Why can't I stop sabotaging?!



  • KellyA09
    KellyA09 Posts: 12 Member
    I was a stress eater too! Go back to yoga and deal with your stress and do everything you can to eliminate stress in your life! Plan ahead! Prep some food to bring with you to work. Having food ready to go, you can just grab it on your way out the door! Eat before you feel really hungry! Seriously avoid trigger comfort foods! They are addictive and can cause you to gain weight if you are stressed your body will store fat! Recommit to your body and your life! Set a new goal. Write in your journal how you are feeling and how how are going to do better. Try to get up earlier in the morning and give yourself extra time to get ready or get to work. Avoid driving in a rush from now on! Take your time to do everything! Ask yourself if it really has to be done today! If it doesn't wait until you have proper time to finish without stressing. Get it together girl! You got this!

    Thank you! That's good advice! I feel like I get off track so easily and lately I've been scrambling to get ready/to work on time. I'll try to force myself out of bed earlier so I won't start my morning stressed already. :)
  • KellyA09
    KellyA09 Posts: 12 Member
    cjingles wrote: »
    I feel you! I tend to overeat when I'm stressed at work, too. Today I received an email from a coworker that really upset me and my day was spent trying to deal with the fallout that it caused. All day I thought "man, I really want to go home, have too many beers, eat my weight in pizza, and chill out!" I was seriously thinking about it when I got home, and suddenly it hit me that I was letting my coworker impact my life outside of work. I decided that while I don't have the power to change his ways at work (unfortunately), I do have the power to not accept his negativity at home. I jumped on my exercise bike for 20 minutes, ate the dinner I'd previously been planning on eating, and I've been walking around all evening feeling really confident and proud of myself. Even if it didn't happen in the office, I feel like I've won my battle with him tonight. I'm not sure what stresses you have at work, but perhaps thinking of it that way might help you, too? Good luck with everything!!

    Good for you! That's awesome you were able to get your mind over matter and not let someone control you and induce bad habits! I do have coworkers that stress me out but just the work I do is stressful and sometimes just very sensitive and emotionally hard to handle. So as much as I like to say I'm super desensitized I think I am internalizing some of it. I need to take back control of my actions and not use others as an excuse to backslide!
  • chrissyfitter
    chrissyfitter Posts: 67 Member
    KellyA09 wrote: »
    Hi guys, I feel like I can't stop sabotaging lately! It's driving me crazy and I keep telling myself to stop and eat better/drink more water but I fail every day. I'm just eating crap ugh. I have a high stress job and I am currently having a little bit of a breast cancer scare (surgery May 7th) and I think I'm just eating terribly as a way to manage my stress. I was going to hot yoga like 3-4 times a week and I can't find the motivation right now to go more than once a week.

    Long rambling story short, does anyone have any suggestions or advice on how to stop/get out of this funk?

    Thanks in advance!!

    Just remember how many other women go through the same thing as you and are survivors and thriving in spite of it.
  • MsPican
    MsPican Posts: 46 Member
    These are so really good advice. I'm going through the same thing but I'm actually hungry. So I dint kn if I'm sabotaging. Its nothing but healthy stuff in my home and I'm overeating that too. I keep asking myself what's wrong. I keep saying I'm hungry. That's still not healthy. This is probably bad to sad throw in a few etc Tht you like here n there. For the other days focus on preparing clean meals. I think that's where I went wrong this week. I'll pray everything goes well when you have your surgery in may.