Is calorie counting really a lifetime/long term solution?



  • quintoespada
    quintoespada Posts: 58 Member
    it isn't a be all end all, but i will tell you this: i've lost 80 lbs. doing it with exercise alongside. you should probably try it and see what it does for you. your insecurities are only going to stall you and you might just regret that.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I do think that counting is teaching my body and brain what things and amounts I should be eating, what hunger and satiety should feel like, and I hope I may someday be able to switch to a more intuitive eating style. Right now though, my intuition isn't very well aligned with reality, so that's not a good lifestyle choice for me at all.

    Really well-said, cool.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    I feel sorry for anyone who has to count calories forever.

    And, I feel sorry for someone who makes such a judgmental statement. ;)


    Nobody has to do anything. Whether or not to count calories, and for how long to count or not to count them, is 100% choice.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.


    Nobody HAS to do anything. It's a choice.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited April 2015
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    edited April 2015
    Takes 30 seconds out of my day to log.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?
    How does logging food relate to having a broken leg?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Judging from the number of "I'm ba-ack!" threads, it's reasonable to guess that no, calorie counting isn't a viable lifetime solution for a significant number of people.

    You presume they continued calorie counting. That's a major presumption.

    No, I presumed they STOPPED calorie counting. Hence the conclusion that it wasn't a "lifetime solution" for them. Because if it was a "lifetime solution", they wouldn't have stopped.

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    I don't see anything awful about that at all. I too feel sorry for people who have to count calories forever. For that matter, I feel sorry for people who weight their food. Is that sorrow misplaced? Could be. Some people get pleasure out of journaling and recording everything that happens in their lives. I don't. But saying that I feel sorry for them isn't an insult, it just expresses that I would find it very difficult if I was forced to do the same thing.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?
    How does logging food relate to having a broken leg?

    I'm just trying to figure out how saying "I feel bad that a person has to XYZ" is a bad thing. I'm not trying to be argumentative or contrary. People seem very offended by that phrasing. I recognize that I am not a very emotion-driven person so I'm trying to understand.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I've been weighing and logging for 14 months so far. It's helped me lose about 68 lbs. I log my food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on weekdays. On weekends I sometimes estimate when we eat out. Sometimes I plan a day where I know I'll probably go over on calories and I try to trim back during the week. I'm not turning down invitations because I'm calorie counting. It's more about making myself aware that when i have a 4,000 calorie day, it should be one day, not 3. I prioritize food and drink to make sure it's worth it.

    That said, the closer I get to my goal (~8 lbs to go!), the more lenient I am going to be. I plan to always weigh myself at least once a week, probably 2 times a week to check in on myself. I will probably take 2-3 day breaks from weighing every bite and see how the scale changes. If the weight goes up over a few weeks, back to logging everything.

    I have never had binge eating issues, so I don't know how helpful this is to you. My issue with weight gain has always been related to portion control of rich foods (brie, chocolate, bread).
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?
    How does logging food relate to having a broken leg?

    I'm just trying to figure out how saying "I feel bad that a person has to XYZ" is a bad thing. I'm not trying to be argumentative or contrary. People seem very offended by that phrasing. I recognize that I am not a very emotion-driven person so I'm trying to understand.
    My guess is that implies some sort of defect or problem, when those doing it don't necessarily see doing so as a defect or problem. It's implicit condescension and it's fairly easy, for me, to understand how some people would find that offensive.

    "I feel sorry for people who are short," for example.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?
    How does logging food relate to having a broken leg?

    I'm just trying to figure out how saying "I feel bad that a person has to XYZ" is a bad thing. I'm not trying to be argumentative or contrary. People seem very offended by that phrasing. I recognize that I am not a very emotion-driven person so I'm trying to understand.

    It's not a bad thing - people just looking for reasons to jump on each other.

    The thought of having to count calories ad infinitum is depressing - I sure as heck don't want to do it and hope I get to a point where I don't have to. If it turns out I simply *have* to calorie count forever, I certainly hope my friends feel a little empathy for me, because that would suck.

    If there are people who like calorie counting - :drinker: - that's great! - I'm happy for them. But it sure as heck isn't something *I* want to have to do until they put me in the big toaster and spread my ashes.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?

    A broken leg is a hardship. Calorie counting isn't for everyone who undertakes it.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Judging from the number of "I'm ba-ack!" threads, it's reasonable to guess that no, calorie counting isn't a viable lifetime solution for a significant number of people.

    You presume they continued calorie counting. That's a major presumption.

    No, I presumed they STOPPED calorie counting. Hence the conclusion that it wasn't a "lifetime solution" for them. Because if it was a "lifetime solution", they wouldn't have stopped.

    Oooookay, I would assume a "lifetime solution" would be one they actually implemented for life. We just have different ways of looking at the phrase.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Is it so awful to feel bad for a person who has to count calories forever? I don't see how saying that is insulting.

    It's as awful to me personally as it was when this guy I went on a date with asked me how it felt to be handicapped because I wore glasses.

    People are entitled to think how they want, of course, but it's pretty judgmental to place moral value on some people's need to use a tool to keep them in line with meeting a goal they'd like to meet.

    I look at calorie counting as a means of implementing an instinctive behavior that I should have that I don't. Just as I need an aide to implement normal vision, I need an aid to implement a calorie intake that maintains normal body weight for my height and age. I'm choosing to use calorie counting for that. I shouldn't be judged for it.

    Not everyone is able to develop intuitive behavior. What's wrong with admitting that and knowing it about yourself?

    Well the glasses guy sounds a bit off but I guess I don't see the calorie counting comment as placing a moral value on anything. A man I know broke his leg recently and is supposed to go to Italy on vacation next week. I feel bad for him that he has to deal with a broken leg while on vacation. It's an awful thing for me to think that?
    How does logging food relate to having a broken leg?

    I'm just trying to figure out how saying "I feel bad that a person has to XYZ" is a bad thing. I'm not trying to be argumentative or contrary. People seem very offended by that phrasing. I recognize that I am not a very emotion-driven person so I'm trying to understand.

    It's not a bad thing - people just looking for reasons to jump on each other.

    The thought of having to count calories ad infinitum is depressing - I sure as heck don't want to do it and hope I get to a point where I don't have to. If it turns out I simply *have* to calorie count forever, I certainly hope my friends feel a little empathy for me, because that would suck.

    If there are people who like calorie counting - :drinker: - that's great! - I'm happy for them. But it sure as heck isn't something *I* want to have to do until they put me in the big toaster and spread my ashes.

    I'm one of those who actually likes it. I feel all mathy and nerdy when I weigh out my food and log it. I like the numbers aspect of it and the rationality of the math.

    I realize that not everyone is like me, of course. And that's cool. I just would like everyone to be like you and realize that for some of us, it's no big deal to calorie count.

  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    I feel sorry for anyone who has to count calories forever.

    Calorie counting is a MUCH simpler way for me to take care of myself physically and love how I look than to keep gaining, feeling terrible, start over with losing weight for months, restart cycle. I sacrifize a couple of minutes every day to not have to spend months of feeling terrible because I gained all the weight back.
    Just like taking care of your hygiene by brushing your teeth, taking a shower, washing clothes.. Calorie counting is like any other everyday routine thing for me and for many others.
    Idk, I know I don't feel sorry for people who "has" to brush their teeth every day.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Calorie counting has worked best for me. I've tried not counting calories and was not able to lose and maintain weight loss with other methods. If I could intuitively eat then I probably wouldn't have gotten so overweight.
    I am not a binge eater. I imagine that not severely restricting types of food and just reducing calories and dealing with your emotions without food might help though.
    I don't know if I will have to log everything I consume for the rest of my life but until I reach my goal I probably will. I 've found the last 6 months of calorie counting to be a ridiculously easy way to lose weight.
    I can imagine that after a couple of years of eating normal food but tracking calories that I will have learned calorie counts of foods, appropriate portion sizes and types of food that fit my goals best. So I think what I'm learning will be used for a lifetime but not necessarily weighing and logging food every day until I die.