lacking protein



  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I add tofu and peas to most meals.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Lola2248 wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    It's unnecessary to avoid meat, or red meat... Unless you have a very specific medical condition. Eggs per se, most likely don't give you migraines.

    Don't go by ratios or recommended percentages. There is a scientific target protein and dietary fat range, unique to you. Research.

    Eggs, bananas and yoghurt are all migraine triggers, especially for me.
    I chose not to eat red meat, but forec down white meat and fish.
    I get my % from MFP.

    As a chronic migraine sufferer who's been handed countless lists of trigger foods by neurologists and other specialists, I'm surprised to see yogurt on your list. I would encourage you to try yogurt that doesn't have aspartame or any other "fake" sweetener in it, as that's more likely the culprit than the yogurt itself.

    If those things are going to be triggers for you, totally get it, avoid them like the plague.

    Some high protein foods you should definitely stock up on though: lentils, chickpeas, beans of any kind, rice/pasta has a surprisingly high protein count depending on the brand, cottage cheese, greek yogurt (it's processed differently, so worth a try), etc.
  • Lola2248
    Lola2248 Posts: 126 Member
    As a chronic migraine sufferer who's been handed countless lists of trigger foods by neurologists and other specialists, I'm surprised to see yogurt on your list. I would encourage you to try yogurt that doesn't have aspartame or any other "fake" sweetener in it, as that's more likely the culprit than the yogurt itself.

    If those things are going to be triggers for you, totally get it, avoid them like the plague.

    Some high protein foods you should definitely stock up on though: lentils, chickpeas, beans of any kind, rice/pasta has a surprisingly high protein count depending on the brand, cottage cheese, greek yogurt (it's processed differently, so worth a try), etc.

    Yes I was suffering terribly with them so was advised of a trigger free diet for two weeks and then to add back certain known trigger foods.

    I can eat 1 yoghurt, and be fine. But I Couldn't eat eggs for breakfast and yoghurt after lunch today, and not get a migraine.

    Greek yoghurt is a little better so will try and factor that in my diet.

    Am looking more in to protein shakes now, as they could help.

    I only questioned all of this as if I don't up my protein, my carbs are ridiculously high. I don't want a low carb diet, but more around the 50 % mark at the end my day would be good!