Exercising daily - now my knees are sore?



  • Diesel9a2
    Diesel9a2 Posts: 4 Member
    Get expensive cushioned shoes so you can land heavily on your feet and heels - this way it won't hurt.


    When the cushioning breaks down and you are still landing heavy, your joints will collapse!

    Save your money and get shoes that are comfortable to wear. Jump and land properly, using your entire body as suspension, flexing and absorbing shock. When running, don't heal strike when you land, shorten you stride slightly and land on the balls of your feet.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    This could just be your form as you squat. Make sure that your knee never over shots your toes.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Don't laugh, but I do the majority of my walking everyday (10+ miles) wearing thongs, I think Americans call them flip flops.
    When the weather cools down I'll have to wear my runners! :disappointed:

    That, and I think us Aussies have evolved to be able to do everything in thongs / flip flops. One of my uni professors used to do marathon running in them.

    So true!
    Don't laugh, but I do the majority of my walking everyday (10+ miles) wearing thongs, I think Americans call them flip flops.
    When the weather cools down I'll have to wear my runners! :disappointed:

    Walking is a bit different though, and if she's started an exercise routine and has sore knees, minimalist definitely aint the way to go.

    That, and I think us Aussies have evolved to be able to do everything in thongs / flip flops. One of my uni professors used to do marathon running in them.
    Don't laugh, but I do the majority of my walking everyday (10+ miles) wearing thongs, I think Americans call them flip flops.
    When the weather cools down I'll have to wear my runners! :disappointed:

    Hello fellow Aussies! :smiley:

    My husband and I live in thongs haha - but I definitely don't exercise in them. Although my husband does.

    Heeellloooo there. We may as well have been born wearing thongs hehe

    sorry for going off topic....
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    OP, the reason why your knees hurt is due to overuse. You jumped into an aggressive attack on exercise and not being conditioned, your tendons in your knees are likely inflamed. More than likely it's Patellar Tendinitis.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I'm not sure what that is lol, but to qualify, the pain isn't that bad, not even bad enough to make me stop 'getting low', just hurts a bit.

    Don't LOL.
    Read it again and if you still don't understand look it up.

    Agree with ninerbuff - instead of building up steadily you have jumped straight to full training without giving your body time to adjust.

    You could carry on, mask the pain with anti-inflammatory drugs and end up with a chronic or acute injury.
    Or you could take a break, let the soreness heal and then ramp up your training progressively.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited May 2015
    It's overuse. Cut out any impact, and give your knees a rest. When they've stopped hurting, it'll help you to strengthen things. Check out recommendations here

    This, basically:

    Hip abduction: side lifts

    Hip external rotation: clamshells

    Hip flexion: lying down, bring knees to chest, stretch legs out

    Hip extension: glute bridges,

    Single leg mini-squats (step ups)

    Straight leg raises (lying)

    Single leg balance

    There's evidence those exercises can protect knees.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    rest more and work out differently sometimes. elliptical.......maybe different classes. Lift weights instead of all that cardio......
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks everyone - If anyone cares for an update, I did Pump last night and in the squat track, I focused on my squat form rather than how many I can do. I realised I wasn't squatting properly but have now figured out the correct form :smile: It'll take me a while to get pro at it, but at least I know it was the squats that were hurting my knees.