what are some good cardio activities, rite now i can only walk, i and 5-7 260lbs



  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks skinnygal

    You're welcome :smile:

    Also, I find that my knees get more sore when walking on a treadmill than when I walk around the basketball court at a park (I do that when I want to walk on level ground). It may just be me and not the treadmill at all, but if you walk outdoors (especially on level ground) you might find it easier to do and more enjoyable than walking on a treadmill. Getting fresh air is also a bonus! And you could even hold onto some light weights or use ankle weights if you're up to it. Those will help you burn more calories and build some muscle. And always listen to your favorite music while walking because it helps to keep you motivated and your energy level up (or maybe that's just me, but it works for me lol).
  • slovie64
    slovie64 Posts: 55 Member
    The treadmill is a bore - GET OUTSIDE AND WALK!

    I'm the same height, and was the same weight as you back in January. Just sticking to my calorie count (and I still cheat a little from time to time) and walking religiously has lead me to lose 35 pounds so far. Set a goal. I use MapMyWalk and set a goal each month. I started with 50 miles. It sounds like a lot but you'd be surprised how quickly those miles add up. In April I walked 100 miles! Rain or cold doesn't stop me. I get out every day. Once you start, and stick to it, you'll see how wonderful walking can be!
  • minkky
    minkky Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a walker too! I walk about 30 minutes in my neighborhood everyday. It's been fantastic to see myself get faster. On my days off I go to a local hiking trail and do about and hour. I've lost about 10lbs and have been on mfp about 5-6 weeks. It gets easier. And now I get cranky if I don't go for a walk. Feel free to add me:)
  • brockbennett1981
    brockbennett1981 Posts: 187 Member
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited May 2015
    I find using gym equipment the most demoralising and boring thing about weight loss. It actually stops me from fostering the habit to exercise consistently. Because of that I tend to shave off exercise in the form of morning runs and lots of incidental exercise!
    I started off with morning walks. As my fitness level and confidence grew it became walk/jog, then jog/walk, at no particular time frame so I wouldn't demotivate myself. I now run long distance every morning at the crack of dawn and enjoy it immensely.

    I think the best way to lose weight without running is:
    - Throw in as much incidental exercise as you can! Get up frequently to make yourself a nice cup of black or green tea. While waiting for the kettle to boil, have a stroll around the kitchen, clean up, potter about. Go down to the corner store via walking! Always take the stairs if you can and its not 15 stories of hell on your joints! Walk that little extra by doing more chores! Turn up the radio when you hear your favourite song and bop, dance, move! Fidgeting is good for you! Go window shopping and urban exploration of a list of places you're interested in!
    - Go for a nice walk around the neighbourhood or a park close by with a buddy/family member every morning and after dinner in the evenings. That evening after meal work helps with digestion, aids in sleep later in the night AND burns calories to boot! Plus we miss out so much on face-to-face interaction, just talking with people, and watching the world and nature go by when we've got our heads stuck in the TV, our phones, etc!
    - If you NEED to stay indoors, try Zumba. Its pretty fun! But you mentioned you can only walk, so try the above, or try a slow dance that isn't too taxing on your body. The point is to not notice you are exercising!

    The only time you should use gym equipment is:
    - When its raining
    - You want an ego boost...I find my stats shooting through the roof in improvements every time I get back to using the treadmill as a last resort
    - If you're travelling and/or its not safe outside
    - If you have some special need that demands gym equipment

    Most importantly, health and fitness is 30% exercise 70% diet. So watch the snacks, the oils, the processed foods. I don't believe in fad diets, juicing, etc etc but I believe in balance. If you want to splurge on heavy foods on one day, pare it back a little by having a light but hearty vegetable soup the next day for dinner and a small fruit for dessert, for example!
  • brockbennett1981
    brockbennett1981 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks for info, 1.5 hours is long time