is 1,200 calories too low?

Hi, i started dieting feb,1st of this year during the month of feb i lost 26 pounds
And during the following months 17 pounds i think i need some help any suggestions?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    You've lost 43lbs in just over 4months, and..........
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    1200 calories is way too low for some people, but for others it is perfectly fine. It depends on your personal numbers.

    For me, I would get headaches, mental fog, crankiness, etc. because it is at least a large meal away from being what I need in a day. But, like I said, other people might do just fine on 1200.

    Have you calculated your TDEE to see where you stand and how close or far away that 1200 mark is?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Wow that is really fast weight loss. I wonder if it's too fast. How are you feeling? How hard is it to stick to that?

    I eat 1230 (net) but that's because I'm in my 50s, have very little to lose, and eat back all my exercise calories. I have a slow metabolism at this point in my life.

    But even last year when I first started, 1370 net (where I started) had me lose only a pound a week.

    When you put your weight, height, goals and set it for 1 pound a week, what does MFP say you should be eating? If you're worried, I would start there. Trust your instincts.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Were you eating 1200 all that time or less than that? How much do you weigh now? Would you like to eat more than 1200 calories? Almost everyone can eat more than 1200 calories and lose weight. It can still be a healthy goal for some, but even if it is a healthy goal for you, if you feel you can't stick to it, it becomes ineffective for your life and will likely hinder your progress eventually.
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    nah, you should be fine. I've been eating like 1000-1500 per day for the last 10 months, and I'm a guy! been averaging 10 lbs lost per month over that time.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It can be hard to get all the nutrients you need at only 1,200 calories. You need to focus on eating nutrient dense food, and it might help to take a multivitamin.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Your experience almost mirrors mine exactly. I started at the beginning of the year and for the first month I was at a higher level and losing so slowly I wasn't sure I would have the resolve to see it through. So I kicked it down into the same range, but like the previous guy poster, I tend to bounce it around in the range rather than eating very close to 1200 every day. We do have the issue of sustainability once we hit our respective goals. I think I can learn to eat a little differently then. Getting enough nutrients at 1200 is not problem if there are plenty of veggies and lean meat in there. I advise pretty much staying away from bread and sweets if you want to eat healthy and only get 1200 calories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    it depends, if you are active or tall, generally 1200 calories is not going to be enough but if you are short and sedentary, it can be fine. Realistically, too many people are concentrated on just weight loss instead of just fat loss. When you do not eat enough calories for an extended period of time, your body may have trouble getting enough energy and will catabolize your lean body mass. The more lbm you lose, the more weight you have to lose to get a lean and tight body. Personally, I do not even have a weight goal. I just evaluate how I look and ideally, I like to maintain my muscle. Muscle loss can be minimized by a few things.. adequate protein (1g of protein per lb of lbm), heavy weight training and adequate nutrition (this is generally where 1200 calories doesn't cut it).

    There are a few issues that you will experience with 1200 calories in the long run, as demonstrated by thousands of people on this board.

    1. Leads to plateaus much quick (especially as you get lean)
    2. If prolonged, your RMR will adapt, meaning your body will burn few calories at rest and during active. This is one of the main culprits to regaining weight. I have seen some peoples (based on RMR test) adjust as much as 500 calories lower after prolong periods of calorie suppression. So when a female used to have a TDEE at 2200, it's not as 1600 or less.
    3. Substantial muscle loss, giving a person flabby/loose skin or hitting their weight goal and still not being happy with their body (generally due to lack of definition)
    4. You never learn how to sustain a higher calorie diet. The majority of women I know still lose at 1700-2100 calories, which means they maintain at 2200-2600 calories. If you have a smaller deficit, you teach yourself that calories are not to be feared.
    5. And most important (at least to me), I rarely see any fit people at 1200 calories, just skinny. And I much rather look good naked than just look good in clothes. To me, nothing is sexier than muscle (both men and women).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    nah, you should be fine. I've been eating like 1000-1500 per day for the last 10 months, and I'm a guy! been averaging 10 lbs lost per month over that time.

    Just because you are doing this, doesn't mean it's good or healthy.
  • Ashwiggs722
    Ashwiggs722 Posts: 2 Member
    I usually am around 1000-1200 calories and I'm constantly eating and feel full. Just because something is right for someone, doesn't mean that it's right for everyone. If you feel good, then most likely it's fine.
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    1200 calories is way too low for some people, but for others it is perfectly fine. It depends on your personal numbers.

    For me, I would get headaches, mental fog, crankiness, etc. because it is at least a large meal away from being what I need in a day. But, like I said, other people might do just fine on 1200.

    Have you calculated your TDEE to see where you stand and how close or far away that 1200 mark is?
    I just calculated my TDEE and it suggested 1500 calories a day.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    1,200 is totally doable for me. I wish it were more, but I'd use that as an excuse to eat more junk or drink more alcohol (and I drink enough as it is). I find 1,200 makes me plan my meals and it's low enough that if I do go over by 200kcal or so, I don't stress about it.
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    You've lost 43lbs in just over 4months, and..........
    I wanted to know if 17 pounds in 3 months is too slow?"& if 1,200 calories is too low?
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I could never live off 1200 calories a day - God I would be so miserable

    I LOVE LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Up your calories by about 200/300 - and do some exercising .... : )

    Well done for your loss so far ..!!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    nah, you should be fine. I've been eating like 1000-1500 per day for the last 10 months, and I'm a guy! been averaging 10 lbs lost per month over that time.

    This is definitely not healthy. Eating so little I would imagine a large portion of your losses are coming from muscle mass.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    You've lost 43lbs in just over 4months, and..........
    I wanted to know if 17 pounds in 3 months is too slow?"& if 1,200 calories is too low?

    4 lbs a month is healthy. 6 is still nice but approaching unhealthy. An average of 10lbs a month is pretty shocking. If someone I loved lost ten pounds in a month (except water weight) I'd probably take them to the doctor to see if they had cancer.
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    You've lost 43lbs in just over 4months, and..........
    I wanted to know if 17 pounds in 3 months is too slow?"& if 1,200 calories is too low?

    I would be soooooo happy with 17 pounds in 3 months, I'm lucky to get 6-10 pounds in 3 months
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    I could never live off 1200 calories a day - God I would be so miserable

    I LOVE LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Up your calories by about 200/300 - and do some exercising .... : )

    Well done for your loss so far ..!!
    Thankyou :)
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    nah, you should be fine. I've been eating like 1000-1500 per day for the last 10 months, and I'm a guy! been averaging 10 lbs lost per month over that time.

    This is definitely not healthy. Eating so little I would imagine a large portion of your losses are coming from muscle mass.
    100% of my eating is healthy lean protein,veggies & fruit
    Nothing else, i also workout 5 days a week 1 hour of cardio& 45 mins of strenght
    Training so i highly doubt it's muscle loss.
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    You've lost 43lbs in just over 4months, and..........
    I wanted to know if 17 pounds in 3 months is too slow?"& if 1,200 calories is too low?

    4 lbs a month is healthy. 6 is still nice but approaching unhealthy. An average of 10lbs a month is pretty shocking. If someone I loved lost ten pounds in a month (except water weight) I'd probably take them to the doctor to see if they had cancer.
    I have been to the doctor and he said my weightloss is okay
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    It can be hard to get all the nutrients you need at only 1,200 calories. You need to focus on eating nutrient dense food, and it might help to take a multivitamin.
    My eating is 100% healthy & i think i get all the calories i need
    But i will take your advice on taking a multi vitamin thanks :)
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You've lost 43lbs in just over 4months, and..........
    I wanted to know if 17 pounds in 3 months is too slow?"& if 1,200 calories is too low?

    4 lbs a month is healthy. 6 is still nice but approaching unhealthy. An average of 10lbs a month is pretty shocking. If someone I loved lost ten pounds in a month (except water weight) I'd probably take them to the doctor to see if they had cancer.
    I have been to the doctor and he said my weightloss is okay
    My doctor was ecstatic! She agrees that it isn't for everyone, but the "conventional wisdom" about 1200 calories (or thereabouts) is conservative because many people have health concerns that make it a bad idea. It is not a long term sustainable way to live, but I personally reject the notion that making the lifestyle change before you lose is the only way. Most of my failed attempts were trying to do it slowly from the start and I had a hard time being firm about the commitment. It was much easier once I had a "lead to protect" and it will be easier for me to adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent gaining it back than it was to adopt it to lose. It was pie in the sky. Now it is a very real thing.
  • forAandP
    forAandP Posts: 5
    When I was in college I had a class on eating disorders. My professor was involved in a lot of research on caloric restrictions. He said that diets are only allowed to tell you to eat as few as 1200 calories. There are military studies that show a person could possibly subsist on 600 calories daily. In reduced calorie studies this is the lowest amount of calories an internal review board can authorize.
    That said, I would still recommend eating at least 1200 calories daily for healthy weight loss. Just because less is possible doesn't mean its a good idea. Thats why they usually leave such calorie restriction studies for fruit flies. and monkeys. (who on average live 30% longer with calorie reduction but are clinically depressed. )
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Okay, so your doctor has already said your weight loss is okay??

    And I think you need to go by HOW you feel more than anything. Are you feeling energized, or run down? Cranky? Moody? Headaches?

    If you are feeling rundown and *****y - it might be the calorie intake. If so - try upping it a little bit and see how you feel.
  • Misel71
    Misel71 Posts: 2

    I set my gol to 1200 cal a day too. I start the same day like you, February 1 and today I am 46,6 lbs down. I walk at least 2 hours a day and to some other exercise too. It was great and I was happy. But today I am stuck. In last month My weight going up and down 2-4 lbs and I am getting frustrated. I need loose 30 lbs more and then managed that weight. I tried add more food and my weight went up, I tied to go lower on food and my weight went up again.
    I think any amount of calories is good till it is working for you.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    5. And most important (at least to me), I rarely see any fit people at 1200 calories, just skinny. And I much rather look good naked than just look good in clothes. To me, nothing is sexier than muscle (both men and women).

    I do 1200 calories and I am the most healthy and fit I have ever been. I know this because my Dr has done blood tests etc, I no longer have high blood pressure or cholesterol. If you do 1200 calories right, you can be fit, healthy, have muscle and have a nice shape. I have more energy than I ever have and feel great.
    So, 1200 can be right for some and not for others. Do what works for your body and your own health.
  • mrshoneydew
    mrshoneydew Posts: 253
    I really think it depends. I'm 5' 5", 28 years old, and have a highly active job (I run around a kitchen non-stop 8 hours a day).
    When I joined MFP, it suggested for me that I eat 1,400 cals a day. I started at 214 pounds. As I started to lose weight, the calorie suggestion got lower. Now it suggests 1,200 for me. I am 149 pounds now. However, I bumped it up to 1,250.
    This works well for me, because I have PCOS and no matter what I ate, I couldn't seem to lose weight. With some of the calorie limits people have on my friends list (for example 1,800 cals) I would gain weight from that. I estimate that I ate an average of 1,600 calories a day before I joined MFP.
    I am also very busy, so I don't get to exercise as often as I'd like, but when I do exercise, I make sure to eat a little bit more.

    Some people would give me crap for this, but as someone who has been heavy most of her life, this works just fine for me. But not everyone I'm sure. I agree that 43 pounds in 4 months is a bit fast. Maybe you could add some more calories from protein into your diet each day?
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48

    I set my gol to 1200 cal a day too. I start the same day like you, February 1 and today I am 46,6 lbs down. I walk at least 2 hours a day and to some other exercise too. It was great and I was happy. But today I am stuck. In last month My weight going up and down 2-4 lbs and I am getting frustrated. I need loose 30 lbs more and then managed that weight. I tried add more food and my weight went up, I tied to go lower on food and my weight went up again.
    I think any amount of calories is good till it is working for you.
    Wow it sounds very similar to my own story
    Do u mind if i ask how much you weigh?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You lost a lot...quickly. The problem I'm seeing is that you may not be eating enough to stay healthy. Slow smart about this. You only get one body..treat her well!
  • soxfan2184
    soxfan2184 Posts: 48
    5. And most important (at least to me), I rarely see any fit people at 1200 calories, just skinny. And I much rather look good naked than just look good in clothes. To me, nothing is sexier than muscle (both men and women).

    I do 1200 calories and I am the most healthy and fit I have ever been. I know this because my Dr has done blood tests etc, I no longer have high blood pressure or cholesterol. If you do 1200 calories right, you can be fit, healthy, have muscle and have a nice shape. I have more energy than I ever have and feel great.
    So, 1200 can be right for some and not for others. Do what works for your body and your own health.
    Wow you are a great inspiration, congratulations on your huge weightloss
    Do you have any tips for me?