Water "enhancers"... thoughts?!



  • web816
    web816 Posts: 10 Member
    I personally do use some Crystal Light and diet soda. However, I only log plain water as "water" on MFP. I like to limit my use of artificial sweeteners, so aiming to get 8+ cups of plain water daily helps me keep the other drinks in moderation. Also, I figure that if their is any bad effects of artificial sweeteners, all the plain water I'm drinking surely helps flush some of that out! lol I typically get 10-12c plain water daily along with 1 can diet soda and 8-12oz Crystal Light.
  • lemonmon1
    lemonmon1 Posts: 134 Member
    Watch those powder packs; they are often full of artificial sweeteners and other chemicals that are really bad for you. The only water additives I use are tea bags or a tsp of lemon juice in the glass of water I have first thing in the morning. It's so refreshing and good for you!
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Just an FYI - I would not use any of the liquid water flavors - the little packets are fine - but the MIO and others have propylene glycol in them and that is basically antifreeze. Just thought I would pass it along. Lots of other products have the same thing but I know for sure the liquid flavors do.

    Was waiting for someone to show up and say it's comparable to anti-freeze. lawl!
  • laurajo521
    laurajo521 Posts: 91 Member
    Jumping in here. Never used the forums before...

    One of my friends got me on to these liquid water enhancers, and I like them because they really do help me drink more water, which is apparently something I do less of in my old age. Who knew? After I workout, I gulp it down, but just during the day to keep from getting hungry? Not as good at it.

    Many years ago, a doctor told me Crystal Light is not water, so I am not sure a) why he said it and b) if the same rules apply today. And, I checked the ingredients on the one I have (Dasani brand) and it has neither propelyne glycol nor stevia, which is good because I have a sensitivity to stevia.

    I think if it helps me get water in my system it's going to have to be ok. But I did buy some fresh lemons, so I can do that at home. It is just a pain to slice up lemons at work.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Just an FYI - I would not use any of the liquid water flavors - the little packets are fine - but the MIO and others have propylene glycol in them and that is basically antifreeze. Just thought I would pass it along. Lots of other products have the same thing but I know for sure the liquid flavors do.

    Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. Propylene glycol is totally different and is a very common additive as posters above pointed out.
  • laurajo521
    laurajo521 Posts: 91 Member
    Dasani doesn't have it. Or if they do, it's masquerading by a different name. Honestly, it doesn't look like anything too harmful, just non-nutritive food additives and some food color.