Gave up any tips for coming back?



  • sydkins432
    sydkins432 Posts: 12 Member
    The biggest game changer in my mind, was I stopped believing in an end date. I had always put it in my mind that ill do 90 days until vacation, or until the wedding, birthday etc. Once I realized that I could eat right most days, and mess up some days for the rest of my life, I began to relax.

    It was disheartening at first to not be pulling off the weight as quickly as everyone else does, but I realized I have the rest of my life to meet a goal and keep it. It helped me not be so hard on myself. Even if I'm not down those 20 pounds by vacation, I'm pretty sure ill still have a good time. Its a journey with lots of hills, just don't stop and set camp at one of the low points. You're always in control of every good and bad decision you make.

    You're strong, you can do this!! Looking at peoples before and afters also motivate me, because if they can, so can I! I also Youtube videos about exercising and success stories, and searching pinterest for recipes, trying to make it fun and basically a hobby to eat clean and workout.
  • CaliforniaRower
    CaliforniaRower Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you, @sydkins432 and everyone else, too.