Spousal Influence

Hello! I have been using MFP for a little over 2 years (off and on). I just started using it again. I stopped the first time because I spent years struggling with a severe eating disorder and really didn't want to be ritualistic with calorie counting. I am back on MFP because I need the accountability as I continue in my journey to a healthy weight! I was hoping that I could get some feedback from a few of the community members about how to cope when your spouse is not motivated to join you in your lifestyle change. My husband is willing to walk with me when I ask him but he keeps challenging foods around the house that tempt me and expects me to restrain myself. I was hoping for a little advice from you all. I have lost apprx 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I am thrilled with it but my issue in the past has been maintenance and I am fearful that I will fall back into bad habits because of the food that my husband likes to keep around for himself. Thanks.


  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    Exercise your self control. You know, it's like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
  • daronjd
    daronjd Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you. I'm still coping with the unfairness of having to make this change when he doesn't. He has better genetics so he does not need to exercise or eat healthy, but I do. I am trying to change the way that I think about diet and exercise but sometimes living with someone who does not have to prioritize it makes it difficult.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I've been on this weight loss enterprise mostly on my own. Hubby supports me by not interfering (and pretty generous with my time away at meetings and gym, I might add). He has a sweet tooth and I do not.

    He has his treat shelf which I raid once in a while.

    When I plate food, his portions and proportions are different than mine. I have more salad on mine.

    He likes the idea that my low-cal cooking is helping him trim his waistline. Just as long as it isn't tofu and fish all week.

    He's back on the wagon with gym classes and I've adjusted my schedule to join him once a week.

    I guess I'm saying your spouse does not have to conform to everything you are doing. There's got to be room for him to be who he is in all this. You might ask that he have a designated space for his treats so it's not driving you nuts all the time.
  • daronjd
    daronjd Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for sharing! Great suggestion.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    My husband's idea of exercise is picking up the TV remote. His diet consists of Dr Pepper 10, ice cream, chips and hamburgers (I kid you not). Despite his different priorities, I have been able to lose 50+lbs (and keep it off now for about 1 yr) and exercise (cycling now - about 50-80miles per week). It doesn't matter how HE prioritizes his life. My responsibility is to meet my own priorities.
  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
    To be honest, the food temptation is your issue, not his. It's unfair to expect him to punish or restrict himself in order to acquiesce to your inability to control yourself. Please do not mistake this for harshness, I do not mean for it to come across as such; I do understand your frustration, I have it all around me in my own house because I'm in the same situation as you.

    But I've learned to do two things: 1.) Be accountable to myself and for myself...husband not included. 2.) If I cannot stay away from the temptation, I incorporate it into my calories for the day. If I decide to have that piece of cheesecake or some Ben and Jerry's, then I'll only have a salad for dinner or whatever else will fit into my numbers.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    daronjd wrote: »
    Hello! I have been using MFP for a little over 2 years (off and on). I just started using it again. I stopped the first time because I spent years struggling with a severe eating disorder and really didn't want to be ritualistic with calorie counting. I am back on MFP because I need the accountability as I continue in my journey to a healthy weight! I was hoping that I could get some feedback from a few of the community members about how to cope when your spouse is not motivated to join you in your lifestyle change. My husband is willing to walk with me when I ask him but he keeps challenging foods around the house that tempt me and expects me to restrain myself. I was hoping for a little advice from you all. I have lost apprx 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I am thrilled with it but my issue in the past has been maintenance and I am fearful that I will fall back into bad habits because of the food that my husband likes to keep around for himself. Thanks.
    Well this is my hubby. And you know what I eat what i want as long as its within limits and its not grease. Um Idk what to say except gotta just say no. My husband has a bowl of cereal every night. Sometimes he brings pastries and beer. I will have a little but i just hope your not supposed to force your hubby to eat better so your not tempted THATs not fair and uncool. Just like it would be for to tell him stop buying ice-cream and eating it-wait thats me buying it eating it and losing wait-heh never mind whoops but in all seriousness he can be supportive but to restrict HIS diet because YOU are not can not be disclipined in yours is wrong. Be more disciplined. Have your versions of food if not get more active and have what he is having-its what i do. I just love food and and will enjoy it and if i have to limit my portions and walk/workout more then.so.be.it.
    My hubby isn't going to yell at me for eating ice-cream in front of him (and he doesn't-he is trying to lose his belly) he lets me bring in what i bring in. I the same for him.
  • carolynmo1969
    carolynmo1969 Posts: 120 Member
    Yikes, there's that dreaded "f" word - fair. Life's not fair. My hubby and kids would have to strap on weighted backpacks to gain just one ounce, but it's really about genetics and not fairness. It's all about what I CHOOSE- I choose to track my food, I choose be mindful of my calorie intake, make wiser choices about my food and portion size. I choose to exercise. I chose to assign a cupboard to my family for storing foods I struggle resisting and nothing else that I would ever need goes in that cupboard, so I'm not going to come face to face with a can of Pringles while looking for the rice. I'm out a lot - walking, going to the gym, going to fitness classes. This weekend my hubby asked if he could come on my 7am dog walk! Last night as I was lacing up to run the dogs around the block, my daughter said she'd like to join me. Another day my daughter asked if I could boil more water in the kettle so she could have oatmeal for breakfast with me. It didn't happen overnight, but they see the benefits and want to partake in the choices I've made and participate in being healthier.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    One thing which may help is to clear a shelf in a cabinet or area of the fridge and freezer and ask him to keep his foods put away. For me, out of sight helps.
  • kamber13
    kamber13 Posts: 249 Member
    I suffer from a similar situation with my roommate/partner. It's difficult at times not to resent him. He sincerely NEEDS to lose weight and says he wants to. We also have a budget issue. I often feel I'm the only one who trying to make healthy meals for the week and not get unhealthy take out 4 times a week.

    I've been able to overcome his lack of commitment and subconscious sabotage of my/our goals by sticking to my guns about our meal plans and our limited budget. I've also do not enter into conversations about his desires for scrapping a day of healthy eating for unhealthy foods.

    I also relate to living in a home with "temptation" foods. I can't and won't dictate what my roommate has for his personal treats... BUT I do make sure I have a healthy snack available for myself so when he's munching on a second helping of a meal or a high calorie treat, I can go to the freezer or cupboard for something that I'm comfortable with. For me, I find most of the time I'm not jealous of what he's eating but the fact that he's eating.

    Sorry for the ramble...I hope this helps a little.
  • JBROC5
    JBROC5 Posts: 37 Member
    I took more of the approach that I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I stayed with in my calorie goal. I quickly learned that I had trigger foods like chocolate, sweet tea, and cappuccinos. Those are things I had to eliminate all together because if I have one, I want another and another and pretty soon I ate the whole bag of Hershey's in two days. So I eliminate the trigger foods - At least for now. After a few weeks, I no longer craved those things. Also I replaced those sweet things with something that was healthier ( I drink a kombucha, or hot tea with honey instead). It sounds silly, but it worked for me and that is the bottom line for all of us. What works for one may or may not work for another. Also try to focus on the good stuff your hubby does instead of what drives you crazy. Mine laughed at me when I started bringing the scale to the dinner table, but I knew I had to do it for me. He offered me sweets for awhile, but after me telling him I didn't want any, he stopped. On the same token, he watches the kids once a week so I can go my bike, which I love. And he always tells me I am doing great and looking good. I have lost almost 20 since really committing to this ( MFP says I have lost 7, but that is going from when I made the account a year ago. I gained 11 lbs after making the account but have lost all that and more since committing to it.)
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @daronjd From a man's perspective: When I was in my 20's I was super-fit. No one then would have expected me to gain 100 pounds later in life. Your husband might have the thin gene or might just be coasting. Stuff changes for men too as they age. One day he might be much more open to your focus on healthy eating and lifestyle. :wink:

    I applaud you, loudly, for taking control of your own health.

    While it'd be great if your hubby wasn't keeping things around the house you don't want to be tempted by, stay strong. You can do it. Maybe in time you'll identify other snack and fun foods that work for both of you. I do all of the grocery shopping so even if my wife wasn't supportive (she is! I bow in her direction) she'd be on the same page like it or not. :smile:

    Reversing the role, while I was gaining weight my wife did not. She skipped that bowl of ice cream after dinner every day, I did not. I would cook and serve large, and larger, but not for her - she exercised control. So it can be done, she taught me that without ever saying a word but I didn't pay attention until last year.

    Self motivation and self discipline is important for our long term success so if your husband isn't able to change at this time, maybe you can at least re-frame that issue into a positive light - you are learning to be even more disciplined.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I've been at this for over 2 years. I was able to fend off his junk food runs, his need for take out, and the laziness.. up until this past December. I fell off, hardcore. I gained 20lbs since then, and now I'm back on the train, trying to get back to where I need to be. It's a struggle, that's for sure!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Exercise your self control. You know, it's like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.


    I would say many/most of us live with people who don't share our diets (whether they need to or not--and "fairness" shouldn't enter into it!). Many posters suggested a treat shelf. We have an opaque plastic container, more so that I don't have to look at goodies when I go in the kitchen because grazing has been a habit for me.

    Perhaps you should weigh out small servings of his goodies and put them in baggies or containers and plan to give in once in a while. It's how I stay on this.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    Have him buy his treats. Both physically from the shop and with his money. Then they're not yours, and you can't eat them.
  • mfermo
    mfermo Posts: 102 Member
    I am amazed by how politically correct are the most of suggestions: it's your problem not his, it's still possible, you need more discipline, etc.
    I agree of course he doesn't need to align with everything...but... if he's is not helping you and you told him and made clear it's important thing for you, quite frankly I think it's fair expectation to get some help, support and little sacrifice from the spouse.
    So, take the drastic approach and stop sex until he throws away all tempting food ! :smiley: ... and "may the force be with you"...

    My 2 cents
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    mfermo wrote: »
    I am amazed by how politically correct are the most of suggestions: it's your problem not his, it's still possible, you need more discipline, etc.
    I agree of course he doesn't need to align with everything...but... if he's is not helping you and you told him and made clear it's important thing for you, quite frankly I think it's fair expectation to get some help, support and little sacrifice from the spouse.
    So, take the drastic approach and stop sex until he throws away all tempting food ! :smiley: ... and "may the force be with you"...

    My 2 cents

    Yes weaponize sex this is good and healthy for your marriage this nerd knows what's up
  • YoungIronG
    YoungIronG Posts: 125 Member
    the fact that he goes walking with sould be more than enough to show hes supportive.
    and im sure he will love you and want to get busy no matter your physical appearance.

    but he might not want his wife telling him/blaming him for the food he enjoys in the house you two share.

    my wife and i have a good rule: if i cant do it, then you cant do it...
    -meaning, if he cant tell you not to go walking, then you cant tell him not to have his treats--and so on

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Your husband is accountable to himself for his decisions, you are accountable to yourself for yours. My kids like ice cream. My husband likes chips. I keep both in the house, and I only partake if I have the calories to spend for the day.

    That's just how it is. You CAN control yourself. It's difficult but not impossible. You have choices. The food is not like Homer's sirens, luring you to your death with their sweet songs....it's an inanimate object; you choose to eat it or not.

    I do not believe in making your spouse conform to your needs.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    daronjd wrote: »
    Hello! I have been using MFP for a little over 2 years (off and on). I just started using it again. I stopped the first time because I spent years struggling with a severe eating disorder and really didn't want to be ritualistic with calorie counting. I am back on MFP because I need the accountability as I continue in my journey to a healthy weight! I was hoping that I could get some feedback from a few of the community members about how to cope when your spouse is not motivated to join you in your lifestyle change. My husband is willing to walk with me when I ask him but he keeps challenging foods around the house that tempt me and expects me to restrain myself. I was hoping for a little advice from you all. I have lost apprx 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I am thrilled with it but my issue in the past has been maintenance and I am fearful that I will fall back into bad habits because of the food that my husband likes to keep around for himself. Thanks.

    The world is full of temptations. Teach yourself to portion out single servings of the 'tempting' foods. It's the only way to learn self control since purging all tempting food from your life is never really an option (freebies when you're out, restaurants, work parties and coworkers bringing cookies, vending machines, potlucks, etc etc)