Breast Lift



  • Anna7595
    Anna7595 Posts: 38
    Definitely have kids first if you want to have have kids...yes stranger things will happen to your breasts with pregnancy, including your areola getting larger which can be fixed along with the the mean time, try some exercises that strengthen the chest muscles, and it will help lift you a bit...
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Start lifting....your breasts won't get any bigger, but you'll build the muscle tissue up underneath....making the ladies look perkier.....and perkiness beats big, droopy, saggy ones any day of the week!
  • marybowldseddington
    marybowldseddington Posts: 71 Member
    Breast are more likely to change from pregnancy alone then as a result of breastfeeding. Genetics plays a much more important role in sagging then either pregnancy or nursing.

    I would hate to see a woman not breastfeed out of a myth that breastfeeding alone causes them to become saggy. If you are planning on having children and nursing then wait for the augmentation. It doesnt always damage milk ducts but it might.

    I am currently nursing my 14 month old and I can't see where any more damage is done nursing him compared to giving birth to my first child 24 years ago. I was blessed with good genetics in that dept. My cousin is much younger than me and is very thin but has extremely saggy breast tissue that was there even when she was nursing her first child.

    You are doing the best thing possible by getting to goal weight and then later gaining weight slowly through pregnancy. Rapid growth causes the breast tissue to stretch then when they are smaller naturally post partum and post nursing there is more likely to be stretched skin.

    From WEB MD

    Throughout your life -- and especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding – the size and shape of your breasts can change significantly. Breast size is determined by how much fatty tissue there is. Producing milk creates denser tissue in your breasts. After breastfeeding, both the fatty tissue and connective tissue in your breasts may shift.

    Your breasts may or may not return to their pre-breastfeeding size or shape. Some women's breasts stay large, and others shrink. But sagging or staying full can be as much a result of genetics, weight gain during pregnancy, and age as a result of breastfeeding.

    Will My Breasts Sag or Become Flat?

    When you are nursing, the flow of milk can stretch your breast skin and tissue. That leaves some women with an "empty" or "stretched out" look to their breasts when the milk producing structures shrink to the size they were before you got pregnant. It's a common cosmetic breast problem after breastfeeding, but it isn't a medical concern..

    Women often fear that breastfeeding will make their breasts sag. But a study in 2007 showed that breastfeeding itself is not the culprit. Other factors that can change your breast appearance more than breastfeeding include:

    BMI -- body mass index, a measure of your percentage of body fat
    The number of pregnancies you've had
    A large pre-pregnancy breast size
    A history of smoking

    Will Breastfeeding Cause My Breasts to Be Misshapen?

    Each breast is independent. So what happens to one breast during breastfeeding won't necessarily happen to the other. Breast engorgement while breastfeeding, for instance, which is caused by congested blood vessels in the breast, is common while breastfeeding. Once it's resolved, it may leave one breast slightly misshapen.

    Any dimpling or puckering of your breast may be a sign of a breast lump underneath and should be evaluated by your doctor.

    Do Asymmetric or Uneven Breasts Come From Breastfeeding?

    Breast tissue extends up toward your armpit. So as breast tissue swells with milk and then shrinks again after breastfeeding, the contours of your bust line may change.

    Many women have uneven breasts before becoming pregnant as well as after breastfeeding. It's possible for one breast to return to its pre-pregnancy size while the other stays larger, droops or flattens more. Some women end up with one breast a full cup size smaller or larger than the other after breastfeeding and simply learn to love the body that nourished their babies -- no matter what its shape.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Do you notice that after a significant amount of weight loss your boobs tend to lose there voluptuousness! I am seriously considering a breast lift and I haven't even had children yet. I lost 46 pound btw an I am the only one that notices this? I see celebrities on the tv all the time that lose a big amount of weight and they have no stretch marks, sagging skin etc.. I am doing something wrong or are these people having surgery?
    They'll never cop to surgery for their transformations. It will always be attributed to some BS diet that they claim did it for them or some "secret" workout program.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • yavrig
    yavrig Posts: 28
    Start lifting....your breasts won't get any bigger, but you'll build the muscle tissue up underneath....making the ladies look perkier.....and perkiness beats big, droopy, saggy ones any day of the week!

    HA! Lifting will NOT fix sagging boobies. It will not tighten your skin, it will do nothing but build some muscle underneath. Since women don't bulk up like men do, you will not be able to reverse a DDD to D boob loss by lifting weights. Saggy boobies will still be saggy.

    I'm getting all my skin nipped, tucked and lifted once I reach and maintain my goal for a year past having my last child (which we think we're done having). My doc says that will probably result in an additional 10-15lb loss and much better fitting clothes.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    When I lost 96lb my bewbs drastically reduced in size and it was wonderful. Plus they stayed up... whilst a fat girl is when they sagged... and now having gained back 76 the giant saggy bewbs are back, I''m looking forward to the smalification when I lose again.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Start lifting....your breasts won't get any bigger, but you'll build the muscle tissue up underneath....making the ladies look perkier.....and perkiness beats big, droopy, saggy ones any day of the week!

    HA! Lifting will NOT fix sagging boobies. It will not tighten your skin, it will do nothing but build some muscle underneath. Since women don't bulk up like men do, you will not be able to reverse a DDD to D boob loss by lifting weights. Saggy boobies will still be saggy.

    I'm getting all my skin nipped, tucked and lifted once I reach and maintain my goal for a year past having my last child (which we think we're done having). My doc says that will probably result in an additional 10-15lb loss and much better fitting clothes.

    Incorrect.. I went from a 42 DD to a 34 C - I had lost 95lb, I took up whitewater kayaking which gave me immensely strong pecs My boobs were perky. Work on your pecs and there's no need for evasive surgery. Kayaking was my way, I'm sure lifting would be similar in building the muscle needed to fix the sag.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Start lifting....your breasts won't get any bigger, but you'll build the muscle tissue up underneath....making the ladies look perkier.....and perkiness beats big, droopy, saggy ones any day of the week!

    HA! Lifting will NOT fix sagging boobies. It will not tighten your skin, it will do nothing but build some muscle underneath. Since women don't bulk up like men do, you will not be able to reverse a DDD to D boob loss by lifting weights. Saggy boobies will still be saggy.

    I'm getting all my skin nipped, tucked and lifted once I reach and maintain my goal for a year past having my last child (which we think we're done having). My doc says that will probably result in an additional 10-15lb loss and much better fitting clothes.

    Incorrect.. I went from a 42 DD to a 34 C - I had lost 95lb, I took up whitewater kayaking which gave me immensely strong pecs My boobs were perky. Work on your pecs and there's no need for evasive surgery. Kayaking was my way, I'm sure lifting would be similar in building the muscle needed to fix the sag.

    I see breasts every day in my line of work. I can promise you that NO amount of weight lifting can fix some women's breasts. Not everyone develops the perky little ski-slope breasts that you see in magazines & some of your girlfriends. Some of us went from NO bra to DDs in a summer...and other have breasts that are mismatched (one bigger/one smaller) or have who nipples point in awkward directions. Some just have empty bags of skin with nipples looking at the floor. The truth is that "perky" breasts aren't that common after the age of 20. Empty skin (post weight loss) is empty skin. If you've stretched that skin out with prior weight gain / breast feeding it may never recover, no matter how many weights you lift, because the ligaments which hold the breast up (Cooper's ligaments) are stretched beyond repair...just like stretch marks. Surgery or living with it are the only two realities for most women - myself included.

    I had a REDUCTION from 38G at age 24 , and now, my post-surgery perky boobs (which are back to full 40DDDs again) are beginning to deflate with even my modest weight loss. I have loose, crepe-papery skin beginning to show when I lay down (not helped by years of Florida sun) and they are definitely NOT where they were when I was 25 (not that I expected them to be). I will most likely end up with saggy, wrinkly things, comparatively speaking that will then, ironically, require a lift with implants.

    I can't say that I will miss having ginormous boobs (I've wished them off for years, obviously) but the irony of having to buy new ones......
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I'm seriously considering a "mommy makeover" in a few years....tummy tuck & breast lift.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    I have DD (sometimes DDD depending on bra) breasts that are deflating with weight loss. They are covered in stretch marks and the skin is getting very loose lose, especially at the top. I am going to work on moisturizing and doing firming exercises, but seeing as I have at least 40 more pounds to lose (likely more)...I have a feeling I am going to need some kind of surgical intervention down the line. For now, I am trying to work on anything non surgical I can do to get a better outcome. It's like we get sold this lie that if we lose weight we can have a great body. I feel like all I'll be left with is stretch marks and saggy skin. :(
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Start lifting....your breasts won't get any bigger, but you'll build the muscle tissue up underneath....making the ladies look perkier.....and perkiness beats big, droopy, saggy ones any day of the week!

    HA! Lifting will NOT fix sagging boobies. It will not tighten your skin, it will do nothing but build some muscle underneath. Since women don't bulk up like men do, you will not be able to reverse a DDD to D boob loss by lifting weights. Saggy boobies will still be saggy.

    I'm getting all my skin nipped, tucked and lifted once I reach and maintain my goal for a year past having my last child (which we think we're done having). My doc says that will probably result in an additional 10-15lb loss and much better fitting clothes.

    Incorrect.. I went from a 42 DD to a 34 C - I had lost 95lb, I took up whitewater kayaking which gave me immensely strong pecs My boobs were perky. Work on your pecs and there's no need for evasive surgery. Kayaking was my way, I'm sure lifting would be similar in building the muscle needed to fix the sag.

    I see breasts every day in my line of work. I can promise you that NO amount of weight lifting can fix some women's breasts. Not everyone develops the perky little ski-slope breasts that you see in magazines & some of your girlfriends. Some of us went from NO bra to DDs in a summer...and other have breasts that are mismatched (one bigger/one smaller) or have who nipples point in awkward directions. Some just have empty bags of skin with nipples looking at the floor. The truth is that "perky" breasts aren't that common after the age of 20. Empty skin (post weight loss) is empty skin. If you've stretched that skin out with prior weight gain / breast feeding it may never recover, no matter how many weights you lift, because the ligaments which hold the breast up (Cooper's ligaments) are stretched beyond repair...just like stretch marks. Surgery or living with it are the only two realities for most women - myself included.

    I had a REDUCTION from 38G at age 24 , and now, my post-surgery perky boobs (which are back to full 40DDDs again) are beginning to deflate with even my modest weight loss. I have loose, crepe-papery skin beginning to show when I lay down (not helped by years of Florida sun) and they are definitely NOT where they were when I was 25 (not that I expected them to be). I will most likely end up with saggy, wrinkly things, comparatively speaking that will then, ironically, require a lift with implants.

    I can't say that I will miss having ginormous boobs (I've wished them off for years, obviously) but the irony of having to buy new ones......

    A. I'm wondering what you do for a living that you look at boobs every day.
    B. Thanks for sharing about your reduction. Sometimes I wish mine were smaller, but I think I'll stick with what I've got.
  • dmkradty
    dmkradty Posts: 1 Member
    After I gained weight in high school (up to about 190 by graduation), and then got down to around 135 by late 20's, my stomach was forever ruined with saggy skin and stretch marks. I would never have a flat belly no matter what I did, so I knew at some point in the future I would get a tummy tuck and possibly a breast job. But I wanted to wait until after I had children because I knew what that can do to a woman's body, and I wanted to do the surgery just once. So, I had my children late (1st one at 39 and 2nd one on my 42nd birthday) and waited until I got to a comfortable weight I could maintain. I didn't get there until about three years after my second child was born, but when I did, I was ready and a long-awaited dream came true. I had a mommy makeover in May of 2011 at age 45. I had a full tummy tuck, breast lift and augmentation and lipo on my flanks. I LOVE the results. I'm not perfect by any means, but I have a flat stomach and proportioned body and I finally feel happy with my body. Well, actually I've gained about 10 pounds since the surgery, which is why I'm on MFP, but I'm working diligently at getting it off. I know that gaining 10 pounds is the high limit that you can gain after surgery without compromising your results, and I believe that is one of the reasons I have been able to keep it within the 10 pound limit. I can't say enough about how the surgery has changed how I feel about my body. Some people may be afraid of the scars, but for me they are NOTHING compared to how I feel in my clothes every day.
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I like to call mine flap jacks. :tongue: Since I've lost weight they have seemed to have gotten smaller and saggier. I assumed it was normal lol. I'd buy a pretty bra and spend that money on a vacation.
  • saminmio
    saminmio Posts: 44 Member
    O.k. everyone seems to look at this from the saggy vs. perky side. Question - do you have sensitive breasts that give you lots of pleasure when you fool around? If so, getting breast surgery whether a lift and especially implants may make that aspect of your life non existent. Before considering any surgery you really need to think about this and if so proceed slowly. Also there's supposed to be a new surgery where they put in a mesh type of inner bra that lifts you - I don't know the particulars but being 66 and having 3 children and breast fed I've thought about it too.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I swore I would never have a cosmetic procedure done, but I'm seriously considering a lift. Hubby told me that we could explore further when I got to my goal weight. Until then a cleavage enhancing bra works wonders ;)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Most celebrities in magazines or on TV are either enhanced through the wonderful world of computers (such as photoshop) or have had surgery. They "have to" look their "best" in the public's eye.

    On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with surgery, IMHO. There is such a stigma surrounding it, but most of it stems from misunderstanding.

    Having my surgery was one of the best decisions of my life, and I am very pleased with the results. They don't have to look like huge, perky stripper boobs when you're done...and I bet you know some people who have either been augmented or lifted and have no idea that it was done! Most surgeries of this kind, done properly, look so natural most people can't tell the difference. (unless, of course, the patient opted for that "larger than life" look, lol).
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    Last time I lost weight I rewarded myself with new boobs. I was 18 then, 27 now and I don't regret it for a minute. It really made me feel like a woman. Fast forward to now and I've lost 32 lbs so far. I know my boobs won't get any smaller and I love it. They are still perky as hell too. And to top it off my bf said to me that since I've lost weight my boobs look bigger. I love my fake boobs and I would recommend it to anyone that has that option. The guy I was dating when I got them was against it but I did it anyway and he ended up liking them, of course.
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    I had a reduction/lift from a 38F to a 38C, Best decision of my life. No regrets whatsoever.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Do you notice that after a significant amount of weight loss your boobs tend to lose there voluptuousness! I am seriously considering a breast lift and I haven't even had children yet. I lost 46 pound btw an I am the only one that notices this? I see celebrities on the tv all the time that lose a big amount of weight and they have no stretch marks, sagging skin etc.. I am doing something wrong or are these people having surgery?

    Have you seen them in the flesh with your own eyes or are you referring to air brushed photographs?
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I would have a breast lift or implants in a heartbeat if I could!!! I can't due to being on Coumadin and having a mechanical heart valve, but man I wish I could!!!!
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