Low carb/low calorie weight loss issue

so I've been doing low carb and low calorie dieting for about 3-4 weeks. I've lost about 15 pounds. But I'm slowing gaining weight back. I just started exercising on Thursday but have been eating 2 protein shakes a day, almonds, a cup of strawberries, and red meat. Is this the reason why I'm gaining? Look at my food diary and let me know what u think. Help!!!!!


  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Your diary is closed...
  • mallory5385
    mallory5385 Posts: 45 Member
    Ok try now :)
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member

    When you start exercising your muscles might retain extra water. Your weight will naturally fluctuate several pounds in either direction depending on a number of factors. Even varying your carbohydrate intake by 50 grams can cause fluctuations due to the relationship between carbohydrate intake and water retention.

    If you are eating at a calorie deficit every day, it is unlikely you are regaining weight. If you weigh yourself every day and you have logged your food carefully and are maintaining a calorie deficit, an increase in your weight is due to normal fluctuations.

    Your body will shed a lot of water weight at the beginning of a low carb diet. Later in that first or second month it might seem like you are stalling, but you are probably still losing fat as your body adjusts to low carb. You just have to wait it out.

  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    If you started working out, then you're retaining water. It's not real weight gain. Just up the water and be patient.
  • mallory5385
    mallory5385 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank u everyone makes me feel a lot better about it
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    you also will not sustain that level of weight loss. it is all water weight at that level.

    make sure you WEIGH (not measure with cups unless its liquid) and log ALL your food
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    you also will not sustain that level of weight loss. it is all water weight at that level.

    make sure you WEIGH (not measure with cups unless its liquid) and log ALL your food

    It's not all water weight. Some of it is. I asked a similar question on the low carb forum recently and the answer I got was: you'll gain and lose water weight all the time throughout the month, whether you're on low carb or not. Doing low carb might give you a couple of extra pounds of water weight over not low carb, but not 15 pounds worth.

    If you'd like to join the low carb group it's here:
  • mwebster01
    mwebster01 Posts: 111 Member
    15 pounds in 1 month is way too fast to lose weight.a safe and reasonable weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds a week.u will keep it off.
    your body will fight against a drastic weight loss by going into starvation mode,and u will gain it back,maybe more.
    in your diary u r not eating leafy greens like spinach and collards,nor fresh fruit like apples and bananas.u should eat them for good nutrition.I only went back three days.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    15 pounds in 1 month is way too fast to lose weight.a safe and reasonable weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds a week.u will keep it off.
    your body will fight against a drastic weight loss by going into starvation mode,and u will gain it back,maybe more.
    in your diary u r not eating leafy greens like spinach and collards,nor fresh fruit like apples and bananas.u should eat them for good nutrition.I only went back three days.

    It is very common to lose a bunch of water weight when you first start out, especially doing low carb. As to the second part, no.

    OP, weight loss is not linear. New/increased exercise is one of several factors that can cause water retention.
  • mallory5385
    mallory5385 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm doing low carb because my doctor said I had to be on a low carb low calorie diet because my blood work results were in the low pre diabetic range. I've just lost that much doing what the doctor told me to do. I'm trying to incorporate more veggies I know I've been bad on that. Thank you everyone for all your help!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    15 pounds in 1 month is way too fast to lose weight.a safe and reasonable weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds a week.u will keep it off.
    your body will fight against a drastic weight loss by going into starvation mode,and u will gain it back,maybe more.
    in your diary u r not eating leafy greens like spinach and collards,nor fresh fruit like apples and bananas.u should eat them for good nutrition.I only went back three days.
    I'm afraid you're working with some outdated information, as "starvation mode" has been proven to be a myth.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    That doesn't sound like a very sustainable food plan for the long haul.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    That doesn't sound like a very sustainable food plan for the long haul.

    You know better than her doctor?
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    That doesn't sound like a very sustainable food plan for the long haul.

    Sorry; I forgot you're a certified doctor.

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    15 pounds in 1 month is way too fast to lose weight.a safe and reasonable weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds a week.u will keep it off.
    your body will fight against a drastic weight loss by going into starvation mode,and u will gain it back,maybe more.
    in your diary u r not eating leafy greens like spinach and collards,nor fresh fruit like apples and bananas.u should eat them for good nutrition.I only went back three days.

    Well if you had any sort of sense, you'd know that low carbing makes you drop water weight fast. The first 15lb's which dropped aren't all fat... she'd have to have a HUGE deficit for that.

    Btw stop spewing your misinformed information around the forums - starvation mode doesn't exist.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    That doesn't sound like a very sustainable food plan for the long haul.

    Maybe not the low calorie part, but low carb can be and is sustainable. I've been on it for almost two years now.

  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited May 2015
    That doesn't sound like a very sustainable food plan for the long haul.

    Maybe not the low calorie part, but low carb can be and is sustainable. I've been on it for almost two years now.

    Out of curiosity, what IS “low” carb? Grams / percentage-wise?

    I see nothing wrong at all with the OPs diet. Mine is about the same, except with more protein for my lifting. Why would that be unsustainable? :neutral:
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    That doesn't sound like a very sustainable food plan for the long haul.

    Maybe not the low calorie part, but low carb can be and is sustainable. I've been on it for almost two years now.

    Out of curiosity, what IS “low” carb? Grams / percentage-wise?

    I see nothing wrong at all with the OPs diet. Mine is about the same, except with more protein for my lifting. Why would that be unsustainable? :neutral:

    Depends on who you ask. Some say below 150g, some below 100g. Keto ranges 20g-50ish, depending on individual tolerance. Anything above 50g is simply just a choice in balancing carbs and fats to fill out macros after protein. Keto has other implications beyond that.
  • mallory5385
    mallory5385 Posts: 45 Member
    Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I've been trying to stay as close as 100 grams of carbs per day and under 1500 calories a day. Am I doing it wrong?
  • mallory5385
    mallory5385 Posts: 45 Member
    My doctor was specific on totals I've just been researching the totals online. Some I read for Atkins diet I guess I'm supposed to be under 30 grams of carbs, but when I read up on pre diabetic diets it says under 150 grams of carbs.