Trouble losing belly fat :(



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    It's only been three weeks.

    Also, how do you burn 500 calories in a softball game? Do you sprint around the outfield the whole time? Maybe, maybe a competitive fast pitch pitcher would burn that much. That makes me suspect all of your other burn estimates.

    Well, I do a mixture of movements. I sprint on and off the field. I typically get on base every time so I'm running the bases, most of the time getting doubles or triples. I move a lot, running after ground balls or as a cut off out to the outfield. There are also other few instances where I'm running, whether its to first/third base to be the base coach or running after a foul ball that went over the fence.

    Maybe it is off but I base my calorie burn off my polar watch.

    you may want to eat back only half of those calories...

    I know that HRM's are supposed to be the most accurate for cardio, but I am not sure about a polar watch ....just my .02

    I don't eat back my calories at all though...

    OK - you should at least be netting the number that MFP is giving you you may want to consider eating half back ….