Haven't been honest with MFP....or myself

I began trying to get healthier almost a month ago and was doing great up until two weeks ago. I fell off track when I went to a Chinese buffet on mothers day...and I haven't gotten back on track since. I also hadn't been accounting for all my calories either. If I eat more than I should I end up being to shameful to log what it was and how much. I'm even more ashamed that I've been lying and now I'm praying that I can use this shameful post as a motivational tool to move forward and do better.


  • mlpettit
    mlpettit Posts: 15 Member
    The most important thing is to not punish yourself, because you'll get into a cycle of self-destruction. Forgive yourself, pick yourself back up, and continue as did the first couple of weeks. Good luck!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015

    All I can say is that you have not set up your mind up to make a long term commitment to loose weight, eat healthier and maybe even add some exercise into your life. And moreover, live a longer, healthier life and even get a new you in the process.

    Once you have made in a commitment up stairs (in your mind), the rest does follow suit. Have you ever heard the saying, you can do anything you set your mind to?

    Well this statement applies to everything ... I mean everything you do in life.. No need in shamming... get right back up and rethink a new plan and move forward.
  • lavs21
    lavs21 Posts: 11 Member
    So true gia! Thanks I take that for myself!
  • KHS86
    KHS86 Posts: 29 Member
    mlpettit wrote: »
    The most important thing is to not punish yourself, because you'll get into a cycle of self-destruction. Forgive yourself, pick yourself back up, and continue as did the first couple of weeks. Good luck!

    This ^^

    Never take on the victim role, you messed up! But EVERY single person in the world does that sometimes, we all mess up, we all fail, but failure is a stepping stone to success if you learn from it.

    ... "Both winners and losers fail, but the difference between winners and losers is that the winner gets back up and does it again and again."

    Here is a recipe for success, FREE!

    Write down your goal
    Make a mental picture of how that goal will look like when it's achieved
    Now ask yourself "What is the price of achieving this goal?"
    Last... Resolve to pay the price no matter the cost.

    Congratulations, now it's only a matter of time before you get what you want.

    The law of cause and effect says so, and you can't argue with the laws of nature.
  • itsMcKay
    itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
    edited May 2015
    Best thing you can do for yourself is what you're doing right now. You can't lie to yourself and expect anything to change. So I'm giving you a virtual high-five for accountability and honesty! Great step in the right direction.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and consider it the past making a commitment to yourself to log everything - good and bad - at least that way you can look back and see patterns of what works and what doesn't. It's going to be hard at first, set a reasonable rather than over ambitious deficit to start with so you don't feel deprived and you'll soon start seeing and feeling a difference in yourself!
  • Gregg8322
    Gregg8322 Posts: 47 Member
    The good thing is that if you did great at one time you can do it again. You posting this and acknowledging that you fell off the horse shows you haven't given up. Just gotta get back on that horse.