Staying motivated

It's hard to find the time each day to do workouts. With each day being so different I am finding it difficult fitting it in. Found myself running at 10:30pm. Anyone have good cardio other than running? My hips are not very good.


  • meghanttu08
    meghanttu08 Posts: 158 Member
    Welcome! What about elliptical? Sometimes I do weights that it feels like cardio!! Mountain climbers and blurpies will get your heart rate up. Jumping jacks, Zumba will help too!
  • lisatumblebunnies142
    lisatumblebunnies142 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Megan!! I'm going to try walking on an incline. When I was in circadian I couldn't believe how hard it was to walk up the mountain. I will try the elliptical and see what I think. Thank u for responding!!!

    It's hard to find the time each day to do workouts. With each day being so different I am finding it difficult fitting it in. Found myself running at 10:30pm. Anyone have good cardio other than running? My hips are not very good.
    It's hard to find the time each day to do workouts. With each day being so different I am finding it difficult fitting it in. Found myself running at 10:30pm. Anyone have good cardio other than running? My hips are not very good.

  • meghanttu08
    meghanttu08 Posts: 158 Member
    Walking at an incline helps too!! It will tone your legs and butt fast!
  • lisatumblebunnies142
    lisatumblebunnies142 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi megan! Thank you for replying. I think j will try walking on an incline. When I was in circadian I couldn't believe how hard it wS to walk up the mountain I hiked on. I will also try elliptical. Thanks for your suggestion.
  • lisatumblebunnies142
    lisatumblebunnies142 Posts: 5 Member
    Meant Colorado
  • lisatumblebunnies142
    lisatumblebunnies142 Posts: 5 Member
    On a mission sister to get er done sick of not fitting in my clothes. Need more energy too and being active every day in some way is so helpful for that.
  • jmmont0814
    jmmont0814 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all its hard to find time to work out!! I totally agree. I am love with my TRX bands they allows me to work out at home or on the go. I travel for work and they if in my bag. Also I have jump rope that's amazing cardio!! Hope this helps