When you were on your weight loss adventure did you have cheat days/foods that you ate on most days ? Or did you just eat good food your entire weight loss adventure?
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    Good habits: I have no problem turning down something if it doesn't fit into my calories. I make sure I consume all my vitamins and other nutrients. Also, I have gotten a lot better with portion control and listening to what my body really needs.
    Bad habits: Sometimes I can get a bit obsessive with weighing everything (especially since I got a pocket scale which goes to the 0.1 gram, so now I try to zero out my calories every day just because I'm terribly OCD apparently). In addition, sometimes I'll save my calories for something super high sugar and probably terrible for me (containing partially hydrogenated oils) just for the sake of having enough calories to enjoy it. I know moderation is key, but I don't care what people say, it would probably be best to never touch that artificial stuff xD Oh well!
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    I've been maintaining for a few years now, and do get challenged from time to time. I think a few techniques that helped me were.....

    A lot of good advice in that post and the others too... thank you for sharing. I'm about to start maintenance and certainly do not want to undo all the work I've been doing. It's good that people take the time to share their experiences. It helps a lot.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Sometimes I think I can take a "break" and go back and eat things that are fried/greasy/heavy. Wrong!!! Those things now blow through my system at warp speed, wreaking havoc every inch of the way. I'll spend a good 12 hours totally miserable if I try to eat such things now!
  • memar0530
    memar0530 Posts: 10 Member
    What wonderful comments! Thank you to EVERYONE!! I've been maintaining for about 2 years now after a 125lb weight loss. I'm really proud of myself but don't ever want to let "pride" or over confidence take over my life. I would "ditto" everything said, especially from "CarlydogsMom". It's how I've learned to live my life and I never want to go back to where I was. I was 54 when I began this journey (for the last time). It has been a lifestyle change and soooooooo worth the effort!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've been maintaining for 2 years now...I don't log, so maintaining my healthy habits are very important. I would say that they are pretty well ingrained, but challenges do come up.

    My biggest issues arise in the winter months which are fortunately short here in NM. Most of the year we have mild, awesome weather that is conducive to getting outside and doing stuff so I and my family are pretty active just generally...hiking in the mountains on a Saturday afternoon or hitching up the bike trailers and riding to the zoo on our bikes or taking a morning stroll to the grocery store to pick up a few needed items for Sunday morning breakfast, etc.

    In the winter, I do a lot less of that kind of's cold and dark...and cold, so I'm just less active in general. I still keep with my regular workouts, but my general activity decreases substantially in November, December, January, and into Feb when we start to thaw out. To boot, while I eat very well, I tend to eat more in the winter because, instead of walking around the zoo with my kids, I'm at home with them playing a board game or watching a movie...and boredom eating.

    That's really the biggest issue for me...boredom eating in the winter. This year I combated that by actually doing an intentional bulk...figured if I was going to eat I was going to eat and lift and put it to some good use. It was a worthwhile experience but I likely won't do it again...because cutting sucks. So I don't know how I'll do next winter...need to come up with a plan.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I totally get what you're saying about seasonal habits, cwolfman. My pitfall is summer, though, because it is so dang hot in TX. My exercise intensity goes down, and we drink a lot of margaritas. I make killer margaritas, BTW. September is the worst because, mentally, you're thinking it should be getting all nice and fall-like any hour now but in actuality, it's still triple-digit heat and it just grinds your soul down. And actually, a margarita is pretty good for that.

    Awesome job, memar. You're really inspiring! To the person who said they are still figuring out their maintenance calories, I would say accurate logging is the only way I know of to do that. Once you know the number, it's easier to transition away from daily logging if that's your direction. Thanks, all!
  • blossom015
    blossom015 Posts: 27 Member
    Ive been in maintaining for 7 months now. I joined MFP after I lost 80lbs and begain logging food/exercise to help me maintain. Well I stopped logging for 30 days and found myself eatting out of emotions vs hunger a few times and looking forward to eatting...I feel better when I preplan and chart my food intake and that what ppl who have never battled the bulge do? I also weigh myself a few times a week as a reminder not to over eat
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I have successfully maintained my goal weight for a couple of months now. I work with weekly and not daily calorie goals. If I want to eat more one day then I will make up for it one of the next days. I usually incorporate one or two days a week where I eat very low calorie diets. I also exercise a lot and I log everything.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    RaspberryTickleChicken Posts: 629 Member
    hmmm interesting question ....

    I'd say whatever habits - exercise or eating wise I established for weight loss and continue to groom in maintaining I stick to those religiously.

    Here are some of mine:
    • Never deprive myself (I have nothing off limits & by doing this I don't usually crave for anything - yes it IS a silly Jedi mind trick but it works for me LOL) - but when I do have a hankering for something (like today is Chocolate Chip Cookie day) indulge in proper portion ie. instead of sitting down with a whole bag of chips, I weigh one serving & put the rest away (80/20 Rule)
    • Typically ZERO calories from what I drink - keeps me to water or tea because I rather spend the calories else where (like the chocolate chip cookie haha)
    • Keep snacks and goodies in cupboards rather than out on the counter - yes yes yet another silly Jedi mind trick but it works for me
    • Eat my dinners super late so I avoid snacking on crap after dinner - this is still sometimes a struggle but as long as I continue to proactively be mindful of it I'm okay
    • Continue to educate myself on nutrition in order to defy the odds of weight regain

    Best of luck to you!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Really for me it's keeping the balance of calories that I have to check myself on.

    By this I mean, the office had donuts this morning, so it's best for me to have a salad with some protein for lunch. Because donuts.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Great habits, Raspberry! Thanks for sharing. The kid snacks go in one cabinet and mom snacks go in another, so we speak Jedi, too. I budget for wine on weekends, though. Re: office donuts, it's funny because more than 90% of the time, donuts (or whatever office sweets) don't phase me. There are so many things I like more, that are more worth the calories, that the donuts (or whatever) aren't really a temptation. E.g. for the fat & bread, I'd rather have a really interesting bruschetta, you know? But once in a blue moon I get in a slacker mind set, and it's like I'm not even myself. Everything sounds good, and the sad part is the allure is better than the actual eating. It's always kind of a let down after the fact. Usually my slide starts with something small (like omitting daily weighing) and the slacking builds. I'm pretty good about buckling down when I hit the top of my maintenance range, though. Thanks for the comments, and bet of luck to you all, too! Have a great weekend!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I can let my portions edge up (I've been maintaining two years). I also have to watch my macros. If carbs get too high (over 50%), then my weight will edge up no matter what my calories.

    But I am still within my 5 pound zone, have not missed a meal/snack/day logging since I started 3 years ago, and still love to eat, so I'm a happy camper. This is not that hard, it just requires persistence.
  • LilyKirkwood95
    LilyKirkwood95 Posts: 3 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    But I am still within my 5 pound zone, have not missed a meal/snack/day logging since I started 3 years ago, and still love to eat, so I'm a happy camper. This is not that hard, it just requires persistence.

    How do you log foods you haven't cooked, e.g. Restaurant food or a meal at a friend's house?