:-( Less calories, more exercise ≠loose weight!! :-(



  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Using the exercise bike I managed to use up at least 1000 calories a day (give or take 10% what the bike said and what other info sites said varied) Some days I managed over 2000 ((give or take 10% ) a few days I missed (as per other posts caused terrible piles - thank goodness for medication).

    I was just so pleased I had found something I could do, make it fit into my time and felt I had accomplished something.

    No weight loss for a few weeks.
    Yes it could be time of the month... addressed water retention and over night gained 4 lbs!! (the day before did about 1500 on the bike)

    Amazingly I did not feel that hungry after doing the morning cycle (varied minimum of 500 calories and often used up 1000 give or take 10% ) so often did not eat until later which helped me keep the calories low. Have tried (pain in bottom depending) on doing at least 500 calories 2 - 4 times a day...

    How are you estimating your calorie burns? They seem awfully high... A 500 calorie session on a spinning bike would be ~45 minutes of high-intensity (sweat-dripping) work. Doing this 2-4 times a day? Unlikely unless you are already a highly conditioned athlete.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Your biking calorie burn is wrong. I dont care what you read or where you read it. Get real about that and you might make some progress.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Didn't see one useful answer to her question. You automatically assume she hasn't logged her calories right. I lost 45 lbs in 9 months, hit a plateau and have now gained back 14 lbs. Yes I weight my food, I haven't changed the the type of foods I eat, don't snack & swim 3 days a week. My calorie is 1200 per day but often eat less. I've dieted for two years but have been at my current weight for the last six months. I have no intentions to change my calorie intake but have no expectations that my weight will change. So I would appreciate it if you have no useful suggestions for this lady don't say anything.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Thank you to those that actually believe me.
    Another interesting turn.... I have been ill for about a week.

    Done NO exercise and my calories would have increased.... and my weight is roughly the same!!!
    (I have surprised myself with how quickly the calories increased with the bike. I started doing about 15 mins. After doubling the level I can now get though 1000 in about 40 mins to an hour, depends what I watch! I have been doing that first thing before breakfast etc and then again in the evening, and at least one jealous witness lol!)

    Batteries - yes have ordered more as they are running low, however a different scales say roughly the same (they only give st n lb with no extra oz)

    Bizarre and ANNOYING as holiday in a few days and I cant fit in last years clothes :'(

    There is NO way you burn 1000 calories in 40 minutes.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Didn't see one useful answer to her question. You automatically assume she hasn't logged her calories right. I lost 45 lbs in 9 months, hit a plateau and have now gained back 14 lbs. Yes I weight my food, I haven't changed the the type of foods I eat, don't snack & swim 3 days a week. My calorie is 1200 per day but often eat less. I've dieted for two years but have been at my current weight for the last six months. I have no intentions to change my calorie intake but have no expectations that my weight will change. So I would appreciate it if you have no useful suggestions for this lady don't say anything.

    Aren't you that poster who had that picture of a cat shaped pizza? New account I assume? I recognize you due to the writing style being the same and you repeating what you always did in that account.

    On the contrary, I think she got a lot of useful advice. The first thing that should always be assessed is whether or not the person is weighing/measuring food correctly, doing honest logging, and using correct database entries. That is where the problem usually is.

  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    If you weigh yourself at night and find that you weigh more the following morning, get your kidneys checked immediately.
    Again thank you for your feedback.

    Keeping calm... I am NOT eating LOTS and lying to myself... I have kept the food down. I know what I am and not eating, using scales and the calorie counts on packaging (keeping in mind they can be out by 40% according to one programme).

    According to the exercise bike I am burning 1100 x2 a day and cross ref with a computer programme that is +/_ 10%.
    (this week I doubled the bike from about 45 mins, 1000 calories claimed to x 2 a day) has made no difference to weight loss.)
    (a few weeks ago I doubled the level which was not as bad as I thought, but again have lost nothing in that time!)

    If I use up about 1000 a day in everyday living and then an additional 2000 (excluding the aledged after burn) and a few eggs, veg soup n salad is not 3000.

    Currently I, and now my other 1/2 is defying the laws of physics as they have not lost weight in many weeks either!
    I would imagine after all these weeks that the fat that was on my legs has hopefully turned to muscle and yes that will weigh more but again after all these weeks surely I must be loosing somewhere.

    It makes NO sense to weigh before sleep and then wake a few more lbs in the morning!! (same scales used on the same place on the floor)
    I have not gone down to eat in middle of the night and not known about it as the house alarm would be set off.
    (my weight goes up and down around 3 lbs but never below the plateau of the lowest.)

    mixing it up would be nice however there I little that can be done.
    jogging is out- various reasons
    anything with weight/stretching to the arms and torso is out
    swimming is out due to cost and time
    walking briskly is out as can only walk slowly with a little one and I don't have access to childcare to be able to go out on my own during the day.

    Thank you all for your guesses.... and feedback however now can I only have feedback from those that have been though this.... how long it took to get though a plateau, ideas to break the plateau and keeping sane in the mean time.

    In a few weeks I will not have access to the exercise bike and I am really really worried what weight I will put on as I have not lost it with using it!! :-(

    Speaking to others some people don't loose for a month!! (the last time I tried this it was one week loose one week not - regardless of what I did or did not do). That being born female its harder. ... taking advise I am now having breakfast. For one person they did not loose if they did not eat breakfast - made no difference to me :-(

    I can now see why people become obsessed when there is no logic to what is going on!

    If you weigh yourself at night and find that you weigh more the following morning, see a doctor immediately.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    You're not really burning 1000+ calories on the stationary bicycle unless you're going at it with high resistance and keeping revolutions per minute around 80 for 3 hours. You'll get about 360 calories burned per hour that way.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    Oh, and P.S., in the past when I was succeeding on the Weight Watchers program, there were weeks when I lost nothing at all or even gained a little; this would go on for up to 6 weeks. As long as I stuck with it, all of a sudden I'd lose 3 or 4 pounds in a week. Remember that there is a lot of adjustment going on at the cellular level when you go from fat storing to fat burning. It takes time. Be patient.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Didn't see one useful answer to her question. You automatically assume she hasn't logged her calories right. I lost 45 lbs in 9 months, hit a plateau and have now gained back 14 lbs. Yes I weight my food, I haven't changed the the type of foods I eat, don't snack & swim 3 days a week. My calorie is 1200 per day but often eat less. I've dieted for two years but have been at my current weight for the last six months. I have no intentions to change my calorie intake but have no expectations that my weight will change. So I would appreciate it if you have no useful suggestions for this lady don't say anything.

    If you haven't lost weight for six months, that means that you are eating at or above your maintenance level. Unless you are very light weight, 1200 per day is below your maintenance level. So, either you are eating more than 1200, or you are losing weight and don't realize it. Since we know you are eating more than 1200, but you think you are eating at 1200, that means there is food that you aren't logging. That may be because you are miscalculating portion sizes. That may be because there is food you are ignoring. That may be because you are misreading the calorie information on the labels or the calorie information in the database is wrong. Whatever the case, all you need to do is look at what you've been eating and eat less. Since your log entries are incorrect anyway, it might be better to not log at all, just reduce what you're eating.

    Or are holding on to ENORMOUS and increasing amounts of water, which is possible in certain extremely serious medical conditions.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015

    Amazingly I did not feel that hungry after doing the morning cycle (varied minimum of 500 calories and often used up 1000 give or take 10% ) so often did not eat until later which helped me keep the calories low. Have tried (pain in bottom depending) on doing at least 500 calories 2 - 4 times a day...

    Most people with hard but not extreme work burn about ~500 calories an hour during exercise.

    Moderate exercise (still sweating) is about ~300 an hour.

    Light exercise is about ~150 an hour.

    (It depends on exactly WHAT you're doing as to what your calorie burn is, but this is a pretty good estimate.)

    So I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY suspicious of the idea that you're doing 2-4 hours of exercise a day.

    An insanely extreme workout would be 1000 cal in an hour. I don't think I've ever done more than 800 in an hour in my life.

  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Oh, and you can TOTALLY walk briskly with a little one. You can get a jogging stroller on Craig's List, and you can stuff a kid up to 80lbs into one of those.

    Look, I can't run. I have exercise-induced anaphylaxis, crappy knees, and other issues. I have a hinky shoulder with a catch in it that I have to work carefully, too. I'm working out, counting my calories correctly, and losing weight.
  • karenhume100
    karenhume100 Posts: 1 Member
    Is it possible you bike is calculating in KJ not calories?
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Is it possible you bike is calculating in KJ not calories?

    NICE CATCH!!!!
  • onedayTHISYEAR
    onedayTHISYEAR Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for some of it... no I have never had a different account on here.

    NO not buying new clothes, that is what made me accept my added weight, and not hide from it.

    No one mentioned why NO exercise from being poorly but next to no weight gain.
    Have been weighing morning and night, usually down the next morning...

    I have a gizmo that helps remove water retention so I use those, so water should not be a problem.

    The bike only gives calories not KJ... The bike has the level of 1 - 32 I started at 10 and upped it to 20, its like riding though treacle, and yes I sweat buckets. I have also hurt my bottom, and struggled to walk with all the riding I have done. I could not do it running, but watching an interesting programme makes it bearable..
    Originally when I did it I was shattered ++ but the recovery rate is so much better now so far fitter (and as I said better legs lol)

    I am not eating back the blinking calories! I could not mange it now makes me sick when I have the occasional big meal or treats as it is :-(

    I cant do anything that involves weights or stretching especially of the torso.

    As per a previous one, yes it seems the only thing is just keep going as something has to give.
    May try the 5:2 again as not done that for many weeks and that may kick / switch something.
    Just take the attitude of better life style and weight loss is the added bonus

    And thank you to those who do understand. I can appreciate that that many people have too much time on their hands that they do make things up for attention, but as someone who does not even do facebook as I dont have time, I am not one of them. I just want to solve the problem and loose the weight!

    So anyway, again, anyone that has been though this, (or double checking an easy mistake like calories and kj's) please feel free to offer suggestion. :-)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I have a gizmo that helps remove water retention so I use those, so water should not be a problem.
    What is this gizmo of which you speak?

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited June 2015
    Please open your diary. Also, it's been a while since you started this thread, could you refresh my memory? What are your stats. I'd like to help you, but you'll have to focus on answering specific questions so we can narrow things down.

    To get to the heart of the matter, we need to eliminate possibilities first. A look through your diary will do that. I'm not looking to food shame you or anything like that.

    If you'd give more information on the reasons why the various forms of activity are out for you it would be helpful. I have limitations too, so I do understand.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I have a gizmo that helps remove water retention so I use those, so water should not be a problem.
    What is this gizmo of which you speak?

    Was wondering the same thing...
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    You only want advice from people who have been through what you are going through?

    Ok, your choice. If it were me, I'd want advice from those who have consistently and successful seen the scale go down.

    I'm with you on that.

    When I've been struggling, not seeing the scale go down, I know in my heart of hearts that it's because I'm not being 100% faithful/accurate in my logging.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I have a gizmo that helps remove water retention so I use those, so water should not be a problem.
    What is this gizmo of which you speak?

    Was wondering the same thing...
    Dialysis machine? Water pills (not what I'd call a gizmo)? Mogwai?