clean eaters, can i add you please



  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    What's a clean eater?

    Clean eater : someone who eats whole grains, meats, nuts & oils. Veggies, fruits , etc ..Because he/she thinks that having any Dirty food will ruin their diet which is wrong lol but yeah its healthier
    I don't see the purpose of the term but whatever makes ppl feel better about what they're consuming...
    Where the dirty eaters at?

    The remainder of this board are all dirty, processed food eaters............not hard to find. They usually come in droves bashing those that eat a whole foods way of eating.
    I beg to differ. :smokin:
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Why would people come into a thread that obviously doesn't pertain to them, just to pick on the way a person eats?

    As for me I tend to eat mostly whole foods, but I'm not that big on logging. Sometimes I do, most times I don't. So I may not be helpful.
    Fruits, veggies, eggs, nuts, meat, chicken, fish, make up the staple of my diet. I will have some cheese, greek yogurt, and granola on occasion. Not so much pasta or bread unless i happen to be out somewhere. I also have a weakness for ice cream.
  • JeffersJJ
    JeffersJJ Posts: 58 Member
    I'm loving eating clean. Feel free to add me. I'm very close to Paleo, but I do like cheese from time to time. Meh...