Sinking ship.



  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Exercise is great for health but not required for weight loss. If I were in your situation, I would weigh and log exactly what I eat every day for a week. Don't restrict your calories at all, at first. Just try to get a few days of normal eating logged. That can be your baseline. Once you have some data on what you're eating and how much you're eating, you can make changes, like realizing you're eating 3 servings of something and you'd be just as happy if you had eaten 2 servings. Or maybe you'll realize you're only eating 500 calories before dinner and then you're starving/craving all of your food at night. Or maybe you'll realize that you're not getting much protein or fiber or any other number of things.
  • the_nerdgasm
    the_nerdgasm Posts: 86 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    It all starts with you, you have to want to improve yourself. No one else is going to do it for you[1]. Coming here to vent is a good sign that you really do want change but its up to you to take the next step.

    The best advice I've seen here is for you to take a small, measurable, first step.

    Do that walk as suggested, 15 minutes a day. If you can't manage 15, start with 10 and keep it up until you can add 5 more. There are all sorts of tricks you can play on yourself to ensure you spend the time at it. For example if you drive, park 5, 7.5, or 10 minutes away from where you live or work to force you to walk back to your car for the next trip. Increase the distance as you improve. Sooner than later you won't have to trick yourself because you'll see and feel real progress and you'll want to do it... more than want, you'll feel like you need to, must do it.

    While you take those first steps, log all your food, even the pickles. If you are feeling tempted by something, add it to the log BEFORE you consume it. At some point this will help you say no. Review past days, don't just ignore them , because you can and will learn from your past.

    It won't take long to develop a new outlook on your life and future if you just start. Many of us have been there and emerged out the other side and you can do.

    [1] You might find a more supportive and compassionate doctor. Your doc won't fix this for you, only you can, but why visit an unhelpful physician?

    The advice on logging before you eat something is golden. I usually log my meals in, and then if I want something else, I log it and see if it's worth it. Whenever I eat mindlessly and add later, I always regret it and go waaaaaay over my intended intake.

    It's so much easier to stay under my calorie goal when I eat thoughtfully.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Log what you eat and try to move as much as possible during the day. Also, get a new doctor! Good luck to you
  • ffushermama
    ffushermama Posts: 4 Member
    Your post describes how I feel today, exactly. I am so disappointed in myself. I am overweight, I look horrible, I am exhausted, and I can't stick to any of my weight loss/exercise goals.

    You are not alone. I know that this unhappiness I am feeling is my own fault.I want to lose weight but I don't want to give up the delicious cookies, candy, buffalo wings food. I don't want to stop sitting on the couch to go exercise.

    But I want to feel good.

    I know something has to give, because I want to be happy. And right now, I am not happy with myself. I don't want to be on the verge of tears or stressed out because I have all this weight to lose. So I know I have to just do the exercises and give up the food. I just have too.

    Put the pickles down and let's get happy!!

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member

    I've been to my doctor but all she could tell me was to get a gym membership. >__<

    Get a new doctor... totally serious.

    Instead of trying to change everything all at once, try making small changes. A lot of small changes add up to a big result. Invest in a food scale and weigh all of your food. Keep hydrated. Prelogging your day's diary may help you avoid extra snacking. Pull out a serving size of pickles and put the jar away.