Facebook - A step too far?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My FB page is full of judgmental nosey people who read too much into everything I post. I would delete them but they are freinds and family and all have my phone number.

    you can put their ringer on "silent" on your cell phone. just the individual person's ringtone, "silent" is an option usually. right before you delete them. all their calls will go to voicemail for you to conveniently ignore until Friday night for entertainment with some popcorn and some wine.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I deleted my FB account when it started to damage some real life relationships. I have a "friend" who can be quite judgmental in her Christian beliefs and attitudes. It was hard for me to read her comments about Jews, our president, Democrats, homosexuals, gun laws, etc, without wanting to rip her a new one via FB. (I'm stubborn that way). She was a bit of a hypocrite, too. I hate hypocrisy.

    I occasionally look at my husband's FB, and I realized awhile ago why I cannot stand it now: too many stupid, inane status updates and smarmy pictures of overly cliched statements.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Like most social media, you can get in and out of it what you put in. And remember, it is based on your life so really it will reflect you AND the people who associate with. So if you happen to be friends with some POS that is into rating you after you sleep with them, well....that is what you will get out of it.

    I like FB for keeping up with old friends, new friends, and family mostly. I make sure I section of content appropriately.

    I've been part of MANY different social outlets and when things got screwy or not to my liking, I manged it, or did as you did and deleted it. IT certainly isn't required for my life.
  • nope31
    nope31 Posts: 174
    I got rid of my FB account after a misunderstanding with family over an auto-post by (none other than) MFP!

    The accounts were linked and MFP posted, "Pinkledoodledoo has responded to 'HELP! I hate my husband!' on MyFitnessPal" or some such thing...

    Well of course I had my husband's family as "friends" on Facebook and many of them are older folks who know how to use computers but are not necessarily internet savvy... so this auto-post made them think that I posted that I hated MY husband instead of realizing that I was responding to an MFP forum post with that title.

    Needless to say I still have people on that side of his family giving me dirty looks... primarily because none of them EVER asked me about it. I heard about it through the grapevine and therefore couldn't even properly defend/explain myself.

    And since leaving FB I have discovered who my real friends are - you know, the ones that actually keep in touch outside of FB?

    Hhaha! How unfortunate. This is how ppl are in the world, its a shame that ppl that are considered "family" would much rather point and stare and heckle in the back ground but aren't bold enough to say something.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I deleted my FB account when it started to damage some real life relationships. I have a "friend" who can be quite judgmental in her Christian beliefs and attitudes. It was hard for me to read her comments about Jews, our president, Democrats, homosexuals, gun laws, etc, without wanting to rip her a new one via FB. (I'm stubborn that way). She was a bit of a hypocrite, too. I hate hypocrisy.
    You got rid of FB to save a friendship with this horrible person?

    That says more about you than it does about FB.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    I got rid of my FB account after a misunderstanding with family over an auto-post by (none other than) MFP!

    The accounts were linked and MFP posted, "Pinkledoodledoo has responded to 'HELP! I hate my husband!' on MyFitnessPal" or some such thing...

    Well of course I had my husband's family as "friends" on Facebook and many of them are older folks who know how to use computers but are not necessarily internet savvy... so this auto-post made them think that I posted that I hated MY husband instead of realizing that I was responding to an MFP forum post with that title.

    Needless to say I still have people on that side of his family giving me dirty looks... primarily because none of them EVER asked me about it. I heard about it through the grapevine and therefore couldn't even properly defend/explain myself.

    And since leaving FB I have discovered who my real friends are - you know, the ones that actually keep in touch outside of FB?

    Hhaha! How unfortunate. This is how ppl are in the world, its a shame that ppl that are considered "family" would much rather point and stare and heckle in the back ground but aren't bold enough to say something.

    It certainly opened my eyes as to what type of people I was dealing with vs. how they were presenting themselves at family functions.
  • FitnessCharl
    FitnessCharl Posts: 166

    Are you in a town near Bath? The Chronicle's twitter feed mentioned it.

    Yep about 30 miles from Bath...I just find it a little sad that such a small town is being ruined by these sorts of things.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Personally, I think MFP is a 'refreshing' REPLACEMENT to fb! I've never cared much for fb, my job's just completely boring and I need something to kill my time. lol
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    FB is too big
    Poor AJ isn't.

    Sadly, I laughed.
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I wish I could quit FB but we don't live near home.
  • tobejune
    tobejune Posts: 177
    I agree with the OP about that app taking it too far.

    I haven't had a facebook in a few years now.

    The main reason I'm posting is because I wanted to let people know that when you "Delete" your facebook, it's all still there if you sign back in at any time... You have to actually contact facebook and ask them to permanently remove all of your info in order to truly delete it. Just me or is that a little creepy?
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I'm on facebook, but not very active at all. Someone else posted that it seems that not too many people are interested in what they have to say, and I feel the same way, but I think it's mainly because what I say is not snarky, I don't spend alot of money on things and brag about it, I don't travel that much-so no AMAZING stories to tell, I don't have any small kids, which means I'm not posting every time they lose a tooth, scrape a knee, or if they're bullied in school, and finally I don't post many pics.

    Oh, and I think those people that post how perfect their lives are (in every post, multiple times a day), or "LML!!!" every chance they get are not as happy as they portray and are hiding something... :glasses:
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    The only reason I stay on FB is because for some reason my mother uses that as her main way to communicate with me. I call and email but it's still " You didn't see my post on FB?" I am very picky about my friends on there and I usually only post my pics of trips in Europe and Cat photos.

    I hate seeing posts like "omg got up to brush my teeth and the toothpaste was empty" "getting lunch out of the fridge!"or some crap like that. Who cares?
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    That was definately too far and wrong...Poor guy :frown:

    I stay on FB because my other half's family is in SC and we live in OH. I post pics of our daughters and we use it to stay in touch with family. My profile is private, I don't post personal information, delete people who post TMI, and ignore the drama. I just don't pay attention to it and if someone annoys me I delete and/or block them :bigsmile: It is what you make it. :flowerforyou: If you don't post TMI and you ignore the BS and only accept people you want to accept and care to keep in touch with, it can be a good tool to stay in touch with family and friends...
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    FB is too big
    Poor AJ isn't.


    my sentiments exactly
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I don't do any sort of social media.
    If I want to talk to a friend, I'll pick up the phone.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    We got one of these for my town about a month ago, it started posting loads of crap on there about who had gained weight since school, who was on drugs, who cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend, all sent in my anonymous tips.
    And mostly by people in their twenties... who should really have better things to do by now.

    It's pathetic.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I don't do any sort of social media.
    If I want to talk to a friend, I'll pick up the phone.
    Or post on MFP....
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yeah, that sounds real ugly.

    I deleted my FB account about 3 months ago--can't say I've missed it at all.