Weird/Random/Little Known Facts about yourself



  • Supastarrnikki
    1. My toe nails are always painted some shade of pink. Usually Bright Pink. Sometimes with sparkles, sometimes with little flowers, or little rhinestones or sometimes even just plain.
    2. I suck my thumb at night. It's a comfort thing, and I can't help it.
    3. I cannot stand the sound of a dog chewing on a rubber toy, or a child biting on their pacifier or bottle nipple. (You know that squeaking noise?) It's the absolute worst noise ever and it makes me cringe even after they stop.
    4.I sleep sideways on my queen bed when I'm by myself.
    5. I hate going places alone. It gives me anxiety..
  • Supastarrnikki
    1. I've died & been revived twice
    2. I can dislocate my shoulder at will
    3. My eyes turn from blue to brown randomly
    4. I have a degree in Law

    A few slices there

    You must have some cool eyes!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    3. My eyes turn from blue to brown randomly

    Mine turn from blue to green.

    -I've only ever been in one relationship, when I was 25, which lasted 2.5 years
    -I was adopted from birth, after I was supposed to be aborted
    -I say I'm allergic to fish/seafood, but I'm not sure if I am, or if I just hate it so much I make myself sick
    -I have a massive sugar addiction
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    im batman
  • AdriSaysRelax
    I'm not really a kitty

    WTF?!!? ::mind is blown:: ;)

    1. The idea of pregnancy creeps me the eff out, though I love and want kids. Something growing inside of you and then ripping its way out of your loins??!? Yea...thanks, but no thanks.
    2. I can't sleep on my back unless I'm so exhausted I fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed, or have been chloroformed.
    3. In love with BBC detective Series. Luther, Wallander, Sherlock, etc.
    4. I love sci-fi and I've never seen Star Wars all the way through.
    5. Think a nice set of eyebrows on a dude are dead sexy. ( Think Colin Farell.)
    6. Can never tell when someone's flirting. I just assume folk are extra kind.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    6. Can never tell when someone's flirting. I just assume folk are extra kind.

    Same here. Hubby says he can see people flirting with me but im oblivious.
  • AdriSaysRelax
    im batman

    You trust us so much!

    :: starts letter to arkham asylum:: dear aunty ivy, guess who I found?
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    im batman

    You trust us so much!

    :: starts letter to arkham asylum:: dear aunty ivy, guess who I found?

    Sometimes the best place to hide is out in the open ;)
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    16. I went to 13 different schools before graduating high school, a result of having divorced parents and a father in the military.

    17. Because I moved around so much, it was really hard for me to make friends.

    18. I LOVE children. All ages, all backgrounds, I love em all.

    19. I am the oldest of 4. I'm 20 years older than my youngest brother.

    20. Because of my childhood and love for tots, I want to do something to help kids in my life. There are so many that would succeed if they just had somebody to encourage them and tell them it was possible!
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    16. I went to 13 different schools before graduating high school, a result of having divorced parents and a father in the military.

    17. Because I moved around so much, it was really hard for me to make friends.

    18. I LOVE children. All ages, all backgrounds, I love em all.

    19. I am the oldest of 4. I'm 20 years older than my youngest brother.

    20. Because of my childhood and love for tots, I want to do something to help kids in my life. There are so many that would succeed if they just had somebody to encourage them and tell them it was possible!

  • taliasometimes
    taliasometimes Posts: 301 Member
    I cry at night thinking about all the stray cats
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    My eyes turn an intense blue when I'm very happy or have been crying.
    My hair went from board straight to wavy and now ringlets are coming in.
    As a kid, I tanned super dark easily. Then for nearly 20 years, I couldn't tan well and now I'm back to being able to get super tan.