Looking for a little motivation...

Ok - so I started using a PT a few weeks back (I've had 6 sessions with him) and I told him I didn't care about weight, just wanted to be healthy and strong - he's taken me at my word and I started out at 10st 11, after 2 weeks was 10st13 and am still there - buuut I've dropped 10.3% body fat and inches from my waist/legs/arms... so I'm just trying to tell myself I've done good... but I still have that old mantra of the scales are going in the wrong direction, so it must be bad... anyone else had similar experiences and if so, how did you get past it?


  • carrazo
    carrazo Posts: 17 Member
    carrazo wrote: »
    Ok - so I started using a PT a few weeks back (I've had 6 sessions with him) and I told him I didn't care about weight, just wanted to be healthy and strong - he's taken me at my word and I started out at 10st 11, after 2 weeks was 10st13 and am still there - buuut I've dropped 10.3% body fat and inches from my waist/legs/arms... so I'm just trying to tell myself I've done good... but I still have that old mantra of the scales are going in the wrong direction, so it must be bad... anyone else had similar experiences and if so, how did you get past it?

  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member
    I'm not at that stage yet but I think I'll be reaching it soon. I'm slowly dropping weight and also body fat. The way I stay focused is by taking measurements and pictures once a week. Admittedly the difference may not be huge week on week but seeing a change keeps me on track. For me I'm looking at losing inches from my belly but putting inches on my chest. It's great to hear you've dropped that much body fat, that's incredible results and please don't get discouraged as it sounds like you're doing an amazing job & should be proud of your achievements so far! I've sent a FR and would like to continue seeing your progress and help support / motivate it possible if you feel like this again, :)