Cardio VS weight lifting



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Which shows results faster, which has the most impact? What worked for you

    First off what do you mean by "results"? How are you measuring those "results"?

    If you are starting off aerobically unfit and without much muscle strength then you can show quick improvements in both areas.

    You have to first decide YOUR goals and then select your diet and exercise plan to support you in getting to those goals.

    When I was primarilly focussed on an endurance cycle challenge my cardio took priority and recomp took a back seat. So that was a mixture of low and high intensity cardio three times a week with weight training secondary twice a week to maintain strength.

    Now I've completed my cycle event I've flipped it round to 3 x strength workouts and 2 x cardio as my focus has changed to a recomp.

    Both cardio and resistance training are important for health.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Which shows results faster, which has the most impact? What worked for you

    Eating at a deficit.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    HIIT and a lifting program that fits your goals and you find enjoyable, for me, HIIT everyday for 30-40 mins and PHAT :)
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    Cardio and Resistance Training are BOTH important. Do both to see the best results. No Joke, anyone telling you otherwise is just not giving you the truth. You can reduce weight using either, but what good is strength without endurance and what good is endurance without strength? I want both. If you can lift 250 lbs but can't run around the block without getting winded what good is that? If you can run 10 miles but strain your back bringing in the groceries you have problems...Do both.

    Cardio improves the cardiovascular system (who could use a healthier heart??? all of us) and burns calories which keeps you in a constant calorie deficit. That is a GOOD thing.

    But resistance training builds bone density (really important to women as they age) and muscle which increases metabolism. This helps you burn fat more efficiently and keeps it from returning to your body...who wants to get fat again?

    Long story short. Do both for the best results and best health.
    Totally agree with you!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Why would you want to just do one or the other...
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Bump for later reading. I have been basically only doing cardio and even though I lost a good amount of weight and I am smaller.. I am still the same pudgy shape in the belly area.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    Both you are into your vanity pounds now and may not get the look you want from doing just one.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Why would you want to just do one or the other...

    Exactly. When I started working out, I did a lot of full-body combination workouts. I always did cardio and strength training (with dumbbells at first). Then I did weights only, and didn't lose scale weight, but lost body fat. I still want to lose 35 pounds (like, on the scale), so I'm still doing more cardio than weights. I suppose if I want to focus on losing body fat and defining muscle, I will do more weight training (or much heavier with low reps, that is).
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Cardio did nothing for me. Once I started weight training my body changed, I lost weight with cardio but didn't look anywhere near as good as I look now.
  • MasterKat
    MasterKat Posts: 149
    Cardio and Resistance Training are BOTH important. Do both to see the best results. No Joke, anyone telling you otherwise is just not giving you the truth. You can reduce weight using either, but what good is strength without endurance and what good is endurance without strength? I want both. If you can lift 250 lbs but can't run around the block without getting winded what good is that? If you can run 10 miles but strain your back bringing in the groceries you have problems...Do both.

    Cardio improves the cardiovascular system (who could use a healthier heart??? all of us) and burns calories which keeps you in a constant calorie deficit. That is a GOOD thing.

    But resistance training builds bone density (really important to women as they age) and muscle which increases metabolism. This helps you burn fat more efficiently and keeps it from returning to your body...who wants to get fat again?

    Long story short. Do both for the best results and best health.

    AGREE AGREE AGREE.....:smile:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Cardio vs weightlifting is the question......the answer is cardio + weightlifting. They compliment each other.......
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I do both.

    Cardio leans me out and lifting gives me muscle.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Why would you want to just do one or the other...

    I agree but a lot of people on this board will tell you that cardio is absolutely useless and lifting is the one and the ONLY way to go. (They'll also throw in the fact that you're not a "special snowflake" and that what works for them works for everyone.)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member



    Also, this is the correct answer:
    Cardio and Resistance Training are BOTH important. Do both to see the best results. No Joke, anyone telling you otherwise is just not giving you the truth. You can reduce weight using either, but what good is strength without endurance and what good is endurance without strength? I want both. If you can lift 250 lbs but can't run around the block without getting winded what good is that? If you can run 10 miles but strain your back bringing in the groceries you have problems...Do both.

    Cardio improves the cardiovascular system (who could use a healthier heart??? all of us) and burns calories which keeps you in a constant calorie deficit. That is a GOOD thing.

    But resistance training builds bone density (really important to women as they age) and muscle which increases metabolism. This helps you burn fat more efficiently and keeps it from returning to your body...who wants to get fat again?

    Long story short. Do both for the best results and best health.

    This thread is over now.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Why is it always cardio vs. weightlifting? Or cardio OR weightlifting?

    They aren't mutually exclusive and if anything, if you are close to goal weight, lifting with a small deficit is going to give you the best results body composition wise, cardio being purely preferential.

    - Pick up New Rules of Lifting for Women, read it, follow it
    - Find out your TDEE, eat about 0.5-1lb less in calories per week
    - Eat at least 100g of protein
    - Eat at least 0.3g fat per lb of bodyweight
    - Do cardio when you feel like it (preferably short HIIT sessions a couple times a week if your schedule is tight or some longer LISS sessions on a bike... no running a marathon three times a week... or really anything much over a couple miles or 20-30min)
    - Track your food as accurately as possible, weigh, measure everything that goes in your mouth
    - Do this for 6-8 weeks and ENJOY!

    PS DON'T YOU DARE POST A THREAD IN 1-2 WEEKS COMPLAINING ABOUT GAINING WEIGHT. 1) Its water retention in your muscles from lifting heavy things 2) It will eventually go away and sometimes pop up again when you least expect it. 3) Make sure you're eating, don't be afraid to actually eat, oh yeah, and EAT.

    PPS The cellulite mystery still eludes me, all I know is that mine has gotten better/less noticeable as I've dropped body fat and been lifting. Anecdotal evidence, completely, but as long as its not getting worse, I'll keep doing my thing.

    I ❤ you. Every bit of this.

    Edit to add: People need to stop focusing on what gives the fastest results. Things don't happen overnight!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    Just like the commercial says, "and" is so much better than "or". It's like having sweet or sour chicken.
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    both! i love cardio for greedy foodie reasons... i burn a bunch of calories and then i can eat more.
  • Scrogglez
    Scrogglez Posts: 26 Member
    Do u even lift bro?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I am the CARDIO QUEEN,