Can I do cardio and weight lifting?

kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
edited May 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi All

I've been following the SL 5x5 plan (although not 100%) but at the weekend I purchased my own barbell/weights so I can do this at home in the evening as I feel better doing it at home than in the gym.

If I do the weights on the evening of Mon/Wed/Fri, can I still do cardio in between?

Please note though, I'm NOT doing Stronglifts to get strong fast, I'm quite happy at the weight I'm at now (which is not to taxing for me personally) and will probably increase weights 2-4 weeks as opposed to every workout....I'm doing SL's because I enjoy it and don;t feel the need to increase weights all the time!

I'm losing fat by sticking to a calorie deficit and have actually just started using MFP today as I normally follow weightwatchers but thought I'd try MFP.

So my workout routine would look like this:

Monday lunch: Cardio
Monday evening: Stronglifts along with some accessory workouts like mountain crawlers, ab crunches, lunges
Tuesday lunch: Bodypump Class
Wednesday: Cardio (or a rest day)
Wednesday evening; Stronglifts along with some accessory workouts like mountain crawlers, ab crunches, lunges
Thursday lunch: Insanity Class
Friday lunch: Cardio
Friday evening: Stronglifts along with some accessory workouts like mountain crawlers, ab crunches, lunges

My SL's weights for Barbell Row, Deadlifts, Overhead, Benchpress AND squats is 15kg which I know is low to some people but I am still in the "learning form" stage too so wouldn't go heavier until I'm comfortable.

Thanks, Kel


  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    That looks like a great week of workouts for you! Just be sure that everything you do aligns to your goals and be sure to give yourself a good solid day of rest! - Fail to plan, plan to fail - and I see a great plan here!
    You've got this!
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    Thanks for your response! Yeah I would definately listen to my body, I rest at the weekend - is this sufficient?

    My goals are to lose weight, feel confident and look good:

    I lose weight by eating on a calorie deficit
    I feel confident when I do workout's I enjoy
    And I look good, when I feel confident, after doing a workout I enjoy (if that makes sense)
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    In the SL5x5 literature there is talk about cardio... from memory it says try do weights and cardio on separate days otherwise do your weights before you do cardio. But I don't know personally how much difference it makes.

    Personally I just used to run and SL on alternate days and only occasionally found that one negatively impacted the other.
  • MollyBradford
    MollyBradford Posts: 14 Member
    Do whatever works for you! It's perfectly fine to lift and do cardio in my opinion. If it feels fine, it probably is. If you feel like it's starting to get to be too much, add another rest day. Just remember to listen to your body. Good luck!!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I think you have posted this schedule in the past, and for me, it looks way too much. Unless cardio is something really relaxed, like 30 minutes walking and unless you are really lifting at way below your full capacity. If you love the classes, do the classes, do not feel compelled to lift and do some extra cardio on top of the classes, you cannot have everything. Or decide to do lifting alternating with cardio for the next X weeks, then go back to the circuit type classes for a while and so on. Or figure some other program not demanding lifting 3 types per week. Or some other less demanding classes. Being a beginner (I think you mentioned starting a few months ago) in intense classes having also a strenght training part, then starting a new lifting program and wondering where to fit some cardio too, it is an accident waiting to happen. There are all sorts of classes and lifting routines and sports that can be combined, the ones you are doing sound like an overkill together.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm leaning toward the "it's too much" camp. absolutely no reason to be doing 2 a days with cardio and strength. I get that sometimes that's just the way it is- you have to miss a workout and you wind up with the chance to do one in the AM and one later- but there isn't a reason to SCHEDULE it that way for regular weekly training if you have no specific training goals.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'd add in the cardio over time and see how much you can handle. Also, the cardio you're looking at has strength elements in it, which may be an issue. Why not stick to something that is more pure cardio?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I tend to think that this is too much too. That's pretty much 5 days of cardio plus SL5x5. I would start out with SL5x5 and 2 days of cardio for now. If you are feeling good after a few weeks maybe add in another cardio session but I would try to keep at least one of those cardio days low-impact, something like walking.) For me, LISS cardio helps up my calorie burn without making me famished. Something heavier like bodypump or Insanity would make me super hungry which, when trying to lose weight, is not a good thing.
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    You CAN, however depends on your goals. If you want to lose WEIGHT then eat in deficit ---- If you want to lose fat lift weights Build muscle to burn FAT ---- If you want to increase your cardiovascular fitness then work on cardio.

    Most people have a huge misunderstanding of burning fat vs losing weight
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited May 2015
    This schedule sounds like a recipe for burnout or injury to me personally. You aren't giving your muscles any time to repair after lifting/strength, which is absolutely essential.

    Also, if you don't increase your weight (or your reps), then weight lifting will stop giving you results. Increasing weight isn't just about becoming super strong or hitting a certain goal, it is what causes the body recomposition and fat burning.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    OK, I knew some people would think this would be too much but if I said 1) I don't lift heavy and have no intension to lift 20kg,30kg,40kg etc over the next few months and 2) my cardio sessions are 30 minutes long and consist of rowing/crosstrainer or power walking - would this make a difference in thinking it was too much?

  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    I just love working out!
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    Here is what I say about too much. Listen to your body. I have been doing crossfit everyday for the past couple months and run every so often to work on my cardio distance and seldom take days off. Some days are less work than others. But just listen to your body and mind. Do what makes you happy and rock it!
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    I just want a nice routine that consists of weights and cardio...Before I became interested in weights, I did 2x bodypump classes a week and the treadmill/crosstrainer 3x times a week (5-6k) and I enjoyed it but that was before I discovered weights....

    Some might say I'm doing to much but its hard to find a routine that consists of what I enjoy without actually overdoing it!

  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    Sometimes I think its physcological with me too. I've spent my whole life not doing any exercise prior to Jan 2015 that if I miss a day I feel crap! Hence why doing the SL 5x5 3 times a week makes me feel "oh my goodness, how can I only work out 3x a week"....

    Of course I enjoy working out, both weights and cardio but as you can see I feel like I have to sandwich everything in and it doesn't help that I'm a "Bride to be" (in August) which puts more pressure on me to do MORE!!!

  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    The answer to your question is that yes, of course you can do cardio in addition to strength training. I think most people that lift weights do some form of cardio as well.

    However, I know from recent experience with two-a-days, you may find that it's too much. Like others have already said, listen to your body. If too much cardio is making you feel like crap or your lifts start to suffer, back off a bit.

    I prefer little to no cardio, but do what you enjoy.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    kmab1985 wrote: »
    I just want a nice routine that consists of weights and cardio...Before I became interested in weights, I did 2x bodypump classes a week and the treadmill/crosstrainer 3x times a week (5-6k) and I enjoyed it but that was before I discovered weights....

    Some might say I'm doing to much but its hard to find a routine that consists of what I enjoy without actually overdoing it!


    The problem is that Body Pump and Insanity classes aren't just steady state cardio. They are really more HIIT, which is great for you. But the problem is that HIIT is intended for both cardio AND strength training, so you're essentially tearing and straining your muscles every single day during the week. And that can be bad for your body, especially over a longer period of time.

    I totally get wanting to workout everyday, but you don't have to do everything every day, KWIM? Do cardio one day and SL the other, and maybe drop down to one intense class per week. So for example, you could do...
    Monday: SL in the evening
    Tuesday: cardio at lunch (and even cardio again in the evening if you like)
    Wednesday: Body Pump or Insanity
    Thursday: cardio at lunch (and even cardio again in the evening if you like)
    Friday: SL in the evening

    If you really want a second class, throw it in on Saturday morning and just take Sunday as a full rest day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I think you are substantially undervaluing rest; it is just as important to your fitness as the work. Also, nothing wrong with doing some cardio on non-lifting days, but I would avoid cardio that also involves resistance're seriously going to be over taxing your muscles and not getting anywhere near the benefits you could be getting.

    I do cardio on non-lifting days, but my cardio consists of riding my bike at a moderate pace. I take at minimum one day of rest and often two.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    @Stage14.... Thanks for your reply. Bodypump and Insanity are on a Tuesday and Thursday, therefore could I do

    Mon: SL in the evening
    Tuesday: Bodypump
    Wednesday: Rest Day
    Thursday: Insanity
    Friday: SL in the evening
    So I'd be reducing my SL's by 1!

    or should I just stop doing Stronglifts and find a weight programme that isn't so intense?