May 2015 Running Challenge



  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7lenny7: Congrats what a great time! To take a minute off your training time and only miss your goal by less then 30 seconds is wonderful. Sorry there was confusion and disorganization or I am sure you would have made your goal.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/1 - 3.4 miles
    5/3 - 10.5 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/6 - 3.4 miles
    5/8 - 3.5 miles
    5/10 - 12 miles
    5/11 - 4 miles
    5/13 - 3.5 miles
    5/15 - 4 miles
    5/17 - 7 miles
    5/18 - 3.6 miles
    5/20 - 3 miles
    5/23 - 2 miles
    5/24 - 13.1 miles 2:19.22

    Had a goal of not puking or passing out for my first half - had a great run, great time, exceeded all expectations. Battled through some IT band issues that set in at mile 6 and have me still in some pain, but I can't wait to start training for the international half marathon in October. I'm HOOKED!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @jtarmom congratulations! Take care of that IT band.

    On my quest to get as close as I can to my May goal. Boy, do I stink... Ya know that summer time smell of hot sweaty kids...

    Loaded up my bike anticipating a short bike ride tomorrow and hoping I'll get up early enough to get in a swim. I may have a break in all this rain and flooding.

    I have my first Pilate's class tomorrow. Little nervous, I'm extremely uncoordinated.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Here's some race confusion you don't see every race, thankfully. The runners were supposed to come into the finish line running towards the camera but because of the change in route and lack of adequate signage, several of the first finishers came in the wrong way. Eventually you see runners coming in from both directions within seconds of each other. Crazy! If you're interested, you can watch the first 2 minutes of this video and see it.

    You can see me run in at the end of the video, with a race clock time of 31:44, followed by a woman pushing THREE kids in a double stroller!

    I love the look of confusion on this guy. I think he was the third place finisher:

    To picture what was going on, here's the route as advertised:

    The way it was shown, you were supposed to start running westbound, then turn back east after a bridge. That middle section was washed out so instead of that middle section, they had it set up to continue counterclockwise until you get to the SW corner, where there was an out & back along the creek. The runners who came in the wrong way actually ran that washout section and had to run in the water for 20 or 30 feet.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    5/25 6.25 miles - 154.69 << Cotton Row Run 10K race PR 45:59
    5/25 3.17 miles - 157.86 << pacing my wife at CRR 5K race, her PR of 42:33

    Congrats on the PR! I think the coolest part of this, though, is that you then went out and paced your wife. Well done!

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @kimlight2 , that sounds like a great cause! Teach a man (or woman) to fish, and all that. Absolutely do not worry about being embarrassed. I'm too polite to say what I would think about anyone who would see your efforts in any light other than noble. Run the race in any manner you see fit, but run it your way, for you, not for anyone else.

    And thanks for your kind words!

    @skippysmom and @dennie24, great job!

    I suppose I need to update this:

    5/09: 3.1 miles
    5/11: 3.1 miles
    5/13: 3.1 miles
    5/14: 1.5 miles
    5/15: 3.1 miles
    5/17: 3.1 miles
    5/18: 3.8 miles
    5/20: 3.1 miles
    5/22: 4 miles (new personal distance record!)
    5/23: 0 miles running, but 6 miles walking. I had a lot of pent up energy from sailing all day and had to work it off.
    5/25: 3.1 miles - First 5k race, chip time of 31:23.55...very pleased!

    Progress: 31 out of 40 miles

    My goal is as risk. I felt great when I got home from the race today and had planned on getting 3 or 4 miles of power walking in this evening but while prepping for our cookout, I started feeling a dull pain in my right achilles tendon. I'm a bit concerned that I'll have to take some time off from walking & running. I skipped the power walk but did have to mow the lawn. Using ice & ibuprofen right now. I sure hope if feels better tomorrow.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @stoshew71 sure thing post away

    Cotton Row Run 2015

    @skippygirlsmom her daughter Skippy and myself


    @CodeMonkey78 (#241) and myself at the start of the 10K race.

    Jennifer and I during the 5K

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    jtarmom wrote: »

    Had a goal of not puking or passing out for my first half - had a great run, great time, exceeded all expectations. Battled through some IT band issues that set in at mile 6 and have me still in some pain, but I can't wait to start training for the international half marathon in October. I'm HOOKED!

    Congratulations @jtarmom

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    dennie24 wrote: »
    5/25 Bolder Boulder 10K (watch miles were 6.36). I finished in a little under 90 minutes which isn't great but considering I haven't run much this month to take care of my leg it was fine as its my training pace. My leg didn't hurt so hopefully now I can get back to my schedule. I would like to run it again next year and definitely do more hill training.

    Congrats to the other racers today!!


    Congratulations @dennie24

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - Good luck and let us know your results!

    Number one, I had a GREAT time and I learned a few things in the process. It was second 5k, but my first timed 5k, and it's only been 16 days since I even started running. There was light rain but it quit just as we pulled up into the parking lot.

    The short version: I ran the course in 31:23.55, a new PR compared my training time by a full minute. A bit short of my goal of 31:00, but I'm happy.

    The long version: I had great support. My wife got out of bed so she could be there with me and my daughter left me a sweet note of encouragement which I carried in my pocket.

    My first mistake was drinking too much water the night before and that morning. I woke up twice to go to the bathoom, went twice just before the race, and felt like I had to go about 30 seconds after the race started. I also ate too much before the race. I got up 2 hours before race time and had a slice of toast, 1 tbsp of peanut butter, and a banana. I would have been better off with just a banana. Between my bladder and my stomach, I wasn't feeling at my peak.

    The race had a quiet start. I'm there chatting with another racer and all of a sudden the pack starts to move. No shotgun start, no "Ready Set GO", no anything that we heard and with only 286 entrants, it was not a big crowd. I had put myself about 60% of the way back because in just about every 5k results list I've seen, my time would put me in the middle. As we start going, it seemed like everyone is surging past me and I'm taken up in the rush for 30 seconds or so. I remember that I need to run my race and kicked it back down to an 11' pace. Runners continued to stream by, but I didn't take the bait. I ended up passing many of those folks later on.

    My total times at the 1 and 2 mile marks were 10:40 and 21:00. It sure didn't feel like I was running that fast. I thought about stepping up my pace at 2.75 miles, but I just didn't have it in me. Around 2.9 I felt like I could give it a final kick and hit a really nice stride. Damn that felt good! I passed several folks in that stretch and was regretting not starting the final sprint earlier. Not that I cared about how I placed, I just wanted to push myself and do my best.

    The race coordinators screwed up and it cost some runners, particularly one who may have taken first otherwise. The course they showed online was not the course that we ran. Part of the path was washed out and they had to extend another part by making it an out and back. The first running missed that (NO indication at all that I could see) and turned early. He "finished" in 14 minutes and was pissed. When I reached that point I misunderstood what was going on and took the early turn, but quickly realized my mistake and went back. It added no more than 5 or 6 seconds to my time. I heard several others grumbling about it later. They really did need to have it better defined.

    Next time I'll eat and drink less ahead of the race, and pay more attention at the start. Other than that, I'm happy with the way things went. Now I just want to run, run and run some more. Would it be bad to run a couple of miles tonight?

    I should have smiled as I crossed:


    Congratulations @7lenny7

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    Month to date:		201.83 km
    Goal:			160.00 km
    Stretch Goal:		200.00 km
    Mon May 25 4:03PM	20.12 
    Sun May 24 0:00PM	0.00 Rest; Nice walk!
    Sat May 23 5:17PM	0.00 Rest; 36km cycling
    Fri May 22 12:23PM	13.54
    Thu May 21 12:23PM	15.83 
    Wed May 20 6:55PM	4.78 
    Tue May 19 3:39PM	12.26
    Mon May 18 11:50AM	0.00 Rest; 51km cycling 
    Sun May 17 9:13AM	13.47
    Sat May 16 8:09PM	0.00 Rest
    Fri May 15 1:28PM	7.70 
    Thu May 14 6:27PM	4.67
    Wed May 13 3:53PM	14.02 
    Tue May 12 5:28PM	7.54 
    Mon May 11 4:20PM	10.01
    Sun May 10 9:52AM	6.09
    Sat May 9 1:56 PM	14.16
    Fri May 8 12:05 PM	7.67
    Thu May 7 5:38 PM	4.19
    Wed May 6 4:05 PM	10.02
    Tue May 5 7:25 PM	8.49
    Tue May 4 0:00 PM	0.00 Rest
    Sun May 3 5:32 PM	6.5
    Sat May 2 4:16 PM	13.13
    Fri May 1 1:57 PM	7.62

    Made stretch goal today, woo-hoo. 20km run today is the longest I've run in over 10 years. Small potatoes for many of you I know, but the trend is in the right direction for me, which is all that matters. :smile:

    Keep on runnin' everyone!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who raced today! Seems like there were lots of fun races and lots of PRs being hit!! Great job by everyone and I love seeing all the pictures!
    @7lenny7 - in addition to the ice an ibuprofen be sure to add in some calf stretches. They really help the achilles.

    My training plan called for 11 miles, I got in a bit over 8. Our plans for a 'free' day today with lots of unplanned time for running were tossed out to visit friends in San Diego. So I exchanged my running time to sit in the car, but had a wonderful visit with friends from New Zealand that we don't get to see very often. I will get that 11 miler in next weekend I hope!
    05/02.....0.00.......9.20 - Rest
    05/04.....6.42.....19.95 - Running with a friend
    05/05.....0.00.....19.95 - Strength Training
    05/07.....0.00.....25.08 - Travel day (flight cancellations, etc...)
    05/08.....0.00.....25.08 - Extended travel day
    05/09.....4.13.....29.21 - Treadmill
    05/11.....5.25.....34.46 - Treadmill
    05/12.....3.76.....38.22 - Treadmill
    05/13.....0.00.....38.22 - Travel day
    05/14.....7.51.....45.73 - + Strength Training
    05/15.....0.00.....45.73 - unplanned rest for my tight hip
    05/17.....2.74.....56.64 - Dog beach run
    05/18.....7.10.....63.74 - Timed run + Strength Training
    05/21.....5.57.....75.86 - + Strength Training
    05/22.....4.63.....80.49 - + Agility Trial
    05/23.....7.23.....87.72 - + Agility Trial
    05/24.....0.00.....87.72 - Rest


  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    5/4...................Weight training
    5/8...................Weight training
    5/9..................19.00..............53.75 (30k trail race)
    5/11.................Weight training

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY - 0
    5/2 16 miles - 16.0 <<< Madkin and Weeden Mountains on RSA (1,208ft elevation gain)
    5/3 REST DAY - Went hiking ~4 miles with the wife at Monte Sano instead
    5/4 10.35 miles - 26.35 << slow recovery miles. Still feel sore from weekend
    5/5 10 miles 36.35
    5/6 8 miles - 44.35 << easy paced
    5/7 5.25 miles - 49.6 << fast paced
    5/8 15 miles - 64.6 << Friday night long run
    5/9 REST DAY <<< Georgia Aquarium
    5/10 REST DAY
    5/11 10.5 miles - 75.1
    5/12 10 miles - 85.1
    5/13 8.25 miles - 93.35 << easy effort
    5/14 8 miles - 101.35 << CRR preview + 2
    5/15 5.5 miles - 106.85 << recovery pace
    5/16 15 miles - 121.85 << Sat long run
    5/17 REST DAY
    5/18 8 miles - 129.85
    5/19 7.09 miles - 136.94 << WRH Brueggers Grp Run
    5/21 5.5 miles - 142.44 << WRH Panera Pounders Grp Run
    5/23 6 miles - 148.44 << WRH Saturday morning Research Park Grp Run
    5/25 6.25 miles - 154.69 << Cotton Row Run 10K race PR 45:59
    5/25 3.17 miles - 157.86 << pacing my wife at CRR 5K race, her PR of 42:33
    5/26 5.5 miles - 163.36 << Recovery miles


  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    5/1--3.27 miles
    5/2--8.56 miles
    5/4--4.1 miles
    5/5--Yoga X
    5/6--5.02 miles
    5/8--3.06 miles
    5/11-2.58 miles
    5/12-Yoga X
    5/13-5.04 miles
    5/14-2.05 miles(treadmill)
    5/15-3.94 miles
    5/16-9.45 miles
    5/18-3.12 miles
    5/20-rest(My son's 16th birthday.Nope, no birfday cake)
    5/21-4.17 miles with Cardio Kickboxing Instructor(Best time ever :) )
    5/22-4.05 miles early morning run
    5/23-9.31 miles
    5/24-rest day
    5/25-4.51 miles(Happy Memorial Day)

  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    May goal 65 mi

    5/3...10 mi (Broad St. Run)
    5/4... Rest
    5/5... 2 mi
    5/6... 4 mi
    5/7... 2 m
    5/8... Rest
    5/9... 4 mi
    5/10...2 mi Cross/Walk
    5/12...2 mi
    5/13...3 mi
    5/14...2 mi
    5/16...4 mi
    5/17...2.5 mi Cross/Walk
    5/18...4 mi
    5/19...4 mi
    5/20...4 mi
    5/22...4 mi
    5/24...5 mi
    5/25...5 mi

  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    I haven't updated my mileage in a long time, but I have been running. Not as much as I planned on, but I still might meet my goal yet :smile: May is always my busiest month - my husband and I farm in addition to our full time jobs and I work local track meets. This month we also travelled out of state for a family wedding.

    5/2 - 10 miles
    5/4 - 5 miles
    5/6 - 3 miles
    5/9 - 15.5 miles - River Bank run 25k - longest run ever and had a blast!
    5/14 - 4 miles
    5/16 - 5 miles
    5/21 - 4 miles
    5/23 - 6.2 miles - Pat Kellerman Memorial 10k - PR!
    5/24 - 10 miles
    5/26 - 4 miles

    Next half marathon is June 7th!


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    5/2 - 6.07 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/5 - 3.01 miles
    5/6 - 3.02 miles
    5/9 - 13.1 miles 2:37:20.4 new PR
    5/11 - 3.04 miles
    5/16 - 13.1 miles 2:53:02
    5/19 - 3.06 miles
    5/20 - 3.01 miles
    5/21 - 3.1 miles
    5/23 - 12.8 miles
    5/24 - 6.1 miles
    5/25 - 1 mile
    5/26 - 4 miles


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited May 2015
    1 - 6.2mi, trail
    2 - 8.4mi, 5k, kids run, treadmill challenge
    3 - 13.1mi, Pittsburgh half marathon
    4 - 7mi, easy
    5 - 5.5mi, 5k race
    6 - Rest
    7 - 8mi, easy w/strides
    8 - 6mi, easy
    9 - 6mi, trail
    10 - 10mi, 7 easy/3 @7:00
    11- Rest
    12 - 7mi, easy
    13 - 5mi, easy (jogged a 5K+)
    14 - 6mi, easy
    15 - Rest
    16 - 4mi, easy
    17 - 26.5mi, Cleveland Marathon pacer
    18 - Rest
    19 - 4mi, easy
    20 - 6.4mi, easy
    21 - Rest
    22 - 6mi, easy
    23 - 5mi, easy
    24 - 8mi, easy
    25 - 8.2mi, 5K race

    Had a pretty good showing at the 5K. I stayed close to coach's goal of 6:20s in pacing, ran an 19:48, and snagged 4th in my age group (preliminaries had me at 5th for awards time, but the official results got sorted again lastnight). Seems the 35-39 age group was the weakest, as my finish time netted a whopping 77th place overall. Splits were 6:22, 6:28, 6:30, and 0:28 (the last 0.1 was on the track, and a 5:03min/mi kick). No sense in going all out since I just had a marathon the weekend before and no speedwork. Winner ran a 14:20, top 20 were all 15min and under. The competition this year wasn't as stiff as last year.


    Total: 156.1mi

    May goal: 180mi

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/1- rest day
    5/2 - 5 miles 8K Steeple Chase Race
    5/3 - 3.5 miles
    5/4 - rest day
    5/5 - 6.3 miles
    5/6 - 3.5 miles - decided to cut it short a bit so I could go home and get Macy for a walk
    5/7 - 4.5 miles
    5/8 - 4.6 miles
    5/9 - 2.4 miles - just a quick run to get my legs moving
    5/10 - 3.5 miles of Mother's Day fun with Skip way hot at 85 degrees
    5/11 - active rest day walked the Macy 3 miles
    5/12 - 6.5 miles
    5/13 - rest day - well I walked 3 miles with Macy and cut the yard so my feet were moving LOL
    5/14 - 5.5 miles
    5/15 - 5.3 miles
    5/16 - 3.2 miles - 5K and a little extra with warm up
    5/17 - 6.4 miles with Skip nice easy miles
    5/18 - rest day walked Macy a few miles but that's it, took Skip to breakfast in the morning for her birthday and went to the track banquet last night
    5/19 - 6.2 miles
    5/20 - 5.3 miles
    5/21 - 4.4 miles - I've been running this route pretty consistent since Nov 2014 and this was the fastest I ran it, 43:59 :smile:
    5/22 - 3.4 miles
    5/23 - 3.5 miles - easy run with Skip before our 10K on Monday
    5/24 - rest day - walked Macy 3 miles
    5/25 - 6.2 miles 10K cotton row run - tough course, it wanted to make me cry LOL No PR for me 1:03.03 was the chip time. Skip finished 57:49 chip time a PR for her though she wasn't thrilled with it. The "hill" was all everyone promised it was be I did a speed walk up it and wanted to die never mind run :smile: Race was delayed an hour because a tree fell on the course 30 mins before start time. I'm checking mapmyrun and it looks like the hill goes up 100 feet in less than a quarter mile. But before that "hill" it uphill for over a mile.
    5/26 - 4.6 recovery miles - ouch :smile:

    94.8 out of 120 miles completed - I am so down to the wire on meeting this! Starting vacation on Thursday for the rest of the month


    Great pictures @stoshew71 thanks for posting!