Most embarrassing place you have been sick



  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I have more of these stories than I care to admit, but the most mortifying was on a VERY hot and VERY crowded train over Labor Day weekend many years ago. The train made an unscheduled stop to get me off of it.
  • fallenoaks4
    fallenoaks4 Posts: 63 Member
    My husband has a story about a college friend - he was giving a girl oral and threw up. True story.
  • hotnumber
    hotnumber Posts: 222 Member
    On an airplane, coming back from England, ate some chocolate cake and had the runs all the way home
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm working on a boat never been seasick...once on a ferrie to England, clear weather no waves, was sick as hell & puked all over the place. Still regularly reminded by the wifey....
  • KTOneTwentyTwo
    KTOneTwentyTwo Posts: 315 Member
    I was 9yrs old taking a plan by myself to visit my dad.. I started to feel nauseous and was stuck in the middle. Told the man next to I wasn't feeling well.. He grabbed the puke bag right away. He wasn't fast enough.. Just missed his leg and puked all over myself.. 7hr flight was embarrassing.. Getting off the plane was even worse with comments from others "what is that smell??! Gross". Let's just say I never trusted my moms homemade pizza again..
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    edited May 2015
    This past Tuesday night, after the New Kids on the Block concert in the suite, open bar. I'd gone for a 10km run before and the only thing for me to eat in the suite was veggies. I ended up falling-down drunk, vomited all over myself and my friend's car (inside and out), and made them stop on the side of the highway where I removed my pants and continued to vomit for 30 minutes before they could finally get me back into the car and drive me home to my poor unsuspecting husband.

    Next day I had an appointment at the hospital an hour's drive away. Husband was at work and my car was still parked downtown. I had to call my mother in law to drive me, bucket and packet of wet-wipes in my lap.

    It's been almost a week and I still haven't recovered physically or mentally.

    So yeah. Beat that.

    (BTW, I've vowed not to drink for a year)

    ETA: no, I'm not newly of-age, I am almost 40 :neutral:
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    Katleskin wrote: »
    Out of a low pub window after drinking 10 pints of Stella - in front of my future husband. Classy!

    Love it

  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    After 20 years of me being a vegan my brother decided that when I was in NYC with my kido he and his wife would take me, my son, my dad, and my mom to the very nice veg restaurant in NYC. Seems I had come down with the flu. I felt off on the subway before we got there. I had two bites of food and then felt amazing sick. Someone was in their bathroom so with a place that was ALL windows I had zero choice or time. I ran out the front door and was bent over vomiting into the street in full view of all of the people (including my family) inside of the restaurant trying to eat their dinner for like 10 mins. It was horrid. Plus we were there to site see and all I did was stay on my brothers couch while my family explored NYC. This was like 6 years ago but it is still awful to think about.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I puked in a trash can right outside of a restaurant in full view of the people eating on the outside patio. Sorry guys. :(
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    edited May 2015
    double post
  • fat2fitshley
    fat2fitshley Posts: 50 Member
    In my lap at a bar.... I don't even remember it, but I've heard about it. And then a few times more when I got home after falling head first out of my H's truck. :lol:
  • a day I tried to go without my pain medication, (chronic pain, not addiction)
    it was a full day of keeping my grandmother company while she bought a new dress to go to a wedding in,
    we had lunch out and where walking around an expensive dress store when I just exploded, thankfully not on any dresses but they had no public bathroom so I spent a while in the janitor-ing area then was made to wait in the car,

    at least I missed the "does this dress make me look fat?" question : D
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Middle of my high school cafeteria; I threw up, passed out and then had a seizure.

    Yeah, high school was such a great time...
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    On the corner of 79th and Broadway, NYC. I had had my wisdom teeth out the day before, and after a day of resting and soft foods, I was feeling stir crazy in my apartment, so I decided to go to for a walk. Made it about six blocks, and suddenly was overcome by nausea. Vomited up scrambled eggs and jello into a garbage can on the corner.
  • McKittyJane
    McKittyJane Posts: 143 Member
    was at a Winter Jam concert when i was 12 or 13...during the last concert--Toby Mac--i was getting a migrane headache from the speakers (and we were in the nose bleeds), anyways i took off running, half was in trash can, rest was on me. Then i went to the restroom to get the rest out of my gut, took my ring off and set it on top of the TP holder then left without it. First real piece of jewelery i ever had, made me super mad.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    In first grade I threw up in front of a boy I had a crush on while we were dancing in music class.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    On my bosses bathroom floor!! Embarrassing!!(I was young then so wasn't as nearly embarrassed as I would be now!)
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    i dont know if this counts as 'sick' but we were rehearsing for the school play, final scene with everyoen on stage. i do a massive sneeze and a massive amount of green snot goes flying out of my nose and is hanging off my face. while it was embarassing, im so glad it was only at rehearsal and not the actual performance!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    I *kitten* my pants running the floor on a fast break in a HS basketball game...
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    edited June 2015
    Double post