How do you stick with it?



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    What has worked for me is to add one new habit or goal at a time. I spend three or four weeks mastering something and then I add another challenge or try to get more precise about some particular aspect of my diet or fitness.

    I weigh every day so that I have concrete data about how I am doing. I don't let myself slip up more than a couple of pounds.

    Counting calories IS annoying at first, but once you have been doing it for a while, it becomes second nature. Do you check in on Facebook every day? Tracking/planning your food and exercise every day takes about the same amount of time. I lost 55 pounds before I changed my diet at all. I really did not want to have to track, but I hit a wall that I couldn't climb over without the aid of tracking. I have been tracking for something like three years now and it has taught me SO much about what actually works for my body. That is such valuable information to have at your disposal.

    It sounds like food is your solution to boredom. So, figure out some ways to make your life more interesting which don't revolve around food. Could you go back to school? Take an interesting class? Explore a new hobby?